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Create Imp

Casting Cost: 150+  (See below)
Duration: permanent

This spell does exactly what it says.  It allows you to create more imps to do your dirty work.

The cost of creating new imps depends on the number of imps you already have.  If you have no imps, the cost is 150 gold.    If you do have some imps, the cost is normally 150 gold, plus 150 for each imp you already have.  So, the first imp costs 150 gold, the second imp costs 300, the third costs 450, and so on.

You can lower the cost of creating imps by sacrificing one to the temple pool.   Each imp you sacrifice lowers the cost of creating new imps by 150 gold.  So, if you sacrifice two imps, the first 3 will cost 150 each, the forth imp will costs 300, the fifth imp will costs 450, and so on.

The Sacrificial cost benefit lasts until you exit the current Realm.  The Imps stay around until they are killed.

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