Special Abilities The Predator has one significant ability that must be used and used well: cloaking. This essentially makes you invisible, but not entirely so. Ultimately, the more you move, the less effect your cloaking ability has. Stand still while cloaked and you'll be extremely hard to see. Any use of energy weapons will bring your cloak down, so stick with the spear gun if you wish to remain hidden! Medicomp
Marines can put up one hell of a fight against the Predator. With this in mind, you must stick with the Predator game plan: stealth, cloaking, and sniping. Don't expect to win a close-range firefight with Marines; you'll lose. Instead, find good spots on the various levels that offer a wide view of the surroundings, preferably somewhere high. Enter zoom mode, ready your spear gun, and start picking off Marines as they come through a door. Alternatively, being cloaked and remaining still will often find Marines moving right past you. When they do, open fire with the weapon of your choice and make the element of surprise work for you. Never engage a Marine face to face; the odds are against you. When faced with a large gaggle of Marines, the weapon of choice is the disc. Since it can cut through an infinite amount of enemies, the disc is one sure way to bring an entire squad to an untimely end.
Aliens should be played against like Marines - hands-off and from a distance. Aliens squirt out nasty acid if they are dismembered, so cleaving the head off one with your wrist blade is not a top maneuver. If Aliens are menacing you, enter the proper vision mode, find a nice roost to snipe from, and lodge a spear in their head. Alternatively, the pistol is a very effective weapon against Aliens, though this will deplete energy and remove your cloak, so make sure you have a high probability of hitting before letting lose. Otherwise, bide your time and stick with sniping with the spear gun; and remember, always watch ceilings for Aliens!