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Level 19: Mistle

Difficulty: Very Hard

Goal: Claim the rooms in your area, then venture SLOWLY forth, capturing enemies to increase your army. Defeat the Lord of the Land, then the enemy Keeper Wisel

Opening Dialogue: Light and Airy. Mistle is a haven for those that love the peaceful countryside. The sort of people that won't like miles of sulfurous stinking wasteland. And the screams of the damned, of course.

Objective: The people of this realm speak of a Dungeon Keeper called Wisel, who is bound to get in your way. When he does, you will have to consign him to history. This will be no mean feat. Resources are scarce because of his activities.

New rooms this level: None

NOTE: I've modified this guide slightly to include some tips from "The Knight who says NEE!" that really make this level easier to complete.   Thanks to "The Knight" for these great tips!

First the Good News: You don't have to research very many rooms to get them in the level. Your imps can claim most of the rooms you need. As a bonus, you start out with high-level imps.

Now the Bad news: You know that training room you've come to depend on? Guess what? You don't get one right away. You have to defeat the Lord of the Land to claim one for your very own. Life just isn't fair...

This level is a lot easier to conquer if you transfer  a high-level creature, such as a Vampire or Priestess, from one of the hidden Realms.

Start by tunneling through the walls to the north and east of your dungeon heart. Let the Imps claim the surrounding hallways, then set them breaking down all the doors in the area. Don't worry, there's nothing to oppose you here, and you'll get all the basic rooms you need (sans your beloved training room).  One room has a level-4 Vampire that will join you.  As rooms are claimed, a few other monsters start appearing based on the rooms claimed.  Try to claim a lair as quickly as possible, so your new arrivals will have a place to stay.

As soon as you get a Troll, a Dark Mistress, and a Bile Demon, sacrifice them to get a Horned Reaper, then immediately place your Reaper in the temple to keep him happy.

Dig a tunnel between the workshop and the hatchery (If you don't your workers tend to go through the library to get to the hatchery, which really annoys your vampire)   Place the trolls and Bile Demon in the workshop and wait. (...and wait... ...and wait.....) Your imps will fortify any loose walls, and your workshop will slowly crank out doors and traps. As items become available, place them as follows: Place magical doors at the walls you initially broke through north and east of your heart. Place lightning traps in front of those doors. Place wooden doors at the hallway entrances to the library, and lock them, but leave the doorway between the library and hatchery open. (this stops random foot traffic through the library). Wait for your workshop to fill up again.

There are two ways to tunnel out of the area you are in: North and east. Go east first. There's a Gem deposit (offering unlimited gold) and a couple imprisoned dragons that will join your cause. But you have to fight your way to them, and the path is long and winding.

Here's a strategy that seems to work:

If you transferred, a high-level creature, use it as often as possible to subdue the heroes.  I personally like using a Level-10 Vampire here (transfer it from Hidden Realm 2), because even if it dies, it will resurrect itself as a level 9 Vampire.

Make sure you're set to capture all your enemies. Without a training room, the only way to get high-level creatures is to torture them and convert them to your cause. Do not let any of them die in prison. If you do, they will rise as skeletons and be immediately scavenged by the enemy keeper.

Advance slowly, using invisible imps to claim the path. Build bridges from the path to the tiles occupied by the heroes. Use the captured creatures to subdue other enemies.    Be mindful of your creature's health. If it gets too low, pluck them out of battle and replace with fresh ones. You can't afford to lose many creatures.

When you find the gems, build a large treasure room around them and set you imps to dig for a while. The path to the prison where the dragons are has two boulder traps, two gas traps, and a lightning trap. At the end of the hallway beyond the prison is a resurrect creature. Sell the prison, and turn it into a treasure room.

Let your gold reserve build back up, then begin your slow advance north. place some lightning and Word-of-Power traps at this area before tunneling north. Avoid using gas traps. You basically to the same thing as before except that you allow your imps time to fortify the walls as you go. Place lots of traps and doors along the way. You'll find a couple of halls with water along the way. When you do, widen the halls so that the walls can be reinforced, and traps can be placed on either side. There is Steal Here special in a water area just off the main path.

When you reach the water area, widen it and place a workshop there.  Then, Start tunneling toward the Northeast corner of the map where the large gold deposit and gems are.  Use your Sight-of-Evil spell to avoid breaking into the enemy Keeper's dungeon.   If you do this BEFORE you advance to the Hero complex, you should be able to claim the gold and gems without a fight.  Place a treasure room next to the gold and let your imps mine it.   Have your imp fortify all the walls to protect your treasure.  If you can't seal off the gold and gems, you can still beat the Keeper.   It'll just be harder.

Now for some fun.  As you tortured the heroes to convert them, they'll also reveal details about the hero complex you haven't visited yet.  You'll be able to see heroes wandering around inside the complex and the hallway leading to it. .   Limber up your trigger finger, and use your lightning spell to soften them up or kill them outright.   (I just Love target practice!) Once you've reduced the forces guarding the complex, continue your advance.

Eventually, you're reach a complex of rooms where the hero's dungeon heart is. Don't break down the door to this complex until you have laid lots of lightning traps and Word-of-Power traps along the path between it and the watery hallways you widened.   When you're ready, bust down the door and let your imps start claiming the complex.   At this point, the enemy Keeper should wake up if he hasn't already, but if you've cut him off from his gold supply, he'll have a hard time keeping his minions.

Once you advance to a certain point in the complex, the Lord of the Land and a few of his friends should drop in for a visit.  Subdue them and convert them to your cause.   If any  enemies make it into your trap-laden hallways, drop high-level creatures in their midst to slow them down, but pluck them away when their health gets low.  The heroes will put up a fight, but you can beat them using the techniques described above. Once you defeat the Lord of the Land, you can destroy his dungeon heart and claim the coveted training rooms.

Time to turn this new complex into a little home-away-from-home.

Turn the side rooms into a hatchery, a workshop, a prison, a couple of lairs and a treasure room. Fill the upper part of the center isle with training rooms. (leave a few tiles at the southern end open for Word-of-Power and lightning traps. Even the area where the dungeon heart was makes a good training room.. Allow your imps to fortify the walls of this area while your creatures train. Now, that you have training rooms, train like there's no tomorrow. I'm not kidding.

Wisel (the enemy keeper) should have 31 or 32 creatures if you didn't allow him to scavenge any of yours. They are mostly be Level 10 Skeletons and Spiders. If you don't have more creatures than him, you're going to have trouble.

While your creatures train, line the hallway that you dug to steal Wisel's gold and gems with lots of doors and traps.  If you claimed his gems, just sit tight until your creatures are highly trained and your hallways is loaded with traps.

If you couldn't safely claim the gold and gems, have your imps dig a tunnel from the south end of your new complex  until you get almost to the extreme northeast part of the map. Listen for digging. Try not to break through to the area where then imps are digging until you're ready.

While all your creatures are level 9 and 10, it's time to attack. Turn off the "imprison" icon, because after this point, taking prisoners is more likely to get your imps killed than anything else. Have your imps break through near the gems and start to claim area. Take pot-shots at his imps with the lightning spell. When you've claimed enough area, drop lots of monsters in, and use the Call-to-Arms spell to guide your creatures south  to his dungeon heart.

Watch your creatures' health, and heal them or pluck them away if it gets too low. Use the lightning spell against his creatures to help tilt the odds your way. If you have more creatures then Wisel, and if you're careful, you should have no problems taking out the enemy Keeper.

On, on to the Avatar, and ultimate Victory!

Victory Text: Wisel has been defeated.  The land is   yours to despoil for all Eternity.  Go Give 'em Hell, Master.

Closing Dialogue: DarkSword.  A great battle was won here.  A bit one-sided, granted.  Our Minions fought valiantly, and now the day is ours.  The survivors have been dealt with.  Properly.

Back to Level 18: Blaise End

On to Level 20: Skybird Trill

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Level Guide Copyright (c) 1998 by Phil Estelle. All rights reserved.
Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Keeper 2, and the game design concepts are Copyright (c) 1997-1999 by Electronics Arts and Bullfrog Productions. No intent to infringe on these copyrights are made.