Game Play


Single Player
Choose Single Player to begin playing Battlezone.

To begin a multiplayer game with a modem, over the Internet, or on a Local Area Network, select this option. See Multiplayer Games.

View Credits
Select this option to see a list of all the fine people (and animals) that worked on this wonderful game.

Replay Intro
This will play the opening movie again.

This will take you to the Options screen where you can choose to adjust graphic, sound, controller, and play options.

Exit Game
Click on Exit Game if you wish to exit.


Stars and Stripes
Select Stars and Stripes to start the American campaign. The Stars and Stripes campaign is the main campaign designed to introduce players to first-person action-strategy.

The Red Brigade
Select Red Brigade to start the Red Brigade campaign. In the Red Brigade missions you are commander of the Soviet forces on the moon fighting against the American Black Dog Brigade. The Red Brigade campaign is an advanced set of missions for experienced players.

Combat Exercises
Select Combat Exercises to start the training missions. For new players, Combat Exercises will provide orientation to the Battlezone universe and instruction on how to move your vehicle, fire at enemies, and control and build units. Complete the four training missions and commanders are ready lead troops.

Load Saved Game
Use this menu to load a previously saved game.