A trickplant is any dyno plant which makes it difficult for the enemy to defuse it, or makes it easier for you to arm it without getting killed. Most of these plants exploit the fact that damage boxes for constructibles are sometimes amazingly large, so you can plant dyno from far away without exposing yourself.
Two-person trickplants
Trickplant #1: Planting on the south gun (by
.Rasta.fari. and .Crack.Commando.)
Difficulty: Medium
.Rasta.fari. and .Crack.Commando. team up to show you how to plant dyno on the south AT gun in Oasis.
Download South_Outside_Rasta_Crack.dm_84
Trickplant #2: Planting on the north gun (by .Rasta.fari. and .Crack.Commando.)
Difficulty: Hard
Another great demo by .Rasta.fari. and .Crack.Commando..
This one is a bit more difficult; here is the explanation .Rasta.fari. sent me:
"The trick is just to get your friend lying on that ridge and his feet need to be
sticking out somewhat (else its impossible to get on top of him). Once you
jumped on the back of his feet you just move closer to his body and you're on,
from there its plain sailing"
Note that when your friend goes prone on the ledge, he may have to rotate his body a bit to get at the right angle which allows him to go prone.
Download North_Outside_Rasta_Crack.dm_84
W@C Mightyecko and
W@C* SupReme also made a video of the above two trickplants:
Download oasis_tp_at.wmv
Trickplant #3: Blowing the fueldump, A (by
Difficulty: Easy++
(No screenshot available)
Get inside the fueldump, and stand on top of the 2 pipes on the fuel tanks. Then throw a dyno on top of a standing teammate. After you arm it, he must step away and the dyno will fall on the dump, without making the "Dynamite planted at the fuel dump!" sound effect.
Hmm, actually I never managed to do this without alarm, no matter how hard I tried. So perhaps this trickplant is erased already with the first patch (1.02).
Trickplant #4: Blowing the fueldump, B (by
.Rasta.fari. and
Difficulty: Medium++
This is another way to blow up the fueldump without causing the alarm to go off. But keep in mind that this one is fixed with the version 2.60!!! Here is the description that
.Rasta.fari. sent me:
"Things to keep in mind when doing this plant is that your mate really has to lie as far over the edge as possible, also its important that the covert ops is facing towards the fueldump. When trying to plant dyna on the feet you will notice that the dyna just falls through the legs as if they were not there(this obviously has something to do with the hitboxes in ET). Now just plant the dyna on the cov ops' head and have him do a selfkill. Its very important that its selfkill else the body will not sink quickly enough into the ground(in this case air)and the dyna will explode in the air."
Download Fueldump_Rasta_Zion_Trickplant.dm_84
Trickplant #5: Blowing the fueldump, C (by
IronLionZion and
Difficulty: Hard
Here is yet another way to blow up the fueldump without causing an alarm!
Special thanks to IronLionZion
for coming up with this one. The trick here is to jump on top of your teammate and plant as far to the edge of his head as possible. It looks really weird in the demo, the covert's arms are dangling like crazy. The reason is, for this
trick to work, the covert has to be as far on the edge as possible, and this causing ET to think you're going over the ledge so you're transformed into a state somewhere between standing and falling.
Download Fueldump_Rasta_Zion_Weird_Trick.dm_84
Trickplant #6: Blowing tank barrier #2 on goldrush
.Rasta.fari. and
Difficulty: Easy++
This is a pretty cool plant, for blowing tank barrier #2 without triggering the alarm.
Download Goldrush_Rasta_Zion_Tank_barrier_no_alarm.dm_84
Trickplant #7: Blowing anti-tank guns on Oasis (by
.Rasta.fari. and IronLionZion)
Difficulty: Easy++
You can blow the north or south guns without setting off the alarm. Very simple
plant- have your teammate lying on the gun, then plant the dyno on his body.
Then your teammate can just get up and arm it, after 2-3 seconds the dyno will
fall on the gun without setting the alarm.
Rasta and Zion have made demos for both the North and South guns (both use the same idea):
Download Oasis_South_No_Alarm_Rasta_Zion.dm_84
Download Oasis_North_No_Alarm_Rasta_Zion.dm_84
Trickplant #1: Dynamiting the ramp (by Ragnar-X-)
Difficulty: Medium
On Battery, you can plant dynamite at the location circled above. Very useful if the ramp can't be destroyed with a satchel charge. You can even plant the dyno before the ramp is built, so the allies just build the ramp to have it blown up again 5 seconds later.
Trickplant #2: Dynamiting the gun controls
Difficulty: Medium
You can throw the dynamite so that it gets stuck at some point almost near
the ceiling. This makes it a tiny bit harder for engies to defuse, especially if they aren't
familiar with this trick. (Kind of cheap, hah). The screenshot above shows you
how you should align your body horizontally, and where your crosshair should be.
Although arming the dyno from this location might make you harder to hit with a
rifle nade, it does make you more vulnerable in general, so only do this if
you're sure the coast is pretty clear.
Download battery_highplant.dm_84
Unfortunately radar is a crappy map for trickplanting. Maybe someone will prove me wrong, but as far as I can tell, there's no useful trickplants you can do. I did find one trickplant (below), but it's not too important...
Blowing the main entrance (A)
Difficulty: Easy++
I'm not sure how useful this one is; mainly it just forces the enemy
engineer to have to stand up while defusing instead of going prone. It's not a
hard plant to do, but you have to position your body and your crosshair very
precisely as shown in the demo.
Download radar_mainentrance.dm_84
Blowing the main entrance (B)
Difficulty: Easy/Medium {Just-Me} has at least one difficult to defuse trickplant, combined with a trickjump, which you can perform in two different ways: Two jumps you need to get on the first lamp, but when you try to get on the second lamp, then you need a second strafejump. The hard part is not falling of the second lamp.
Download radar_tj_jm_08.dm_84
Download radar_tj_jm_14.dm_84
Trickplant #1: Dynamiting the command post
Difficulty: Easy
This is just a simple trickjump to get up near the ceiling above the command post, and then
plant dynamite up there where it's difficult to defuse. I think you have to place the dyno pretty close to the command post,
otherwise it will say "Dynamite planted", but the command post won't actually get damaged!
{Just-Me} made a demo of how to plant in this position.
Download rail_tp_justme_16.dm_84
Trickplant #2: Blowing the gun controls A (by=000=Village Idiot)
Difficulty: Medium
Very impressive trickplant by =000=
Village Idiot, afaik this one isn't too well-known. In fact, before he sent this to me I thought it was impossible to
do a trickplant on the firing controls.
Download Railgun-GunControlsTrickplant.dm_84
Trickplant #3: Blowing the gun controls B (by dG*Phaser)
Difficulty: Easy++
Another great trickplant for blowing up the firing controls.
Trickplant #4: Blowing the gun controls C (by dG*Phaser)
Difficulty: Medium
Yet another way to blow up the railgun. My guess is that this would be the hardest one for an enemy to defuse, because it doesn't give him much cover.
Trickplant #1: Blowing the water pump A (by
Difficulty: Easy
Here's a nice spot for destroying the old city water pump, in Oasis; just make sure to drop the dyno on the edge of the ledge.
Trickplant #3: Blowing the water pump C (by {1stUT}Lord_Talps)
Difficulty: Easy
Another way to destroy the pump. Although you have to travel further to get to this spot, you can do the plant in the prone position, and you don't have to position it as perfectly so it might be less error prone.
Download oasispump.dm_84
Trickplant #4: Trickplant at south gun (by Lauts)
Difficulty: Medium
This is an exploit that lets you plant dyno without the "dynamite planted" announcement being made. This exploit is fixed with ETPro and the patch 2.60. Thanks to Ronan Ocuinn for pointing this out.
Download south_at.dm_84
Trickplant #5: Nasty trickplant (Either south or north gun!)
Difficulty: Medium
This is just a really cheap, nasty plant. It's also pretty difficult to do,
so I'm going to go explain it slowly... Note that, any time I have done this
plant, no engy ever defused it... Then again, I have only done it a few times
since I just discovered it the other day, but hey... :)
Firstly, let's take a look at the anti-tank gun. It has 3 major features that are important. The blue arrow shows the "backboard". This is where you want to land the dyno. The red arrow shows the upper ledge. This is where enemy engineers usually stand when they want to defuse tricky dynos in this area. The yellow arrow shows the lower ledge,
this is the one that fewer people are aware of.
If you throw the dyno so it lands on the backboard, it's still defusable from the upper ledge, IF the enemy engineer goes prone. But, if you throw it just a bit further so it lands behind the backboard, then the dyno is IMPOSSIBLE to defuse from the upper ledge. Then, the only 2 ways to defuse it are either by crouching on the lower ledge (which most people don't do), or by standing below the dyno and jumping up and down with pliers! (which takes a long time)
Here are some screenshots to give you an idea of how to position the dynamite... Note, you could throw it on the left side, but then the only way to arm it is to jump up and down with pliers. (Might be OK if you have time to kill).
Download oasis_nastyplant.dm_84
Trickplant #6: Trickplant at south gun (by |IX|*SubXero)
Difficulty: Easy
This trickplant is very easy to do, although it seems like it would be way too easy to defuse... Maybe from this position the dyno would be easier to defend, because whatever engy is defusing it would have his back turned to the doorway.
Download OasisSouthTrickPlant.dm_84
GeniXPro made a great trickplanting tutorial for Goldrush, including trickplant #1 for tank barrier #1 and trickplant #10 for truck barrier #1 together with a new trickplant for tank barrier #2 (similar to trickplant #6 of the two-person-trickplants. But instead of a teammate he uses dynamite).
Great work with good descriptions during the demo.
Download GoldRushTrickplants.dm_84
Trickplant #1: Blowing tank barrier #1 (by Ragnar-X- and
Difficulty: Medium
Excellent spot for blowing up tank barrier #1 on Goldrush. This is very useful when no other plant is possible due to heavy artillery/camping. Credit to
Ragnar-X- for the awesome screenshot, and
=]S[=nuTt for sending in a demo.
Download goldrush_tank_barrier1[nuTt].dm_84
Trickplant #2: Blowing tank barrier #1
Difficulty: Easy
Just plant the dyno and then run over it with the tank, so that it's impossible for the axis to defuse it!!! If you get to the barrier and there's not too much opposition yet, this is a very good plant to do because then it's
more or less guaranteed you'll blow the barrier. Note, this can also be done on tank barrier #2!
The only thing that sucks about this is, it's really embarrassing when you plant the dyno out in the open, and then the tank gets damaged before it runs over it... Then some noob Axis engy runs along and defuses it!!
Download goldrush_plantdynoundertank.dm_84
Trickplant #3: Blowing tank barrier #2 (by R17/Ev3nd4r!)
Difficulty: Easy
This is pretty much the same as the previous trickplant, except for tank barrier #2. Just plant the dyno before the tank gets there, and then run it over with the tank.
Download GoldrushTrickplant.dm_84
Trickplant #4: Blowing tank barrier #1
Difficulty: Medium
Very dirty trickplant! For this one, you plant the dyno ON THE TANK, before
you reach the barrier. Then, simply drive the tank up to the barrier and when
the dyno goes off, it'll blow up the barrier. This can be done on either tank
barrier #1 or #2. The nice thing about this plant is that you aren't too
vulnerable while planting because you can do it before the tank gets into the
bloody area near the barrier. The downside is, if the tank stalls, the dyno goes
off too early and might even kill some teammates.
Download goldrush_plantontank.dm_84
Trickplant #5: Blowing tank barrier #2
Difficulty: Easy
Plant the dyno on the edge of the stairs. The advantage of this spot is that
it's fairly easy to protect once you've planted, and it can also be effective if
all of the axis are focusing on the area near the tank... Usually though,
there's a lot of axis near the spawnpoint, so planting at this spot is very risky!
Trickplant #6: Blowing tank barrier #2
Difficulty: Easy
Another useful trickplant, although it also leaves you pretty vulnerable
while you are planting. (Make sure to go prone, of course!)
Trickplant #7: Blowing tank barrier #2
Difficulty: Easy
Plant the dyno to the right of the tank. As you can see, from this spot, you
are pretty well-hidden, so this is a good place to plant from.
Trickplant #8: Blowing tank barrier #2
Difficulty: Easy
Plant the dyno to the left of the tank. Also very good place to plant
without exposing yourself. When it's planted, you can just hide behind the dyno
somewhere and nade spam the dyno.
Trickplant #9: Blowing tank barrier #2 (by =]S[=nuTt)
Difficulty: Easy++
This is a very clever trickplant! The trick here is to jump on the tank
barrier, and then on to the wall. Plant the dyno over your head so that your
head stops the dyno, and then the dyno will be stuck IN the wall.
Unfortunately getting to this spot in the first place without getting killed would be really hard in an actual game, but if you managed to sneak in before the axis get their act together on defending the 2nd tank barrier, you'll probably be able to blow the barrier.
Download goldrush_tank_barrier2[nuTt].dm_84
Trickplant #10: Blowing truck barrier #1 (by Ragnar-X-)
Difficulty: Easy
VERY cool trickplant, which lets you blow truck barrier #1 barely exposing yourself.
Download goldrush_truck_1.dm_84
Trickplant #1: Dynamiting the bridge (by Uqahs[PL])
Difficulty: Easy
Uqahs shows you how to plant dynamite in a tricky spot where enemy engineers would have to jump up and down to defuse it. (Assuming they even survive crossing over the bridge to get to the dyno in the first place!)
Download fueldump_bridgeplant[uqahs].dm_84
Trickplant #2: Dynamiting the command post (by Uqahs[PL])
Difficulty: Easy++
This is a general trick you can use for blowing up command posts; throw the dyno on top of the command post; then the only way to defuse it (or arm it) is by jumping up and down. Make sure to land the dyno far away enough so that it's
not hanging over the edge, otherwise the enemy engy can defuse it standing up.
Download fueldump_cmdpostplant[uqahs].dm_84
Trickplant #3: Blowing the MG tower (by Uqahs[PL])
Difficulty: Easy++
Nice trickplant to blow the MG tower... Although, if the tank is already thru the tunnel doors, you're safe just planting it at the base of the tower. And if it isn't, then what the hell are you doing blowing up MG towers when you
should be helping move the tank? ;)
Download fueldump_mgtower[uqahs].dm_84
Trickplant #4: Blowing the Fueldump without alarm (by {Just-Me})
Difficulty: Hard
Similar to the two-person trickplant #5 but instead of using a teammate you use another dynamite... After you leave it falls down near the dump and blows it up without causing an alarm.
Download Demo_Fueldump_17.dm_84.