The following is a description of the main systems for controlling the program and piloting the plane. Historically, keyboard controls were developed first, and you can still control most of the simulator via the keyboard alone. Later on, they were supplemented by several menu entries, making the interface more accessible, particularly for beginners, and providing additional functionality.
For getting a real feeling of flight, you should definitely consider getting a joystick or a yoke plus rudder pedals. In any case, you can specify your device of choice for control—joystick, keyboard or mouse—via the --control-mode option. The default setting is joystick.
A short leaflet showing the standard keys can be found at
A version of this leaflet can also be opened via FlightGear’s help menu.
The status of your engines when you begin the simulation depends on the way you initiated your session. If the s are off, you’ll have to start them before proceeding any further. For that you’ll need the , which you’ll find in the lower-left corner of the instrument panel. It is shown in Fig. 4.
It has five positions: “OFF”, “L”, “R”, “BOTH”, and “START”. To start the engine, first use the mouse to move it to position “BOTH”.
Keep in mind that the mixture lever has to be at 100 % (all the way in) to start the engine—ignition will fail otherwise. In addition, you should advance the throttle to about 25 %.
Now you can hit the “s” key to operate the . When you do, you’ll notice that the ignition switch moves to the “START” position. The engine will start after a few seconds. Afterwards you can bring the throttle back to idle (all the way out).
In addition, you should check to see whether the parking brakes are engaged (red field lit). If so, press the “B” button to release them.
While joysticks or yokes are supported as are rudder pedals, you can fly FlightGear using the keyboard alone. In fact, several of the keyboard controls might be helpful even if you are using a joystick or yoke.
In order to have full control of the plane during flight via the keyboard you should ensure that, (i) NumLock is activated and, (ii) (for those running the simulation in windowed-mode) that the FlightGear window is in focus (if it is not, or you aren’t sure, just click anywhere in the FlightGear window). With the NumLock active, the following main keyboard controls for controlling the aircraft should work:
Tab. 2: Main keyboard controls for FlightGear on the numeric keypad with NumLock active.
For changing views you have to de-activate NumLock. Now Shift + <Numeric Keypad Key> changes the view as follows:
Tab. 3: View directions accessible after de-activating NumLock on the numeric keypad.
Besides, there are several more options for adapting display on screen:
The autopilot is controlled via the following keys:
Tab. 5: Autopilot and related controls.
Ctrl + T is especially interesting as it makes your little Cessna behave like a cruise missile. Ctrl + U might be handy in case you feel you’re just about to crash (shouldn’t real planes sport such a key, too?).
When the autopilot is enabled, some of the numeric keypad keys function differently:
Tab. 6: Special action of keys, if autopilot is enabled. [U.S. keyboard uses “.” instead of “,”]
Key | Action |
8 / 2 | Altitude adjust |
0 / , | Heading adjust |
9 / 3 | Autothrottle adjust |
There are several keys for starting and controlling the engine :
Tab. 7: Engine control keys
Key | Action |
s | Fire starter on selected engine(s) |
! | Select 1st engine |
@ | Select 2nd engine |
# | Select 3rd engine |
$ | Select 4th engine |
{ | Decrease Magneto on Selected Engine |
} | Increase Magneto on Selected Engine |
~ | Select all Engines |
Besides these basic keys there are miscellaneous keys for special actions; some of these you’ll probably not want to try during your first flight:
Tab. 8: Miscellaneous keyboard controls.
Note: If you have difficulty processing the screenshot fgfs-screen.ppm on a Windows machine, just recall that simply pressing the “Print” key copies the screen to the clipboard, from which you can paste it into any graphics program.
These key bindings are not hard-coded, but user-adjustable. You can check and change these setting via the file keyboard.xml to be found in the main FlightGear directory. This is a human-readable plain ASCII file. Although it’s perhaps not the best idea for beginners to start just with modifying this file, more advanced users will find it useful to change key bindings according to what they like (or, perhaps, know from other simulators).
If you want to hide the menu after applying some changes, just hit F10.
The menu provides the following sub-menus and options.
Fig. 6: The 3D cockpit of the Cessna 172.
Aircraft within FlightGear can have both a 2-dimensional instrument panel and a 3-dimensional cockpit. The 3-dimensional cockpit provides a much more realistic pilot-eye view, but can be difficult to read with small monitors.
The default Cessna 172P (c172p) has both a 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional cockpit. The 3-dimensional cockpit is activated by default when you start FlightGear, but you can overlay the 2-dimensional instrument panel by selecting View -> Toggle 2D Panel from the menu, or pressing the “P” key.
While a complete description of all the functions of the instrument panel of a Cessna is beyond the scope of this guide, we will at least try to outline the main flight instruments or gauges.
All panel levers and knobs can be operated with the mouse. To change a control, just click with the left/middle mouse button on the corresponding knob/lever.
Let us start with the most important instruments any simulator pilot must know. In the center of the instrument panel (Fig. 5), in the upper row, you will find the artificial horizon (attitude indicator) displaying pitch and bank of your plane. It has pitch marks as well as bank marks at 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90 degrees.
Left of the artificial horizon, you’ll see the airspeed indicator. Not only does it provide a speed indication in knots but also several arcs showing characteristic velocity rages you have to consider. At first, there is a green arc indicating the normal operating range of speed with the flaps fully retracted. The white arc indicates the range of speed with flaps in action. The yellow arc shows a range which should only be used in smooth air. The upper end of it has a red radial indicating the speed you must never exceeded–at least, so long as you don’t want to break your plane…
Below the airspeed indicator you can find the turn indicator. The airplane in the middle indicates the roll of your plane. If the left or right wing of the plane is aligned with one of the marks, this would indicate a standard turn, i.e. a turn of 360 degrees in exactly two minutes.
Below the plane, still in the turn indicator, is the inclinometer. It indicates whether the rudder and ailerons are co-ordinated. During turns, you always have to operate aileron and rudder in such a way that the ball in the tube remains centered; otherwise the plane is skidding. A simple rule says: “Step on the ball”, i.e. step onto the left rudder pedal when the ball is on the left-hand side.
If you don’t have pedals or lack the experience to handle the proper ratio between aileron/rudder automatically, you can start FlightGear with the option --enable-auto-coordination.
To the right-hand side of the artificial horizon you will find the altimeter showing the height above sea level (not ground!) in hundreds of feet. Below the altimeter is the vertical speed indicator indicating the rate of climbing or sinking of your plane in hundreds of feet per minute. While you may find it more convenient to use than the altimeter in certain cases, keep in mind that its display usually has a certain time-lag.
Further below the vertical speed indicator is the propellor RPM (rotations per minute) indicator, which displays the rotations per minute in hundreds. The green arc marks the optimum region for long-time flight.
The group of the main instruments further includes the gyro compass being situated below the artificial horizon. Besides this one, there is a magnetic compass sitting on top of the panel.
Four of these gauges being arranged in the from of a “T” are of special importance: The air speed indicator, the artificial horizon, the altimeter, and the compass should be scanned regularly during flight.
Besides these, there are several supplementary instruments. To the very left you will find the clock, obviously being an important tool for instance for determining turn rates.Below the clock there are several smaller gauges displaying the technical state of your engine. Certainly the most important of them is the fuel indicator - as any pilot should know.
The ignition switch is situated in the lower left corner of the panel (cf. Fig. 4). It has five positions: “OFF”, “L”, “R”, “BOTH”, and “START”. The first one is obvious. “L” and “R” do not refer to two engines (actually the Cessna does only have one) but to two magnetos being present for safety purposes. The two switch positions can be used for test puposes during preflight. During normal flight the switch should point on “BOTH”. The extreme right position is for using a battery-powered starter (to be operated with the “s” key in flight gear).
Like in most flight simulators, you actually get a bit more than in a real plane. The red field directly below the gyro compass displays the state of the brakes, i.e., it is lit in case of the brakes being engaged. The instruments below indicate the position of youryoke. This serves as kind of a compensation for the missing forces you feel while pushing a real yoke. Three of the arrows correspond to the three axes of your yoke/pedal controlling nose up/down, bank left/right, rudder left/right, and throttle. (Keep in mind: They do not reflect the actual position of the plane!) The left vertical arrow indicates elevator trim.
The right hand side of the panel is occupied by the radio stack. Here you find two VOR receivers (NAV), an NDB receiver (ADF) and two communication radios (COMM1/2) as well as the autopilot.
The communication radio is used for communication with air traffic facilities; it is just a usual radio transceiver working in a special frequency range. The frequency is displayed in the “COMM” field. Usually there are two COM transceivers; this way you can dial in the frequency of the next controller to contact while still being in contact with the previous one.
The COM radio can be used to display ATIS messages as well. For this purpose, just to dial in the ATIS frequency of the relevant airport.
The VOR (Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range) receiver is used for course guidance during flight. The frequency of the sender is displayed in the ”NAV” field. In a sense, a VOR acts similarly to a light house permitting to display the position of the aircraft on a radial around the sender. It transmits one omni-directional ray of radio waves plus a second ray, the phase of which differs from the first one depending on its direction (which may be envisaged as kind of a “rotating” signal). The phase difference between the two signals allows evaluating the angle of the aircraft on a 360 degrees circle around the VOR sender, the so-called radial. This radial is then displayed on the gauges NAV1 and NAV2, resp., left to frequency field. This way it should be clear that the VOR display, while indicating the position of the aircraft relative to the VOR sender, does not say anything about the orientation of the plane.
Below the two COM/NAV devices is an NDB receiver called ADF (automatic direction finder). Again there is a field displaying the frequency of the facility. The ADF can be used for navigation, too, but contrary to the VOR does not show the position of the plane in a radial relative to the sender but the direct heading from the aircraft to the sender. This is displayed on the gauge below the two NAV gauges.
Above the COMM1 display you will see three LEDs in the colors blue, amber, and white indicating the outer, middle, and, inner, respṁarker beacon. These show the distance to the runway threshold during landing. They do not require the input of a frequency.
Below the radios you will find the autopilot. It has five keys for WL = “Wing-Leveler”, “HDG” = “Heading”, NAV, APR = “Glide-Slope”, and ALT = “Altitude”. These keys when engaged hold the corresponding property.
You can change the numbers for the radios using the mouse. For this purpose, click left/right to the circular knob below the corresponding number. The corresponding switch left to this knob can be used for toggling between the active/standby frequency.
A detailed description of the workings of these instruments and their use for navigation lies beyond this Guide; if you are interested in this exciting topic, we suggest consulting a book on instrument flight (simulation). Besides, this would be material for a yet to be written FlightGear Flight School.
It should be noted, that you can neglect these radio instruments as long as you are strictly flying according to VFR (visual flight rules). For those wanting to do IFR (instrument flight rules) flights, it should be mentioned that FlightGear includes a huge database of navaids worldwide.
Finally, you find the throttle, mixture, and flap control in the lower right of the panel (recall, flaps can be set via [ and ] or just using the mouse).
As with the keyboard, the panel can be re-configured using configuration files. As these have to be plane specific, they can be found under the directory of the corresponding plane. As an example, the configuration file for the default Cessna C172 can be found at FlightGear/Aircraft/c172/Panels as c172-panel.xml. The accompanying documentation for customizing it (i.eṡhifting, replacing etcġauges and more) is contained in the file README.xmlpanel written by John Check, to be found in the source code in the directory docs-mini.
Fig. 5: The Cessna 172p 2-D instrument panel.
At current, there are two options for reading off the main flight parameters of the plane: One is the instrument panel already mentioned, while the other one is the HUD (Head Up Display) . Neither are HUDs used in usual general aviation planes nor in civilian ones. Rather they belong to the equipment of modern military jets. However, some might find it easier to fly using the HUD even with general aviation aircraft. Several Cessna pilots might actually love to have one, but technology is simply too expensive for implementing HUDs in general aviation aircraft. Besides, the HUD displays several useful figures characterizing simulator performance, not to be read off from the panel.
The HUD shown in Fig. 7 displays all main flight parameters of the plane. In the center you find the pitch indicator (in degrees) with the aileron indicator above and the rudder indicator below. A corresponding scale for the elevation can be found to the left of the pitch scale. On the bottom there is a simple turn indicator.
There are two scales at the extreme left: The inner one displays the speed (in kts) while the outer one indicates position of the throttle. The Cessna 172 takes off at around 55 kts. The two scales on the extreme r.h.s display your height, i. eṫhe left one shows the height above ground while the right of it gives that above zero, both being displayed in feet.
Besides this, the HUD delivers some additions information. On the upper left you will find date and time. Besides, latitude and longitude, resp., of your current position are shown on top.
You can change color of the HUD using the “H” or “’h” key. Pressing the toggle “i/I” minimizes/maximizes the HUD.
Fig. 7: The HUD, or Head Up Display.
Besides just clicking the menus, your mouse has certain other valuable functions in FlightGear.
There are three mouse modes. In the normal mode (pointer cursor) panel’s controls can be operated with the mouse. To change a control, click with the left/middle mouse button on the corresponding knob/lever. While the left mouse button leads to small increments/decrements, the middle one makes greater ones. Clicking on the left hand side of the knob/lever decreases the value, while clicking on the right hand side increases it.
Right clicking the mouse activates the simulator control mode (cross hair cursor). This allows control of aileron/elevator via the mouse in absence of a joystick/yoke (enable --enable-auto-coordination in this case). If you have a joystick you certainly will not make use of this mode
Right clicking the mouse another time activates the view control mode (arrow cursor). This allows changing direction of view, i.e. pan and tilt the view, via the mouse. Clicking the left mouse button resets the view. Dragging using the middle mouse button moves the viewpoint itself.
Right clicking the mouse once more resets it into the initial state.
If you are looking for some interesting places to discover with FlightGear (which may or may not require downloading additional scenery) you may want to check
There is now a menu entry for entering directly the airport code of the airport you want to start from.
Finally, if you’re done and are about to leave the plane, just hit the ESC key or use the corresponding menu entry to exit the program. It is not suggested that you simply “kill” the simulator using Ctrl-C on the text window.