
Getting on high ground near main entrance
Difficulty: Hard

Ok, we're starting with a hard jump. Thisone is kinda tricky, because there isn't much space to land on at the window. I'm sure it will happen many times that you land on the wooden plank and you fell of again immediately. Once you're finally on it you still need to get on the other side of the roof which isn't as easy as it looks like in the beginning. Then at the end you need a good strafe to the mast and stop in time so you don't fall off. Well, good luck. :P Thanks to {Just-Me} for this cool demo where you can see how you can camp the Allies at their first spawn by getting from the roof of the villa on the wire masts.

Download radar_tj_jm_10.dm_84

Getting on top of the roof of the roadside shack
Difficulty: Easy ++

Very cool camping spot by Obito. This is a nice jump, you need to jump against the roof and get enough speed to reach the top. It might be annoying in the beginning, but it isn't hard.

Download Obito^-GuardHouseTop-radar.dm_84

Getting on the wire masts near the roadside shack
Difficulty: Easy ++

In this demo by {Just-Me} you can see how you can get from the roof of the roadside shack onto the wire masts. This is similar to the previous jump, but thisone goes a bit further. You need 2 (strafe)jumps to get on the second mast. A normal jumper should be able to do this trick.

Download radar_tj_jm_06.dm_84

High ground camping spot for the side route
Difficulty: Easy ++

Interesting spot by GarRaz*NM. No enemy would expect you there, that's for sure! This is a great jump and not that hard, though! There are 2 ways to do this trick:
1. You use a little strafejump from the left (bunkerside).
2. You slide a bit on the hill and then you turn, jump et voila!

Download radar_camp_side_route[garraz].dm_84

Jumping on ledge above passage to main entrance
Difficulty: Easy
This jump lets you camp the area near the truck and main entrance- great for panzer! Thanks to
Ragnar-X- for this screenshot.

Download not available yet

Camping the Allies at the main entrance
Difficulty: Easy

Camping the Allies... Only a little strafejump is needed. Thanks to Obito^ for the demo!

Download Obito's^-radar.dm_84

Getting on top of the main entrance
Difficulty: Easy ++

Crazy trickjump by GarRaz*NM to get on top of the main entrance, he does the easy way of the jump.

Download radar_on_main[garraz].dm_84

Getting on top of the main entrance (Axis side)
Difficulty: Easy ++

In this demo by {Just-Me} you can see how you can get on top of the main entrance at the Axis side.... The "hardest" part is to do a strafejump from the lamp to get far enough to land on the other lamp.

Download radar_tj_jm_15.dm_84

Getting on high ground near main entrance
Difficulty: Easy

This is a very useful strafe jump that you can use if you are currently on low ground near the main entrance and want to get to high ground. It's an easy jump, but the surface is a little bit buggy. You might experience a blocking part in it. I prefer to do this jump from the side, so you're actually walking on the bug so it won't block you. Thanks to Obito^ for the second demo!

Download radar_mainentrance.dm_84
Download Obito's1-radar.dm_84
Obito^ also made an interesting demo where he combined several trickjumps starting with this jump to steal the east radar parts: Download Obito^ToEastRadar-radar.dm_84

MG watchtower roof and radar
Difficulty: Medium ++

{Just-Me} shows you how you can get on the roof of the MG watchtower and from there to the radar nearby, here is what he can tell you about this jump: "I like jumping on that tower! The trick is to jump with enough speed against the stone edge near the radar which bounces you up. Note, you can only stay on the top of the roof, because the sloping roofpart will make you slide off the buidling. Then you need a strafejump to get on the radar, but there is only one side which you're able to stand on. Good luck."

Download radar_tj_jm_02.dm_84

Jumping to the west radar parts (A)
Difficulty: Easy

For this, you have to back up as high as you can and then do a 2-part bunny hop to get to higher ground.

Download radar_jump.dm_84

Jumping to the west radar parts (B)
Difficulty: Hard

{Just-Me} shows you that you can jump upwards from lower ground to the West radar parts as well.... another hard trick. This is about gaining speed and good aiming. You need to get enough speed with a single (or double) bunnyhop, then you jump against a slopy stone which gets you just about high enough to get on the higher ground.

Download radar_tj_jm_07.dm_84

Jumping to the east radar parts
Difficulty: Medium ++

In this demo by {Just-Me} you can see how you can jump upwards from lower ground to the east radar parts.... This Jump is practical the same as the previous one, but a bit easier. You don't have to gain max speed to reach the goal.

Download radar_tj_jm_12.dm_84

Jumping to the west parts from high ground
Difficulty: Easy ++

Great demo for jumping across this gap to get to the west radar parts. Very useful to know - thanks to Pzych0 for sending this jump, which can be done in many ways, but it isn't hard. GarRaz*NM has also sent in demos with three variations of getting over this gap!

Download Radar-WestSingleJump.dm_84
Download backtowest.dm_84, backtowest2.dm_84 and backtowest3.dm_84.

The demo by {Just-Me} shows you the jump from every direction:
Download radar_tj_jm_03.dm_84 and radar_tj_jm_28.dm_84

And finally demos from Obito^:
Download Obito^-ToWest-radar.dm_84 and Obito's4-radar.dm_84

Jumping to the east parts from high ground
Difficulty: Easy

You just need a normal strafe to do it. Pretty similar jump to the west radar jump. Again, this is a useful jump to know so you can get around quickly. Thanks to Pzych0 for sending 2 versions of this jump - one as a single jump and one as a double jump:

Download Radar-EastSingleJump.dm_84
Download Radar-EastDoubleJump.dm_84

{Just-Me} also sent in three versions of this jump: Download radar_tj_jm_11.dm_84, radar_tj_jm_26.dm_84 and radar_tj_jm_27.dm_84.

Obito^ also sent in demos of this jump: Download Obito's2-radar.dm_84 and Obito's3-radar.dm_84

Getting up to the Axis door at side entrance
Difficulty: Easy ++

This demo by {Just-Me} shows you an especially for Covert Ops interesting jump which allows you to get up to the Axis door at side entrance. Maybe this rating is a little bit too low, but it is easier than it looks. Many people are jumping too close to the building, while it is much easier when you jump earlier. I can't explain that well, but just have a look at the demo.

Download radar_tj_jm_16.dm_84

Camping the Allies at the Side Entrance
Difficulty: Easy ++

Interesting camping spot by {Just-Me} to camp the Allies at the side entrance, here is his description: "When I tried this jump the first time, I tried it very hard, but I didn't do it the right way. You need to find a good spot on the fence which allows you to jump instead of blocking your jump."

Download radar_tj_jm_21.dm_84

Panzer camping spot near side entrance
Difficulty: Easy --

This is a nice spot you can panzer from which is really high above the path from the side entrance to the east parts. No jumping required... ;) Thanks to *PzZy for this demo.

Download PzZy8.dm_84

Moving fast from the side entrance area to the east radar parts
Difficulty: Easy

Nice demo of jumping down this hill by {Just-Me}: "Yea, I like this speedgaining jump. :) When you watch the demo, you can see that I slide over the floor a little bit which boosts me a bit. It isn't easy, but a good way to get near the radar quickly and less change hitting any mines."

Download radar_tj_jm_22.dm_84

Jumping on the garage roof
Difficulty: Easy ++

This is a CSJ that lets you get to the east radar without stepping on any mines, by jumping on top of the garage roof. Screenshot by Ragnar-X-, and demos by [G-TAP]Genocide), GarRaz*NM, {Just-Me} and Obito^. There are many ways to do this jump. You have the single one: One good strafejump onto the roof. Then you have a single bunnyjump which is easier already and you have a double ore triple bunnyjump which might be easier if you don't have any problems with big heights...

Download geno_trick_jump_radar.dm_84 (Geno's version), rooftop.dm_84 (Garraz's version), radar_tj_jm_23.dm_84 ({Just-Me}'s version) and Obito's7-radar.dm_84 (Obito's version).

From the garage roof to the west radar parts
Difficulty: Medium

This is a lovely jump. You just bunnyhop from the garage to a tent which bounces you up to the highground near the west radar.Thanks to {Just-Me} for the demo.

Download radar_tj_jm_25.dm_84

Camping under the roof of the garage
Difficulty: Easy ++

Camping spot in the garage from {Just-Me}. The thing is, you have to use a strafejump, bounce against the tank and hold the crouchbutton in the air in a little time. Hmm, maybe I should have rated it medium...

Download radar_tj_jm_13.dm_84

Camping at the second Axis spawn
Difficulty: Easy

In this demo by {Just-Me} you can see a camping spot, where you can hide at the second Axis spawn. Nothing hard about this.

Download radar_tj_jm_24.dm_84

Good camping spot for panzer
Difficulty: Medium


Here's a cool "jump", submitted by Ragnar-X-. It's a pretty easy jump, you don't even really have to jump. Heh, falling down, couldn't be easier... :P Just start going down the slide, and then walk off of it to your left, and you'll land on the little platform. It may come in handy for camping the axis spawn. You can also do this jump upwards starting on the ground, though.. It takes some work to get into this spot, but it can come in pretty handy for camping the axis spawn.

Download radar_abovespawn.dm_84

Camping spots
Difficulty: Easy

This is an awesome collection of camping spots by GarRaz*NM. Very clever spots, definitely worth checking out! Nice spots, but not hard. Nice to know these.

Download radar_camp1.dm_84
Download radar_camp2.dm_84
Download radar_camp4.dm_84
Download radar_camp6.dm_84
Download radar_camp7.dm_84
Download radar_camp8.dm_84

Standing on top of the Axis spawn
Difficulty: Easy ++

This lets you get on top of the roof of the 2nd Axis spawn and can be done in many different ways. A normal jumper shouldn't think this as a hard jump. You just need to know how to get up. The roof is slippy (duhh), but the little roofs are not. Make use of that. Thanks to DX_SteelPhoenix, *PzZy, failed.InFlames, {Just-Me} and Obito^, who all sent in demos:

Download PzZy6.dm_84
Download axisroof.dm_84
Download radar_roofcamping.dm_84
Download radar_tj_jm_00.dm_84
Download radar_tj_jm_18.dm_84
Download Obito's6-radar.dm_84

Jumping safely down from the roof of the second Axis spawn
Difficulty: Easy

It's possible to jump down from the roof of the Axis warehouse without getting hurt... You only need a good aming and a nice falling skill. :P

Download radar_tj_jm_20.dm_84 and roofdown.dm_84. Here, GarRaz*NM shows you how to move fast from the rooftop to the radar parts: rooftowest.dm_84

Getting safely down from under the roof of the second Axis spawn
Difficulty: Easy

GarRaz*NM shows you here how to jump safely down from under the roof of the second Axis spawn. So you can go down from there without using the slide or the ladder. Nice to know (again). No big skills needed.

Download escape2.dm_84

Panzer camping spot near Axis spawn
Difficulty: Easy ++

Some fancy footwork by {Just-Me}, who sent this demo! The only thing is, this spot doesn't provide much cover, but at least hopefully most people wouldn't think to look there! You can use a big strafe or 2 small jumps. I prefer the big strafe, because you won't get the problem hitting the wooden beam.

Download radar_tj_jm_05.dm_84

Camping spot in a tree near the second Axis spawn
Difficulty: Medium ++

Also in radar there are trees where you can stand on.... This one is tricky. Slide on the roof, jump at the right moment and move slightly to the left. Then you get on the tree. You have 4 options:
1. Bunnyhop to the second tree with the speed you still have.

2. Stand still and strafe into the other tree.
3. Stay where you are.
4. Fall down. :P

Download radar_tj_jm_19.dm_84

Camping in the second Axis spawn
Difficulty: Easy ++

Other camping spots in the second Axis spawn... This is not hard, but you get blocked very quickly, so that might be annoying. Demos by {Just-Me}, -(BourNe|S3K)-

Download radar_tj_jm_17.dm_84
Download radar_Bourne_camping_axisVilla.dm_84
Download Obito's8-radar.dm_84