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Building Your Dream Machine

  • Weapons
  • Armor and Chassis Reinforcement
  • Car Upgrades
  • Weapons  
    There are a number of weapons to choose from during your travels, and the wide selection can be tempting. The Auto Melee scenarios allow you to experiment with different vehicles and weapons, making diversity part of the fun. But in the Trip missions you’ll be limited to the standard mounts of the Piranha - two front mounts, one top mount, and one dropper.

    The recommended combination is to load machine guns on the front and top mounts, especially once you get access to the 7.62 mms. For the rear mount, choose a missile launcher (preferably of the heat-seeking variety) and then select your favorite dropper (fire is nice, land mines are better). While this combination may seem a little boring, it is highly effective. With two linked machine guns, you'll have twice the firepower with every shot, and the missiles will help with long-range targets.

    Armor and Chassis Reinforcement  
    The default armor and chassis settings will work fine for the first few Trip missions, but you may want to start experimenting with different combinations to see which best suits your particular driving and combat styles. The recommended configurations included in the Trip mission guides assume you’ll be trying to stay in control during combat, and advise you reallocate much of the chassis reinforcement to your armor, putting most of your armor in the front and rear - where the enemy will be aiming most often. If you prefer a more reckless approach (which can be equally effective), beef up the front and rear chassis and make up the difference by taking more armor from the sides (front and rear armor and chassis reinforcement should always be higher).

    Car Upgrades  

    As you salvage new brakes, suspensions, and engines, you’ll obviously want to upgrade as soon as possible. Sometimes this will take some repairs on Skeeter’s part, but it’s often worthwhile to use a slightly damaged part (i.e., in the green, avoiding using yellow or red parts whenever possible) for the short term. You’ll usually find more than one upgrade, and Skeeter can get one part in cherry condition while you use the other.

    Special note on upgrades:
    The upgrades listed in the Trip descriptions are approximate. Depending on how you take out the creepers, you may find new equipment before or after it is listed in the guide.
    The only upgrade that you should use sparingly is the 595ci V-10 engine. It will give you a noticeable speed boost, but it also makes the Piranha incredibly difficult to handle at top speed. There’s nothing more frustrating than doing a handbrake turn at 150 mph to take out some chump, only to find you’re skidding backward for a hundred or so yards before you can regain control. Use the V-10 only when you really need it.

  • Weapons
  • Armor and Chassis Reinforcement
  • Car Upgrades

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