
Dark Side Powers

The insidious and malevolent powers of the Dark side will be off-limits to players that are role-playing a Light side character. You'll still be able to use them, sure, but you'll be hitting a significant Force point penalty every time you do so when compared to comparably priced powers from the Light side of the Force. If you do play a Light side character, you'll want to let Jolee be your quasi-Dark Jedi for the duration of the game; since he's relatively neutral on the Force alignment scale, he can use the powers of either side without penalty, and since he's a Jedi consular, he'll have a deeper well of Force points than any other of your party members.

Drain Life

Force Cost: 20
Restricted By Armor

No Effect on Droids
To reflect the Dark side's selfish and destructive nature, characters of an evil bent will not be easily able to heal themselves through the Force; instead, they'll be required to steal the life from their enemies to revivify themselves, like a vampire. The life gain is decent, but combat-oriented Dark Jedi may still want to let their Light side party members cure them every now and again, as the damage range is 10--40. Even a heal from a 20th level Light side Jedi probably won't restore 40 vitality, but it will always restore at least 30 health; if you're in a heated battle and need to restore your life, on the other hand, drain life might restore just 10 vitality, which is almost never going to be sufficient. In short, it's a bit too unpredictable.

At its second rank, against multiple enemies, death field has a much better chance of getting you back a high amount of vitality, since it gives you life equal to the highest amount of damage that's dealt

Drain LifeLevel 9
  • Target is dealt 1-4 damage for each level of the Dark Jedi (up to level 10); Dark Jedi gains that much vitality
  • Save versus fortitude: half damage
Death FieldLevel 18
  • All targets within a ten meter radius are dealt 1-4 damage for each level of the Dark Jedi (up to level 10); Dark Jedi gains that much vitality
  • Save versus fortitude: half damage


Force Cost: 20
Restricted By Armor

This is going to hurt a bit.

Now we're getting down to it. Of the Dark side's powers, shock and its upgrades are the only ones intended to deal massive amounts of damage to a large number of opponents. While the other powers can sometimes affect large groups, they are intended to simply weaken your foes or make them easier to kill; shock's reason for existence is to deal the killing blow itself, and kill it does, especially at its highest rank. Unfortunately, there is no stunning effect associated with the damage, so even though you'll likely kill a few opponents with a high-level shock, you'll still have to deal with fully mobile foes afterwards.

ShockLevel 1
  • One target takes 1-6 damage per level of Jedi (10-60 max).
  • Save versus Will: half damage
Force LightningLevel 9
  • All targets up to 16 meters away in front of character take 1-6 damage per level of Jedi (10-60 max).
  • Save versus Will: half damage
Force StormLevel 18
  • All enemies within 10 meters of a single target take 1-6 damage to both Vitality and Force Points per level of Jedi (10-60 max.)
  • Save versus Will: half damage