Looking for some low level action while levelling up your character? The Level Challenge 1 rewards you for beating a specific uberlevel at a low character level.
Killing a Boss
This challenge requires you to 'kill' a boss. This means that you need to be
physically present at the battle and near the boss when it dies before
you can use the cube recipe that grants you the reward.
If you succeed in killing the target monster, you get a whirling red overlay that looks like three rotating bolts:
You now have 30 seconds to perform the cube recipe. If you are too slow and the red overlay vanishes, you have to do it again!
Warning: This does not work if the monster is killed by reflected damage, due to a Diablo II engine limitation. Please use different means of killing the target.
Go to the Tran Athulua uberlevel on Hatred difficulty, destroy the Orb at the entrance to get the Sunstone of the Elements.
Find and defeat any of the three Priestesses. She will drop her Sunstone. Cube it immediately while you have the red swirls on you. This will upgrade your Sunstone, if your level is low enough.
You have 30 seconds to cube the Sunstone after killing the Priestess, so keep your cube empty!
You can then cube it with the Sunstone of the Elements to apply the bonuses.
See THIS PAGE for more information about Tran Athulua.
Level Challenge 1A: Fire
(Max Level 70)
Kill Philios, Priestess of Hefaetrus. On Hatred difficulty she will drop a Sunstone of Fire.
If you are level 70 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Requires: level 70 or below
Level Challenge 1B: Ice
(Max Level 60)
Kill Skovos, Priestess of Karcheus. On Hatred difficulty she will drop a Sunstone of Ice.
If you are level 60 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Requires: level 60 or below
Level Challenge 1C: Thunder
(Max Level 50)
Kill Lycander, Priestess of Zerae. On Hatred difficulty she will drop a Sunstone of Thunder.
If you are level 50 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Requires: level 50 or below
Level Challenge 1: Completition
Get the Sunstone of the Elements by destroying the Orb at the entrance on Hatred difficulty.
You can add the power of each upgraded Sunstone to the Sunstone of the Elements for a great bonus.
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Sunstone of Fire:
-10% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+10 Defense
All Resists +20%
Sunstone of Ice:
+2 to All Skills
-10% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+10 Defense
Sunstone of Thunder:
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Cast Rate
20% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Faster Block Rate
20% Faster Run/Walk
-10% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
15% Bonus to all Attributes
+10 Defense
Btw. You gain no experience on Hatred difficulty in Tran Athulua itself. Keep trying until you succeed!
Btw. Although all three Priestesses give you the same looking red whirls, you need to kill the right Priestess to cube the right charm.