Deeper Dungeons Realm 01: Morkardar Difficulty: Medium Goal: To build up your dungeon to defeat a rival Keeper while dealing with some pesky Heroes.
Objective: Your opponent for this realm has foolishly challenged your superior skill. Such disrespect should be punished, so make an example of his insolence. The first of the Deeper Dungeons levels is Morkardar. You start in the southern part of the map, while your rival starts out to the north. You're separated by a large water area in the centre of the map. This water area has a large gold deposit with two gem tiles inside. It's vital to your long-term success that you claim and control this area. But first, you have some building up to do. Start by digging a 5x5 area north of your dungeon heart. Place a lair here. Then dig a 6x6 area west of the lair, and place a 3x3 hatchery in it. (You'll finish filling it later.) Then dig a few tiles east of your lair, and dig a 4x4 area for a training room. For now, place a 3x3 training room here. While digging these rooms, be careful not to tunnel into the water area to the north. Dig a 6x6 room West of your Dungeon Heart, and place a 4x4 library in it. You'll finish filling this area later. Dig a tunnel going east from your training room until you tunnel into an existing hallway. You should see a large treasure room to the east. Have your imps claim the treasure room. Dig out the two tiles in the centre of the treasure room, and place treasure tiles there. Also, "even out" the north wall and place treasure tiles in the empty spaces. South of the treasure room is a torture room, but you don't want to break down the door to it yet, because there's a Horned Reaper inside that will join your cause, and you want to be ready to handle him before you release him. Extend the hallway to the south, then tunnel east until you reach the portal. Let your imps claim it and the short hallway beyond, but do not let them attack the door. Expand your hatchery, library, and training rooms to fill the space your originally dug for them. As creatures arrive, drop them in the training room. As your training room gets full, assign your highest-level Dragons and Warlocks to the library to research. (They may only be level 2 or 3, but anything helps!) You must keep as many creatures as possible in the library so that the temple and scavenging room can be researched. The enemy Keeper will start scavenging your creatures as quickly as he can, and you must be ready to defend your creatures. Note that limiting your training room to a size of 4x4 keeps your training costs in check until you can establish a solid cash flow. Expand the rooms south of your dungeon heart to make room for more lairs, another hatchery, and a 6x6 workshop. When most of your creatures are level 3 or 4, break down the door east of the portal and deal with the heroes. Dig out some of the gold east of portal, and place a 3x3 treasure room there. Don't dig out all the gold in this new area, but rather let your imps claim the path next to the gold. Digging out the gold around the northern end of this path will reveal a new area. Breaking down the door to the north will reveal a prison with a few hero-types that will gladly join your cause. Send the researchers to the library. As soon as you claim the prison, tell your creatures to capture enemies instead of killing them. Place a hatchery in the area south of the prison where the gold tiles were. As you dig more gold from this area, expand the hatchery until it's at least 25 tiles in size. Breaking down the door to the west will reveal a few hostile dwarves and the water area. Near the south end of the gold area is a door. Breaking down this door will reveal a Workshop. If you can claim the workshop before it gets researched, it will get you the temple and scavenging room more quickly. Be careful of the hallway beyond the workshop, because it has a builder trap that can seriously diminish your imp population. Now, break down the door to the torture chamber, and put your new Reaper into training. In the area southwest of the torture room, dig out 3x3 rooms for an apartment for your Reaper Make sure it has a lair, hatchery, training room, treasure room, and temple. Build a bridge to the island with the gold, and start mining it. As soon as a few tiles are clear, build a treasure room. Flag all the gold for your imps, but DO NOT flag the gem tiles for now. Transfer gold by hand to your large treasure room from time to time to speed things up. Only once all of the gold on the island is gone should you flag the gem tiles. You'll also want to flag some of the gold tiles that you bypassed earlier. Place Lightning traps and Word-of-Power traps on the west end of the island. Place a small guard post there also, and assign a creature with a ranged attack to it. If the enemy Keeper builds bridges to the island, capture the bridges and sell them. If you're lucky, the enemy Keeper will just sit tight while you build up. If you're really lucky, the enemy keeper will release the heroes lurking at the west end of the water. The heroes will come after you, but you can capture and convert them, thus swelling your numbers. If the enemy keeper attacks the island, drop a bunch of your creatures to subdue them. The traps you placed on the island should help tilt the odds in your favor. Do not advance to the enemy dungeon until you're ready. Drag the fallen enemies to your prison, and drop chickens on them to keep them alive. Remember that your enemy has a maximum number of creatures, and any creatures in your prison count towards this maximum. Keep as many creatures in training as you can. When your Reaper reaches Level-10, put him in the temple to keep him quiet. As soon as they're researched, build a temple, graveyard, and scavenging room. The enemy Keeper will get these rooms first since he starts out with a library and some lebel-4 Warlocks, the cheating swine. You'll just have to recover by scavenging his creatures as soon as you can. As you detect scavenging, place that creature in the temple, and put a few of his brothers in your scavenging room. With any luck, you'll be able to start stealing his creatures. Continue building and scavenging until you have around 45 creatures or so. If you're careful, the rival Keeper should still have 35 creatures. Build a bridge from your island to the enemy dungeon, have an imp claim a few tiles, then sell the bridge. Let the imp continue claiming tiles until the enemy Keeper notices and starts dropping creatures. Cast a Call-to-Arms spell on the last tile claimed by your imps, then drop everything you have on him. When the smoke clears, have your imps drag the captives to your prison, and continue advancing into the enemy dungeon. Use the Call-to-Arms spell to guide your creatures to the enemy's Dungeon Heart. Once you defeat the enemy Keeper, you win the level. In an area west of the water area is a Resurrect Creature box, but by the time you can safely reach it, you probably won't need it. This is also true of the Reveal Map box in the extreme Northwest corner of the map. Besides the Reveal Map box is so ridiculously well-guarded, that's it's pointless to go after it. Back to the Level Guide Index. Back to the Main Dungeon Keeper Page. Level Guide Copyright (c) 1999 by Phil Estelle. All
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