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Episode Two

  • Start up and follow Taurus
  • Race Taurus to the road. And do good!
  • Kill Leadsled Gang before they blow up the school in Leveland
  • Start up and follow Taurus  
    Follow Taurus up 385 and turn left at the shack. Taurus will stop next to the water tower; pull alongside him and stop.

    Race Taurus to the road. And do good!  
    Your first jump  
    During the race, Taurus will tell you to "hit the jump straight." Shortly after, you’ll see a slight lift in the road and what appears to be a small gap between the rise and the road beyond it. The small gap is actually a large chasm, so keep in the middle of the road, try to reach your top speed, and follow Taurus’s advice. You don’t have to actually beat Taurus to accomplish this task; if you make it to the road shortly after he does, you’ll still be successful.

    Kill Leadsled Gang before they blow up the school in Leveland  
    The Leadsled Gang  
    Taurus is going to leave you alone on this one. Link your front machine guns and head north along 385. Around Brownfield, you’ll see three blips on your radar. You have to take out all three of these creepers before they reach Leveland. The gang will be pretty single-minded about reaching the school, giving you the decided advantage of being able to do some serious damage from behind. As you fire upon Leadsled and his gang, they’ll turn off the road one by one and start coming after you. Dodge their fire and keep after whoever is still heading north. Once you’ve diverted all three cars from their path, take them out.

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