Walkthrough: Murder at the Bazaar

Anathema St. Petersburg Stakeout Kirov Park Meeting Tubeway Torpedo
Invitation to a Party Tracking Hayamoto Hidden Valley At the Gates
Basement Killing The Graveyard Shift The Jacuzzi Job Murder at the Bazaar
Motorcade Interception Tunnel Rat Temple City Ambush The Death of Hannelore
Terminal Hospitality St. Petersburg Revisited Redemption at Gonntaro Sanctuary


Acquire soldier gear and head to the bazaar. Simple enough, no? You'll find the lieutenant in his quarters with 4 guards patrolling the area. Proceed to the guards' personal quarters to pick up a SVD sniper. Then find a good place to take position to snipe the lieutenant. Another alternative is to run around his quarters to the back, and pick the lock. Next, go into Sneak Mode and open the door.

Once the door shuts, two AK47 guards will immediately proceed around the corner to your position. behind you two AK47 armed guards will stroll. Equip your fiberwire, head up the steps (backwards) so that you can keep the camera facing Ahmed when you see him. Use the fiberwire on Ahmed, then take the key and map after you drag his body on the other side of the bed. Most importantly ? take his clothes!

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