
Passive Skill Feats

Some feats simply add bonus points to skills. These are not bad purchases if you simply can't find something worthwhile on the feats list, especially for soldiers, who will usually have very few skill points to allocate at each level-up, and who gain feats at a more rapid pace than the other classes. Scoundrels and scouts should usually be fine with the number of skill points they get at each level-up. The exception to this rule is for NPC party members; if you're the kind of player who tends to micromanage your PC and lets the other party members act on their own, you may want to give them more of these passive skills instead of loading them up on active combat feats that require you to manually switch over to the character and queue up an action. Note that these feats are definitely not cumulative; the bonuses you gain from the second rank replaces the bonus from the first rank, instead of adding to it, as does the bonus from the third rank. These additions allow you to exceed the maximum skill rank that's imposed by your experience level.


Caution gives a bonus to demolitions and stealth. If you really enjoy using your stealth skill to wander into an enemy position and set mines, then this might be something you'll need; most characters will want to stay away from this feat, though.

First RankLevel 1Adds +1 to each skill
Second RankLevel 4Adds +2 to each skill
Third RankLevel 8Adds +3 to each skill


Empathy boosts persuasion, awareness, and treat injury. Any class would stand a fair chance of finding this useful, since it is difficult for soldiers and scouts to increase their persuasion skill, and vice versa for scoundrels and treat injury.

First RankLevel 1Adds +1 to each skill
Second RankLevel 4Adds +2 to each skill
Third RankLevel 8Adds +3 to each skill

Gear Head

For the techies among your party, gear head benefits the repair, security, and computer use skills. Perhaps uncoincidentally, these are the three skills that T3-M4 is most adept at, so you may want it to abuse this feat a bit in order to become your party's Swiss Army knife.

First RankLevel 1Adds +1 to each skill
Second RankLevel 4Adds +2 to each skill
Third RankLevel 8Adds +3 to each skill