T-fighters: (posted by Sinner):
Mount your T-fighters with high damage PBCs when pirating, they are damn accurate and allow you to engage 2 targets at one time.
on missions, load T-fighters with weapons appropriate to the enemies
you will face. Rapid Fire PBC will help significantly with fighters and
Under normal conditions, T-fighters should be on Fire at
Will. You may not notice, but it will help keep enemies from harassing
your rear. When you've got a target lined up fat and juicy in your HUD,
a tap of the "Attack my Target" key and your target will quickly be
If you have not been using T-fighters, USE them.
T-fighters allow you to fire on multiple targets at once. The firepower
they possess is almost like having a 2nd corvette or patcom with you.
In heavy combat they can be undocked and used to keep the heat off you.