
MapMixer Map Lists

MapMixer manages it's own map lists and does not use the standard UT map lists.  Each map in a MapMixer map list is assigned its own Game Type, Game Rules, Mutators, Player Counts, Bot Skill and Bot Selections.  Therefore each map in a list can be totally unique, instead of being limited, for example, to playing one game type per map list.

User Map Lists

MapMixer allows you to create your own customised map lists, using it's own extended map list editor.  Alternatively it can auto-create a map list for you at the beginning of the session, based upon a list of game types.

Session Map List

MapMixer defines a Session as being the time from the point you launch the game play till the point where you quit game play.  At the beginning of a session MapMixer will initialise the session's map list.  This is the internal map list that is used when switching maps.  The session map list can be modified at any time in-game by an admin using MapMixer console commands.

As the session's map list is initialised upon playing the game, it is always a pre-determined map list, whether it is manually created or automatically created. This provides the ability to navigate forwards and backwards through the map list in a predictable way, even when the map list is shuffled.

The Configuration allows you to always initialise the current session's map list at the start of a session or use the previous session's map list, so you can resume the last session's map list.

Navigating Through a Map List In-Game

Using MapMixer console commands you can navigate through the session's map list in-game and set the next map to be played and optionally switch to it immediately.  For ease of use, these console commands can be bound to keys using the Key Binds Menu in the MapMixer Configuration. 

The navigation commands control a special pointer to the next map to be played.  By navigating through the session's map list, you indicate which map is to be played next after the current match finishes.  Each time a match starts this pointer is reset to nothing.  When you use the navigation functions, it stays pointing at that map until a map switch occurs.

If Auto Map Advance is activated then this navigation pointer sets the next map that is switched to after the countdown.

Map list navigation involves the following operations:

Navigate Forwards
Move the navigation pointer forwards through the map list.  The name and gametype of this map will be displayed on the HUD of the client using this function.

Navigate Backwards
Move the navigation pointer backwards through the map list.  The name and gametype of this map will be displayed on the HUD of the client using this function.

Navigate to Current Map
Move the navigation pointer to the index of the current map in play. The name and gametype of this map will be displayed on the HUD of the client using this function.

This command switches the game to the map indicated by the map list navigation pointer.  If the pointer has not been set then it will switch to the map following the current one being played in the session map list.

Some examples of Map List Navigation:

Example One
A map loads (or at any point in-game) and you don't feel like playing it and you want to skip to the next map.  Simply press the Switch key and MapMixer will jump to the next map in the list, taking all connected clients.

Example Two
You are in the same situation as example one but you want to be sure what the next map is before you switch to it.  In this case, instead of pressing the Switch key immediately, you can press the Navigate Forwards key to see what the next map is in the list.  If that map is still not what you're after, press the Navigate Forwards (or Backwards) key until you find one that you like.  Now at this point you can press the Switch key to travel to this map, or alternatively wait until the current match finishes and it will switch automatically (assuming Auto Map Advance is activated).

Example Three
You are either currently playing a match or the match has just finished and you decide you want to play the same map again.  Simply hit the Navigate to Current Map button and the next map switch will effectively restart the current map.  Alternatively you could have hit the Navigate Forwards button once and then the Navigate Backwards button once.

If you deselect Auto Map Advance in the configuration, then you can manually switch maps at the end of a level by navigating through the list and finding that map you want, stopping MapMixer from automatically switching maps.  When you want to move on to the new map you can hit the Switch key.  This provides a way of taking a breather between matches and making sure that the next map in the list is acceptable.

Every map in a MapMixer map list is associated with a game type.  When you switch maps you also switch to the game type assigned to that map!