The ultimate challenge of Median XL: Ultimative, these levels are much harderthan any regular level and will challenge even the strongest heroes. Yourreward on Destruction difficulty is a unique charm!

1/12 Kurast 3000 BA

Hatred : 60
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Arachnid Lair (Act 3: Spider Forest)

This uberlevel is a recreation of the city of Kurast located at the Kehjistani frontier, 3000 years before the birth of the prophet Akarat and during the Mage Clan Wars between the Ennead, Annuit and Vizjerei clans. Kurast, a neutral town allied with the Taan, was seized by the Ennead and used as a necromantic military outpost. Can you destroy the magical fortifications and liberate the town?

The town is well defended by armies of skeletons undead. Around the town square you will find the Ennead shadowgate totems, which periodically raise additional skeletons and emit a magical field that grants invulnerability to nearby units. The necromantic army is tended to by a contingent of Ennead Necromancers.

Your targets are the Ennead Necromancers spread out around town. They summon more skeletons and cast the powerful Nightmare curse, slowing you down and disabling magical healing.

On any difficulty, the Ennead Necromancers drop a random Class Charm in addition to their regular drop. There are 7 different Class Charms, one for each character class. You need your Class Charm for other challenges and uberquests.

Class Charm
[Class Charm]
(Class Challenge Item)

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
(Class Only)
Required Level: 90
Can be Upgraded with Ennead Challenge
Can be Upgraded with Black Road Challenge
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+2 to Light Radius

Defeat the Ennead Necromancers on Destruction difficulty to get the Hammer of the Taan Judges (1/12 chance).

Hammer of the Taan Judges
Hammer of the Taan Judges
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 40
+50 Crafting Points
+(21 to 25) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
Total Character Damage Plus (0.25 per level)% (Based on Character Level)

Ennead Challenge
Defeat the Ennead Necromancers on any difficulty to get the Class Charm for your character, while under level 80, to be able to do this challenge.

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Ennead Challenge.

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop set items.

2/12 Island of the Sunless Sea

Hatred : 65
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Drifter Cavern (Act 5: Glacial Trail)

The place where angels watch, once the staging ground of the heavenly host for their crusades into the abyss, is an underground cave miraculously illuminated by sunlight. When the holy legions were defeated and forced out of the dimension by the forces of Hell, a few human worshippers remained behind to stand vigil. But heavenly magic is too powerful for mortals to tolerate for long. The mutated, wretched remains of the human defenders were found and embraced by the mighty Lucion, son of Mephisto.

The Island is defended by the demented priests and their escorts of warrior nuns. The nuns wield holy weapons which grant them divine invulnerability if they keep attacking, while the priests conjure the holy spirit in the form of a slow moving wraith projectile which should be avoided at all costs. Near them are Lucion's overseers, the Feyrs, and their unholy Nightmare curse.

A short distance from the entrance is Lucion's high priest, Malic, wielding fire spells and a deadly homing chaos bolt. Lucion himself has a powerful poison attack, 50% resistance to all damage and emits an unholy aura that makes nearby enemies invulnerable.

Defeat Malic on Destruction difficulty to get the Six Angel Bag.

Six Angel Bag
Six Angel Bag
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 60
Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Fire Damage
Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Lightning Damage
Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Cold Damage
Fire Resist +(21 to 25)%
Lightning Resist +(21 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(21 to 25)%

Defeat Lucion on Destruction difficulty to get the Sunless Crystal Bird.

Sunless Crystal Bird
Sunless Crystal Bird
Cube this item with
your Six Angel Bag

Enchant your Six Angel Bag with this charm and gain fabulous powers!

Six Angel Bag + Sunless Crystal Bird → Six Angel Bag with added bonuses

This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

Already upgraded!
-(6 to 15)% to All Enemy Resistances
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(-5 to 5) to Light Radius

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop gold.

3/12 Khalimgrad

Hatred : 70
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Infernal Pit (Act 5: Frozen Tundra)

Heaven. Nirvana. Celestia. Call it what you will. Home of the heavenly host, which almost destroyed the taint on creation that is the mortal plane twice and allowed it to get overrun by the forces of Hell. Far from being the beings of love they are believed to be by the common folk, the angels of the High Heavens present a clear and present danger to Sanctuary. It may be better to strike first.

Ethereals are the physical manifestations of common angels. They attack furiously, but when you kill one of them, it shatters, reducing all resistances of other nearby enemies to -100% but inspiring them with righteous zeal. The glowing Orbitals and the Lightwell gargoyles with their deadly poison bolts are impossible for mortals to destroy and should best be avoided. Keep a close eye on the health of your minions: the death of a minion releases its soul to heaven, healing all Ethereals and Avatars. Casting Nightmare or deploying a Void Archon nearby will stop this healing.

Zakarum's Avatars watch over the battle on wings of light. They are divine and immortal, but when an Ethereal dies nearby, the backlash temporarily makes them vulnerable, reducing all resistances to 0%. Strike while it lasts, and strike several times, because their divine grace enable them to ignore a percentage of all incoming attacks.

Defeat Zakarum's Avatars on Destruction difficulty to get the Zakarum's Ear (1/12 chance).

Zakarum's Ear
Zakarum's Ear
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 80
+(16 to 25)% to Experience Gained
(6 to 10)% Bonus to All Attributes
+2 to Light Radius

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop rare items.

4/12 Tran Athulua

Hatred : 60 (location of a Hatred challenge)
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Halls of the Dead Level 3 (Act 2: Dry Hills)

The jungle capital of the Amazon nation, Tran Athulua, is almost impossible to take by land or sea. After a humiliating defeat, a band of pirates hired you to assassinate the high priestesses and plunder the treetop city during the confusion.

Tran Athulua is heavily guarded by bow-wielding Amazon warriors, whose numbers and seeking arrows may overwhelm a weaker hero. Beware the jungle snakes: while seldom directly lethal, their debilitating poison will burden you for a long time, slowing you to a crawl.

The priestesses of the three elements, Philios, Skovos and Lycander watch over the city and can be distinguished by their heavy armour. They are dangerous targets due to their Phalanx spell and the ability to call an earthquake which deals magic damage based on a percentage of your current health and is therefore nearly impossible to mitigate. Expect to spend most of the fight at a fraction of your health.

Destroy the Orb at the entrance on Hatred difficulty to get the Sunstone of the Elements.

Sunstone of the Elements
Sunstone of the Elements
Cube this Charm with your Upgraded Sunstones!
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 50
Adds 15-20 Fire Damage
Adds 15-20 Lightning Damage
Adds 15-20 Cold Damage

Defeat the elemental priestesses on Hatred difficulty to get the Sunstone of Fire, Sunstone of Ice and Sunstone of Thunder. They do not provide a great boon by themselves, but they can be used for the Level Challenge 1 listed below.

Defeat the elemental priestesses on Destruction difficulty to get the Sunstone of the Gods (1/6 chance from each priestess).

Sunstone of the Gods
Sunstone of the Gods
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) fire Damage
Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) lightning Damage
Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) cold Damage
Increase Maximum Life (11 to 15)%
Increase Maximum Mana (11 to 15)%

2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Tran Athulua Trophy
Tran Athulua Trophy
Cube with the Sunstone of the Gods...
Damage Reduced by 5%

Scroll of Resistances
Since everyone knows the quest reward for rescuing Anya, Scrolls of Resistances, are lost upon death (for the rest of the game), these recipes allow you to keep these resistances, even when you die.

Sunstone of the Elements + Scroll of Resistances → Sunstone of the Elements with added bonuses

This recipe has adds the following bonuses:

All Resists +10%

NOTE: This recipe can be used 3 times, once per each difficulty.

Level Challenge 1
Kill all three priestesses and steal their Sunstones while under level 50 on Hatred difficulty to invest powers into them for a great boon!

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Level Challenge 1.

The Black Road Challenge
If you think the Amazons are no match for you and you wish to showcase your power, defeat TWO of their priestesses at the same time on Terror difficulty to do a part of this challenge.

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Black Road Challenge.

Additional quest
It is said Athulua herself will defend Tran Athulua in dire situations if you pray at her shrine enough times...

See THIS PAGE for more information about Athulua.

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop unique items.

5/12 Fauztinville

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Stony Tomb Level 2 (Act 2: Rocky Waste)

After the destruction of the Prime Evils, a new era of peace and prosperity began, eventually evolving into what we call the modern age. Humanity has all but forgotten how to deal with demons. Until out of nowhere an evil force beneath the metropolis of Fauztinville begins to corrupt the machinery and pets, turning them against their masters. Overwhelmed by the assault, the army employs its new experimental time machine to request help from the heroes of the past. Will you answer the call?

Fauztinville has fallen under an onslaught of demonically twisted robots and demons bursting from the city's neon signs. Each battle should be straightforward, but beware their various immunities, notably the tri-elemental immunities of Neon Fiends. Summoners should eliminate Harpylisks first to prevent their bouncing blade attack from ravaging their forces.

The invasion is led by five warped robots, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. Find them in the back alleys of Fauztinville and terminate them. If you have trouble finding them, look for dead-end streets and hidden passages through buildings. One of the five requires a teleport skill to access; if you do not have a teleportation spell, use an item with charges of Blink or Jitan’s Gate, like the runeword Pax Mystica or the reward charm for the Lord Aldric Jitan uberquest.

Fauztinville (and Yshari Sanctum) on Destruction difficulty is the only place where you can find the following three Great Runes. These runes are required for the most powerful runewords and their chance to drop ratio is 3:2:1, from first to last.

Taha Level
Weapons : +40 to Maximum Damage
Armor : +20 to Maximum Damage
Shields : +20 to Maximum Damage
Ghal Level
Weapons : +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
Armor : +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
Shields : +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
Qor Level
Weapons : Requirements -12%
Armor : Requirements -12%
Shields : Requirements -12%

See BELOW for more information about the Yshari Sanctum.

The Black Road Challenge
On Terror difficulty, the Robot Bosses drop their electronic Brains. These are required for the Black Road Challenge.

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Black Road Challenge.

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop runes and shrines.

6/12 The Triune

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The Triune (Act 1: Cathedral)

The Triune is a religion opposing the Cathedral of Light. It features the number three troughout the architecture of it's temples, as well as it's priest ranks. There is the Primus, Lucion, who rules the three smaller cults within the Triune, each devoted to one of it's guiding spirits: Dialon, Bala and Mefis. In truth, the religion worshipped the three Prime Evils under disguise, but only the highest and trusted priests were aware of that, slowly corrupting other priests and worshippers. Each Prime Evil had one demon representative in the Triune: Lucion – son of Mephisto, Gulag – a minion of Baal, and Diablo had his favored servant Astrogha.

After Uldyssian appeared, Lucion wanted to get a hold of him for his immense powers, so he sent the High Priest Malic to capture him. Malic was easily dispatched by Uldyssian and his allies twice, but not before he could reveal that one of Uldyssian's companions is Lilith, daughter of Mephisto, under the guise of Lylia. Lucion went personally to try to convince Uldyssian to join him, but ended up fighting Uldyssian and his allies, killing Achilios. Seeing his friend die, Uldyssian's true powers awoke and he overpowered Lucion.

After the strange disappearance of the Primus, Astrogha took that guise and sent High Priest Arihan, with a troop of morlu and Peace Warders, to dispatch of Uldyssian – who was destroying temples of the Triune. When Arihan failed, Astrogha killed him by using his head as a conduit for an audience with his master, Diablo. At that point Lilith came pretending to be the real Primus and took over the Triune from Astrogha.

The Triune is defended by a host of powerful monsters: the ghastly Impaler Archons, the cold Kraken Guards which will haunt you even after thier deaths, the rock weilding Primal Clays, and the flaming-but-static Temple Sires which rain down destruction all around them.

To defeat Arihan, High Priest of the Triune, you must find a way to convince him to fight Primus' Messenger sent by Astrogha, who is under the guise of Primus. There are rumors of a strange creature, possessed by the demon Lilith, that might hold the key.

The Triune on Destruction difficulty is the only place where you can find Cycles. There are 9 different Cycles and most of them come in three sizes, with each larger size being more powerful. You can keep more than one of the same kind of Cycles in your inventory.

Small Cycle 1 Small Cycle 2 Small Cycle 3 Medium Cycle 1 Medium Cycle 2 Medium Cycle 3 Large Cycle 3 Large Cycle 2 Large Cycle 1
Cycle ofProperties
Small CharmMedium CharmLarge Charm
Greed (-10 to 50)% Extra Gold from Monsters (-30 to 150)% Extra Gold from Monsters (-100 to 300)% Extra Gold from Monsters
Luck (-5 to 20)% Magic Find (-25 to 45)% Magic Find (-40 to 75)% Magic Find
Speed (1 to 4)% Increased Overall Speed (1 to 10)% Increased Overall Speed (1 to 25)% Increased Overall Speed
Lust - - +(-1 to -5) to Light Radius
Wisdom* - +1 to [Random Character] Skill Levels
+(-5 to 0) to All Attributes
Power +(1 to 15) to [Random] Attribute +(5 to 20) to [Random] Attribute
(1 to 5)% Bonus to [Same] Attribute
+(10 to 25) to [Random] Attribute
(1 to 10)% Bonus to [Same] Attribute
Strength (1 to 2)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack
(10 to 20)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 1-5 damage
(1 to 5)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack
(25 to 50)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 3-8 damage
(1 to 10)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack
(50 to 100)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 6-12 damage
Wealth +(-10 to 30) to Life
+(-10 to 30) to Mana
+(-20 to 50) to Life
+(-20 to 50) to Mana
Increase Maximum Life (0 to 3)%
Increase Maximum Mana (0 to 3)%
+(-50 to 100) to Life
+(-50 to 100) to Mana
Increase Maximum Life (0 to 5)%
Increase Maximum Mana (0 to 5)%
Miracles +(1 to 5)% to Fire Spell Damage
+(1 to 5)% to Cold Spell Damage
+(1 to 5)% to Lightning Spell Damage
+(1 to 5)% to Poison Spell Damage
-(1 to 6)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(1 to 6)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
-(1 to 6)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(1 to 6)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Fire Resist +(5 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(5 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(5 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(5 to 20)%
+(-1 to 2) to Maximum Fire Resist
+(-1 to 2) to Maximum Cold Resist
+(-1 to 2) to Maximum Lightning Resist
+(-1 to 2) to Maximum Poison Resist

* Only one Cycle of Wisdom can be kept in the inventory.

Defeat Arihan, High Priest of the Triune on Destruction difficulty to get the Lucion's Soulstone charm.

Lucion's Soulstone
Lucion's Soulstone
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+50 Crafting Points
+1 Extra Totems
+(2 to 5) to Paladin Skill Levels
+50 to Maximum Damage
Slows Target by 10%
Reduces all Vendor Prices 50%

2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Triune Trophy
Triune Trophy
Cube with the Lucion's Soulstone...
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

7/12 Ghosts of Old Bremmtown

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Pit of Acheron (Act 5: Arreat Plateau)

You ended the demon invasion of Fauztinville... fast forward another few hundred years. Following a global demon apocalypse, the city is in ruins. Lilith, once banished to the Plane of the Dead, broke free and corrupted the sons of the cosmic dragon Trang-Oul. Weakened by his battle against the angelic and demonic legions at the end of time in the far future, the draconic death god was unable to stop Lilith from capturing and possessing his young. There is no hope for humanity’s resistance forces unless these creatures are eliminated. The old time machine was put into action once again... Will you help out Fauztinville a second time?

The Howling Spirits materialise directly on top of you when you approach their hiding spots. You have no choice but to take some hits unless you have inhuman reflexes. Defence is very important.

The shadowy Dark Star Dragon is one of Trang-Oul's young, twisted and bent to evil. It summons additional Howling Spirits and has a double rotating death beam that will make short work of you unless you seek cover as the beams pass by.

Reward (requires your class charm)
Bring the appropriate Class Charm you found in Kurast 3000 BA. Defeat the Dark Star Dragon on Destruction difficulty within 3 minutes after entering the level and without dying. If you succeed, a single use cube recipe is available to upgrade your Class Charm. You only have 30 seconds after killing the Dark Star Dragon to use the recipe.

[Class Charm] + Arcane Crystal → [Class Charm] with added bonuses

This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

Amazon character icon Amazon: uses Sacred Sunstone
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+500 to Life
Assassin character icon Assassin: uses Shadow Vortex
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+500 to Mana
Barbarian character icon Barbarian: uses Worldstone Orb
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
Enhanced Weapon Damage +50%
Druid character icon Druid: uses Caoi Dulra Fruit
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+1000 Defense
Necromancer character icon Necromancer: uses Soulstone Shard
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+15% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances
Paladin character icon Paladin: uses Eye of Divinity
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
Sorceress character icon Sorceress: uses Nexus Crystal
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+50 Energy Factor to Spell Damage

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Class Charm.

NOTE: Do not enter Bremmtown with minions or you might not be able to get the reward. Summon minons once you're inside. Also keep in mind that in-game time and real time might differ because of lag and other things.

8/12 Chrysaor's Sewers

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Sewers (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar & Upper Kurast)

Once you enter, you cannot go back trough the stairs.

It is said that Chrysaor and his brother were born by springing out of the neck of his beheaded medusa mother. He was the king of an ancient region but has since disappeared, so not much is known about him.

The first level of the sewers is full of ancient elementals that have a ranged attack that does damage in their element, eventually they'll come to melee range. Stay away from big clearing or keep moving!

The second level is infested with unkillable Ratfinks. That is not all there is there, there are also Goliaths - these giantic creatures will curse you and deal heavy damage. They can't be killed swiftly, but they are not a huge threat. They are just guarding the area until you reach the king, Chrysaor. After you follow one of the two corridors, you will find a small spot where he is located. Chrysaor is pretty simple, and it's meant to be that way. He is simply poison immune, and despite his high regeneration, killing him is fairly easy.

Secret Elemental Runes
On Destruction difficulty, The Sewers Level 1, you will come by the Elemental Stones and Unknown Skulls 1 by killing the elementals there. They all have the same change to drop. You can cube them to get the Elemental Runes and Kabraxis' Stone rune.

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Elemental Runes and Kabraxis' Stone rune.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the other use of Unknown Skulls 1.

Defeat Chrysaor on The Sewers Level 2, Destruction difficulty, to get the Trader's Chest charm (1/4 chance).

Trader's Chest
Trader's Chest
This mighty chest allows you to increase certain
stats but it will lower other stats in exchange!

Cube the chest with a skull to reset stats!
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+1 to Light Radius

Various bonuses can be added on the Trader's Chest when you gamble with gems.

Trader's Chest + any Gem (any quality) → Trader's Chest with added bonuses + Chipped Gem (same type)

This recipe has adds the following bonuses:

Gem +(0 to 4) to (-3 to +1) to
Perfect Diamond Diamond Strength Dexterity, Vitality and Energy
Perfect Amethyst Amethyst Dexterity Strength, Vitality and Energy
Perfect Ruby Ruby Vitality Strength, Dexterity and Energy
Perfect Topaz Topaz Energy Strength, Dexterity and Vitality
Gem +(0 to 4)% Resist (-3 to +1)% Resist
Perfect Bloodstone Bloodstone Fire Cold, Lightning and Poison
Perfect Onyx Onyx Cold Fire, Lightning and Poison
Perfect Amber Amber Lightning Fire, Cold and Poison
Perfect Turquoise Turquoise Poison Fire, Cold and Lightning
Perfect Skull Skull Resets Traders Chest to 0 gambles

You can do so 50 times before reaching the gambling limit:

Trader's Chest (limit) + any Gem (any quality) → Trader's Chest (limit & note) + Chipped Gem (same type) + Chipped Skull

This recipe has adds the following bonuses:

You have reached the gambling limit. Please reset your Trader's Chest!

Ultimate Gamble upgrade
When you reach the gambling limit and the Trader's Chest has not been reset before, you can use these recipes for the Ultimate Gamble:

Unknown Skull 1 + Unknown Skull 2 → Mystic Shard
Trader's Chest + Mystic Shard → Trader's Chest with added bonuses

This recipe has adds the following bonuses:

Already upgraded!
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+(1 to 25) to all Attributes
-1 to Light Radius

See THIS PAGE for more information about the Unknown Skull 2.

Warning! If you cube the Trader's Chest with a Mystic Shard when not at 50 gambles and/or if it has been reset before, you will lose them both.

Bonus quest
It is said that by beheading Chrysaor one can free his true self, as he will spring from his neck, live anew, upon summoning.

See THIS PAGE for more information about Chrysaor (Secret Boss).

Drop Bias
Chrysaor can drop 2 Unique items.

9/12 Yshari Sanctum

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Spider Cavern (Act 3: Spider Forest)

Valthek, a powerful mage of the Vizjerei Brotherhood has built a giant Empire, to reign for the rest of the days, and to serve him as a strong defense for anyone trying to steal the Ancient Repositories, which shall never be obtained by mortals. For this, he built his own Reign, the Yshari Sanctum. This gigantic maze is split in several stages with different powerful creatures. This subterranean dimension is guarded by the Prime Evils: You will need to face each one of them before you can destroy the Seal of the Gods, where Valthek is being protected, in order to keep the Ancient Repositories safe. Accessing them will reward any warrior greatly by enchanting his abilities.

There are numerous powerful monsters throughout the maze that will test your battle prowess and running speed to the limit. You must be well versed in the various deadly arts and damage types to even think of venturing far into the maze.

Each stage will have a special boss, protected by several smaller bosses that also appear on the specific stage. You have to find them, they are located in special 'boss areas' hidden in the maze. Each boss might drop a set piece of the Brotherhood of the Vizjerei. Their fellow guardians will also have a bias to drop set parts of the Horadrim set. This means, you will need to obtain the 5 set pieces of each boss, and the 5 set pieces of their guardians, in order to be able to fight the last boss, Valthek. Each boss and minion has a chance to drop only their own set piece. While wearing the two sets simultaneously, you will be granted with new very powerful skills which are required to defeat Valthek, the Vizjerei Sorcerer.

NOTE: Sometimes you will have to move about and wait longer for Valthek to be summoned. Applying Open Wounds and then releasing the seal will always make him summon quickly. Additionally, he may sometimes appear twice, so beware!

Brotherhood of the VizjereiBrotherhood of the Horadrim
BossItem NameItem TypeMinionItem NameItem Type
AndarielSorcerer's MaskCrownGiant SkeletonNecklaceAmulet
DurielMage's PlateGothic PlateDemon LordArcane SealRing
Dul'MephistosMana BeltPlated BeltEarth FiendArcane SealRing
Al'DiabalosDivine GuardSpiked ShieldChimeraWinged FeetGreaves
Tor'BaalosMystical BladeMystic SwordThokolaWarkeepersGauntlets
4/5 chance to drop1/16 chance to drop

See THIS PAGE for more information about the two sets' items and attribute bonuses.

Defeat Valthek, the Vizjerei Sorcerer on Destruction difficulty to get The Ancient Repositories.

The Ancient Repositories
The Ancient Repositories
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
(101 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
(11 to 20)% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(5 to 25) to Strength
+(5 to 25) to Dexterity
+(5 to 25) to Vitality
+(5 to 25) to Energy
Increase Maximum Life (6 to 10)%
Fire Resist +(5 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(5 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(5 to 20)%

Drop Bias
Valthek will always drop an Unique jewel.
Increased chance to drop Rare, Set and Unique items.
Increased chance to drop Runes and any Great Rune.

See ABOVE and THIS PAGE for more information about the Great Runes.

10/12 Kingdom of Shadow

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Crypt (Act 1: Blood Raven's Graveyard)

The mythical city of Ureh, where Diablo took the form of an angel and deceived the city wizards, tricking them into casting a spell that doomed the city. Ureh and everyone within are now trapped between the mortal plane and the Burning Hells, appearing in this world only once every two thousand years, when the shadow of Mount Nymyr falls upon the ruins. Be there.

The ghostly citizens are impossible to kill, but they are more than capable of killing you. Keep moving at all costs to avoid the undead hordes.

The plazas of Ureh are huge, there is no minimap, the lighting is very dim and the mad King Juris Khan is located at the end of a precarious bridge to oblivion. Please run around like a damsel in a zombie film until you find the narrow ledge leading to the king. Juris Khan casts a powerful spell on death, so be careful.

Defeat Juris Khan on Destruction difficulty to get the Eternal Bone Pile.

Eternal Bone Pile
Eternal Bone Pile
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
+500 Maximum Stamina

2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Eternal Bone Pile
Kingdom of Shadow Trophy
Cube with the Eternal Bone Pile...
+1 to All Skills

11/12 Brachyceran's Lair

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Maggot Lair (Act 2: Far Oasis)

Travelers say that humongous insect monsters lie in this lair, infused with ancient magic present in these desolated lands, drawn by the small oasis in the desert. It is said that at the end of the lair, a terrible magical abomination has made it's nest.

On the first level, there are two types of monsters. Sand Maggot Eggs will spawn young Ghost Worms which are untargetable and will use a deadly poison attack, while the Eggs will prevent your heal. In other words, you just have to run like crazy and avoid dying, and get high poison resistances, because you cannot use potions.
The second level features no untargetable worms. You will be fighting Mothers, Eggs, Young Worms and Snakes. Once again, defense and poison resistances will be very handy here. You also need to have a decent kill-speed, because these worms will reproduce very fast.
The third level is a headache. It has a mix of all the previous mentioned monsters, except the ones that prevent your heal. In other words, this is like level 2, but there will always be some Ghost Worms left, meaning you need both huge killspeed and defense. Before fighting the boss, you might want to lure those Ghost Worms away so they don't bother you much.

Brachyceran will used ranged attacks and magic to try to kill you or drive you away. He has five different attacks.
A nova of barrels that explode on impact dealing high fire damage.
A Burning Orb (nova), but with red punishers dealing fire damage. It's Deadly at close range, with timered casts.
He will throw poison seeds that leave behind a cloud of poison for a short while.
The last attack is 6 Lorenados, dealing poison damage.
He will try to turn you into a young worm, lowering your max fire resistances and slowing you, making you highly vulnerable to Barrel Nova or Burning Orb - it lasts 2 seconds, and is timered as well.

Defeat Brachyceran on Destruction difficulty to get Brachyceran's Token charm and a Cursed Crystal.

Brachyceran's Token
Brachyceran's Token
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(0 to 1) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Druid Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Sorceress Skill Levels
(11 to 15)% Faster Run/Walk
Replenish Life +(100 to 250)
+100 Maximum Stamina
Poison Resist +(26 to 50)%

The Cursed Crystal is needed as reagent for powerful recipe.

See THIS PAGE for more information about the recipe.

12/12 Duncraig

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Cave Level 2 (Act 1: Cold Plains)

There are two variants of this level. Re-roll the map to have a chance of getting another one. You can do so by, for example, changing difficulty.

The powerful demonlord Assur is on the move, burning a wake of destruction across the Western Kingdoms and turning the inhabitants of the towns he razes into mindless minions on his side. All efforts to stop him so far have failed thanks to Assur's powerful invulnerability rune. Find a way to kill him before he takes over the world.

The possessed citizens and their Necromorb overseers are straightforward battles, but beware the ones that rush at you with lit powder kegs! They can throw the kegs over large distances and then light the fuse, which will burn down towards the keg and cause a devastating explosion that is almost always fatal to nearby adventurers.

Assur wields powerful fire magic, but his main threat is the invulnerability shield. It is impossible to damage Assur directly. You will have to wrestle the secret to destroy Assur from his henchmen.

The secret
Retrieve the five demon seals from Assur's lieutenants: Skinrender, Spinecracker, Eyegouger, Fleshcutter and Bonehexer. On Destruction difficulty, each lieutenant drops his own seal. To reach some of them, you might have to use a teleporting skill. When you have the five Seals, kill Lost Souls and Necromorbs until a Ring of the Five drops.

Ring of the Five
Ring of the Five
Required Level: 100
Adds 25-50 damage
+50% Damage to Undead
-250 Defense
Increase Maximum Life 5%
+2 to Light Radius

Cube it with all five seals to create Assur's Bane.

Assur's Bane
Assur's Bane
Required Level: 100
+1 to All Skills
Adds 25-50 damage
+150% Damage to Undead
+1 to Purify
Increase Maximum Life and Mana 10%
+2 to Light Radius

Go back to Assur, then select your ring's Purify spell. This spell bypasses Assur's invulnerability and will take him out in a few hits.

Defeat Assur on Destruction difficulty to get Demonsbane.

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+(0 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
Replenish Life +50

2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Duncraig Trophy
Duncraig Trophy
Cube with the Demonsbane...
10% Increased Overall Speed

Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop sacred items.