
.fgfsrc, 55, 376
2D cockpit, 86
3D cockpit, 86
3D panels, 374
3DFX, 365

A1 Free Sounds, 377
A4, 29
abort, 190
Adams, Syd, 377
additional scenery, 35
ADF, 96
Adler, Mark, 379
Aeronautical Information Manual, 147
AI, 92
aileron, 85, 95
aileron indicator, 98
Air Traffic Control, 258
air traffic facilities, 96
Air-Air Refuelling, 133
    installation, 37
    selection, 59
Aircraft Carrier, 105
aircraft model, 60
airport, 61, 386
airport code, 61, 100
airspeed indicator, 95
Airwave Xtreme 150, 29
Alonzo, Raul, 377
Altimeter, 237
altimeter, 95, 164
    tuning, 165
    absolute, 165
altitude hold, 86
America, Michele, 373, 377
anonymous cvs, 28
anti-aliased HUD lines, 59
artificial horizon, 95
astronomy code, 375
ATC, 92, 374, 386
ATIS, 96, 225
ATIS messages, 374
Atlas, 110, 375
attitude indicator, 95
audio library, 380
audio support, 375
auto coordination, 95
auto-co-ordination, 57
autopilot, 86, 87, 91, 97, 196, 246, 373, 379, 380
        heading mode, 196
        roll control mode, 196
        vertical speed mode, 197
autopilot controls, 86, 87
autothrottle, 86

Baker, Steve, 375
bank, 95
Basler, Michael, 377
Beech 99, 29
Bendix transponder, 374
Berndt, Jon, 386
Berndt, Jon, S., 374, 376, 377, 386
    pre-compiled, 15
binary distribution, 13
Bleisch, Paul, 377
Boeing 747, 29
brakes, 88, 96, 167, 382
    left wheel [,] (colon), 167
    right wheel [.] (dot), 167
branch, developmental, 28
branch, stable, 28
Brennan, Jim, 378
Bright, Bernie, 378
Buchanan, Stuart, 378
Buckel, Bernhard, 378, 386
Buckle, Gene, 378

callsign, 66
Carmichael, Ralph, 378
Cessna, 98, 383
Cessna 172, 29, 373, 374
Cessna 182, 29
Cessna 310, 29
Chauveau, Didier, 378
Check, John, 76, 97, 374, 376, 378, 386
Cherokee flight model, 383
clock, 96
cloud layer, 62
clouds, 375, 383
cockpit, 86
COM transceiver, 96
COMM1, 96
COMM2, 96
command line options, 55
communication radio, 96
compiler, 27
contributors, 376
control device, 57
control surface, movable, 374
Cornish, Dave, 372, 378
cvs, anonymous, 28
Cygnus, 27, 385
Cygwin, 27, 367

DC-3, 29
debug, 93
default settings, 56
Delise, Oliver, 375, 376, 378, 386
Denker, John, 148
differential braking, 88
Direct3D, 27
disk space, 27
display options, 86
documentation, 25
    installation, 38
DOS, 371
Doue, Jean-Francois, 379

Eberly, Dave, 379
elevation indicator, 98
elevator trim, 85
engine, 81
    shut down, 176
    starting, 81
engine controls, 87
environmental variables, 47
equipment, 92
Evans, Francine, 379
Everitt, Oscar, 379
exit, 89, 100

FAA, 147
FAA Training Book, 147
FAQ, 14, 15, 363
FDM, 374, 377
    external, 29
    pipe, 29
FG_SCENERY, 36, 48
field of view, 62
Finney, Bruce, 379
flaps, 88, 95, 97, 179
    control lever, 180
    steps, 180
Flebbe, Olaf, 379
flight dynamics model, 28, 59, 374
flight instrument, 95
flight model, 28, 60, 374
flight planner, 375
Flight simulator
    civilian, 24
    free, 371
    multi-platform, 24
    open, 24, 25
    user-extensible, 24, 25
    user-sported, 24
    user-supported, 25
FlightGear, 376
    versions, 28
FlightGear documentation, 30
FlightGear Flight School, 30
FlightGear Programmer’s Guide, 30
FlightGear Scenery Design Guide, 30
FlightGear Website, 30, 376
flightmodels, 28
Foad, Julian, 386
fog, 62
fog effects, 380
frame rate, 27, 62, 372
Franz, Melchior, 379, 386
FreeBSD, 379
frozen state, 57
FS98, 379
fuel indicator, 96
full screen display, 56
full screen mode, 63, 86

Gailly, Jean-loup, 379
GameGLUT, 384
Garg, Mohit, 379, 386
gauge, 95
gear, 88
Geforce, 15
Gellekum, Thomas, 379
geographic features, 372
Girish, Neetha, 379
GLIDE, 365
GNU C++, 27
GNU General Public License, 25
Go Around, 272
Goeke-Smith, Jeff, 373, 379
Gold, Michael, I., 380
GPL, 25
graphics card, 26
graphics routines, 371
GSHHS data, 373
gyro compass, 95

Habibe, 380
hang glider, 29
Harrier, 29
haze, 62, 63
head up display, 98, 373
heading hold, 86
height, 98
help, 93
Hill, Mike, 380
History, 371
    aircraft, 373
    environment, 374
    scenery, 372
    user interface, 375
Hofman, Erik, 372, 380, 386
hot air balloon, 381
Hotchkiss, Charlie, 373, 380
HTTP server, 375
http server, 65
HUD, 58, 64, 98, 99, 373, 377, 380
HUD (Head Up Display
    full mode), 202
HUD (Head Up Display), 202, 204, 205

    modelling, 29
IFR, 97, 148
ignition switch, 81, 96
inclinometer, 95
initial heading, 61
installing aircraft, 38
instrument flight rules, 97
instrument panel, 59, 86, 94, 373
Internet, 375

Jackson, Bruce, 371, 380
joystick, 57, 68, 81, 84, 375
    .fgfsrc, 74
joystick settings, 376
joystick/self detection, 375
joysticks, 27
JSBSim, 60
Justus, Maik, 380

Kaaven, Ove, 380
Kaszeta, Richard, 380
    configuration, 88
keyboard, 158
    numeric, 158
    uppercase and lowercase keys, 158
keyboard controls, 81, 84, 85
    miscellaneous, 88
keyboard.xml, 88
Knienieder, Tom, 380
Koradi, Reto, 380
Korpela, Eric, 371
Kuehne, Bob, 381

Laird, Kyler B., 381, 386
landing, 187
    aid signals, 164
landing gear, 88
LaRCsim, 371, 372, 374, 380, 382, 383
latitude, 99
Launching Flightgear
    Linux, 48
    Mac OS X, 53
    Windows, 51
leaflet, 14
light textures, 372
Linux, 15, 25–27, 371
Livermore, 222
load flight, 88
location, 90
longitude, 99
Luff, David, 374, 381

Macintosh, 15
magnetic compass, 95
magneto, 173
magneto switch, 374
mailing lists, 363, 377
map, clickable, 372
Marchetti S-211, 29
marker, inner, 97
marker, middle, 97
marker, outer, 97
Mayer, Christian, 375, 376, 381
Megginson, David, 147, 372–376, 381, 386
menu, 375
menu entries, 88
menu system, 386
MetaKit, 385
Metro Works, 384
Microsoft, 23
Mitchell, Eric, 372, 381
mixture, 97, 175, 252
    lever, 176
    optimisation, 176
mixture lever, 84
Moore Cameron, 363
Moore, Cameron, 381, 386
Morken, Anders, 381
mouse, 99
    normal mode, 160
    rudder control, 168
    view mode, 161
    yoke mode, 161
mouse modes, 99
mouse pointer, 56
mouse, actions, 99
MS DevStudio, 367
MSVC, 367, 378
multi-engine support, 374
multi-lingual conversion tools, 381
Multiplayer, 111
multiplayer code, 375
Multiple Displays, 116
Murr, David, 371
Murta, Alan, 381

NAV, 96
navaids, 97
Navion, 374
NDB, 96, 97
Nelson, Phil, 381
network, 93, 375
network options, 65
networking code, 375, 378
Novikov, Alexei, 381
NumLock, 84

offset, 63
Olson, Curt, 371, 372, 374–376, 382, 386
OpenGL, 15, 26, 27, 30, 364, 371, 372, 376, 380
    drivers, 27
Operating Systems, 24
    aircraft, 59
    debugging, 67
    features, 58
    flight model, 59
    general, 55
    HUD, 64
    initial position, 60
    IO, 66
    joystick, 68
    network, 65
    orientation, 61
    rendering, 62
    route, 66
    time, 64
    waypoint, 66
OS/2, 371
Others, 385

panel, 94, 381, 382
    reconfiguration, 97
parking brake, 84, 88
Paul, Brian, 382
pause, 88
pedal, 68
Peden, Tony, 376, 382
Peel, Robin, 374, 382
permissions, 365
Perry, Alex, 382, 386
Perry, Dave, 386
PFE, 75
pitch, 95
pitch indicator, 98
places to discover, 100
Playback, 122
PLIB, 375, 376
preferences, 55
problem report, 363
problems, 363
    general, 364
    Linux, 365
    Windows, 366
programmers, 376
property manager, 375, 376
proposal, 371

radio, 225
radio stack, 96, 374
random ground objects, 373
README.xmlpanel, 97
Reid-Hillview, 222
Reinhard, Friedemann, 373, 382
Reinholdtsen, Petter, 382
reset flight, 89
Riley, William, 372, 382
Ross, Andy, 374, 382, 386
RPM indicator, 95
rudder, 84, 85, 95
    keyboard control, 168
    mouse control, 168
rudder indicator, 98
rudder pedals, 27, 81
runway lighting, 372

save flight, 89
scenery, 35, 371, 372
    additional, 35
Scenery Database, 385
scenery directory
    path, 56
scenery subsystem, 382
Schlyter, Paul, 382
Schoenemann, Chris, 383
Schubert, Phil, 383
screenshot, 88, 89
Sectional, 218
See how it flies, 148
Selig, Michael, 374, 386
Shewchuk, Jonathan, 383
shutdown, 190
side-slip, 181
Sikic, Gordan, 383
SimGear, 376
Smith, Michael, 383
sound card, 27
sound effects, 27
source code, 25
speed, 98
        knot [nautical mile per hour], 169
spin, 181
Spott, Martin, 383, 386
stall, 181
starter, 84, 96
Starting Flightgear
    Linux, 48
    Mac OS X, 53
    Windows, 51
starting the engine, 96
startup latitude, 61
startup longitude, 61
startup pitch angle, 61
startup roll angle, 61
static objects, 373
Stockill, Jon, 383
Sun-OS, 25, 371
system requirements, 26
system.fgfsrc, 55, 376

tachometer, 167
tail-wheel lock, 88
Talsma, Durk, 375, 383
telnet server, 65
TerraGear, 376
terrain, 63
TerraSync, 37
Text To Speech, 124
texture, 372
textures, 372, 381
throttle, 84, 85, 97, 98
throttle lever, 175
thunderstorms, 375
time offset, 88
time options, 64
TNT, 15
Torvalds, Linus, 26
Traffic Pattern, 259
triangle program, 383
triangles, 64
trim, 85, 182
Troester, Kai, 365, 386
    mouse speed, 163
    stuttered simulation, 156
Turbo 310, 29
turn coordinator, 166
turn indicator, 95, 98
tutorial, 147

U. S. Geological Survey, 371, 384
UIUC, 374, 383
UIUC flight model, 29, 60
UNIX, 371

Vallevand, Mark, 384
van der Mac, Sam, 381
van Sickle, Gary, R., 376, 384
VASI, 269
velocity rages, 95
vertical speed indicator, 95
VFR, 97, 148
view, 89
    changing, 158
    instant replay, 159
view directions, 85
view frustrum culling, 372
view modes, 86
views, 376
Vine, Norman, 373, 376, 384, 386
visibility, 86
visual flight rules, 97
VMap0 data, 373
Voegtli, Roland, 384
Volpe, Carmelo, 384
VOR, 96

Walisser, Darrell, 384, 386
weather, 91, 381
wiki, 15
Williams, Ed, 384
Wilson, Jim, 385
window size, 63
Windows, 15, 27
Windows 95/98/ME, 25
Windows 95/NT, 371
Windows NT/2000/XP, 25
winds, 375
windsock, 193
Wippler, Jean-Claude, 385
wireframe, 63
Wood, Charles, 148
Woodsoup, 385
workstation, 371
Wright Flyer, 29

X15, 29
XFree86, 365

YASim, 29
yoke, 57, 68, 81, 84, 96, 160
    mouse yoke mode, 161, 164
    pulling, 162
yokes, 27

Zeh, Allan, 385
zlib library, 379