Hotel Carone - Help











Manual Setup


My mod won't work with the SP patch. You need to install the Multiplayer patch(~35 MB). I accidently referenced MP classes in my code. You can find the patch here.

If you use Windows XP and you get the error "Installation folder could not be created", you have to create the installation folder yourself, then rerun the setup program and choose the folder you created. This Problem should be fixed in version 1.13. At least I hope so. :)

If all that fails(or if you're using a mac), download the manual-installation-zip here.

Launching the mod

If you get this error: " Can't find function in file 'Function DeusEx.DeusExWeapon.PreBeginPlay' ", install this patch: Creative Patch

If you get the error "Failed to enter DX.dx": (fixed in version 1.11)

This happens if you have a space in either your Deus Ex- or my mod's installation path. To fix this edit the mod's shortcut(right click and select properties) and enclose the location following ini= in quotation marks. It should look similar to this:

C:\Deus Ex\system\DeusEx.exe ini="C:\Deus Ex\HotelCarone\HotelCarone.ini" log=HotelCarone.log

If you're still having trouble contact me.