Armor Proficiency

A piece of body armor cannot be used by a character unless they have a proficiency for armor of that weight class. Pretty simple, really. Scoundrels start with only the light armor proficiency, but keep in mind that heavier armor generally reduces or negates the dexterity bonus to defense, so if you have a high dexterity stat, you may as well find a great piece of light armor and use that. Also note that many Force powers are not useable while you are wearing armor; this fits thematically into the notion that scoundrels will usually become the most powerful Force users once your character becomes a Jedi. Since feats are somewhat precious commodities as it is, it's probably for the best that you use the default proficiencies that your character starts with, rather than buying a proficiency for higher-level armor that might not be useful later in the game.

LightLevel 1Allows use of light armor
MediumLevel 1Allows use of medium armor
HeavyLevel 1Allows use of heavy armor

Two-Weapon Fighting

You might as well just call this "dual lightsabers," because that's probably all anyone will want to use it for. Two-weapon fighting gives you the opportunity to wield a weapon in each of your hands with a reduction to the normal penalty. Although you can use this feat in conjunction with dual blaster pistols, it's most beneficial, or perhaps just cooler, to use it with dual melee weapons, of which, of course, the lightsaber is the most famous example. Unfortunately, the attack penalties are still absolutely horrendous at the first level, so unless you want your enemies to think that you got weapons training from Greedo, you'll probably want to stick with a single weapon until you reach the second rank of this feat. Note that the use of a "balanced" weapon in your off-hand slot can reduce the attack penalty of your main-hand weapon, so be on the lookout for balanced swords and pistols during your travels. Lightsabers are not balanced; you'll need to use a short lightsaber in the off-hand if you want to reduce your main-hand penalty.

First RankLevel 1Attack penalties: -6 (main hand) / -6 (off-hand)
Improved RankLevel 4Attack penalties: -4 (main hand) / -4 (off-hand)
Master RankLevel 8Attack penalties: -2 (main hand) / -2 (off-hand)


Conditioning adds a bonus to every saving throw your character makes. Saving throws are used to reduce or negate damage from certain sources, such as explosives and harmful Force powers. A single +1 to saving throws is unlikely to have an immediate impact on your chances of survival, but it will average out to a greater likelihood that a character will live through a powerful attack somewhere along the line.

First RankLevel 1+1 to all saving throws
Improved RankLevel 4+2 to all saving throws
Master RankLevel 8+3 to all saving throws