Configuration |
The second page of the Configuration contains MapMixer's enhanced Map List Editor.
There are two lists displayed. The one on the right displays all the maps compatible with a selected game type. The list of the left displays the maps in the current Custom List.
Creating a list is exactly the same as the map list editor in the original game menu, so there's no need to re-explain most of what you see.
One key difference to note is that when you add a new map to the map list, the game type you added it from is recorded along with the map. This is of importance only if you intend to enable Game Type Switching.
This is the list displayed on the right and effectively becomes your source for adding maps to your Custom Map List on the left.
List Columns
There are three columns displayed. By default they show Map Name, Player
Counts (PC) and Map Author.
The second and third columns have alternate modes to display extra information. To activate these alternate modes, simply click on the buttons labelled "^" below the list. (There is a button for each of the two columns.)
Column two cycles between: Player Counts (PC), Map Rating (MR) and Matches Played (PL)
Column three cycles between: Map Author (Author) and User Map Comment (Comment)
By Left-Clicking on any of the three columns you can cycle between sorting the list based upon that column in either ascending or descending order. (Onslaught is locked to ascending order by design.)
Game Types (Drop Down List)
Displays a
list of all standard and Custom Game Types. When you select a game type,
all maps associated with that game type are displayed in the list below.
Remove Added Maps
This emulates the original UT map list
by moving maps from the right list to the left list when you add them, stopping
you from adding them twice. This can be disabled if you wish to add a map
twice or more in a list.
This is the list displayed on the left and lists the contents of the current list being edited.
List Columns
Two columns show the game type and map name.
By Left-Clicking on any of the three columns you can cycle between sorting the list based upon that column in either ascending or descending order. This change is permanent in your list, if saved.
Game Type (Button)
This button allows you to change the
selected map's game type to the one listed on the right side via the Game Types
drop down list selector.
Simply select a map from the Custom Map List and click on Duplicate to
make a copy of that map. This is particularly useful if you want to
duplicate a map in the current list and then change it's game type.
Click on this button and the Map Edit Panel will appear, showing
a section where you can alter the Game Rules, Mutators, Player Counts, Bot
Skill and Bot Selections for the
selected map in the current Custom Map list. The settings are divided into
separate sections (or pages).
When editing a map, you only need add the Game Rules that you wish to override or be specific for this map, as you will most likely be using a Game Rule List that contains your main settings.
A map preview consists of a map's screenshot preview and a few other items such as author and recommended player counts.
Map Mixer provides two types of map previews.
Large Preview
When activated, the other list is replaced by a large preview of the
selected map (Map Info Panel).
Below the map information in the Map Info Panel is an "Edit" button. This enabled you to associate a Map Rating with each map. See the Map Rating feature.
This Preview is activated in any of the following ways:
Small Preview
When activated, a small preview of the selected map is shown below the
current list.
This method enables you to have a map preview for each list.
This Preview is activated by using the SHIFT key in combination with any other methods in the Large Preview mode (except context menu).
Each list can be sorted by clicking on the column title that you want to sort by. You can sort in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking. The sorting is temporary when used in the Available Maps List (on right) but is permanent on a Custom Map List (when saved).
Both lists support drag and drop, allowing you to click on a map and drag it to another location in the list or to the other list. In the Custom Map List you map drag and drop a map to a different location within the map list or drag it over to the right list to remove it from the Custom Map List. In the Available Maps List you may pick up a map and drop it over onto the Custom Map List to add the map.Context Menus
Each list contains specific Context Menus (ie Click on a map with the Right Mouse Button).
From this menu you will see the Test Play Map option that will enable you to quick test a map.Keyboard Shortcuts for the Map List
- Use Enter Key to Add/Remove maps (Delete Key also works for left list).
- Use Spacebar to switch focus between the Custom and Available Map Lists.
- Use the Control or Shift keys in combination with the Up and Down Cursor Keys to move the selected item in the Custom Map List.
- F1 or Middle-Click acts as a shortcut to the Large Map Preview of the list that is currently has focus.
Press SHIFT-F1 or SHIFT Middle-Click as a shortcut to the Mini Map Preview.
F2 acts as a shortcut to the MapEdit in the Custom Map List (left list).- F4 to change the selected custom map's game type to the one shown on the right list.
- F8 to manually Cue First Map
- Use Control-C to copy the selected map and then Control-V to paste that map to the point after the selection. You may also use Control-X to Cut the map and then Control-V to paste the map. You can paste into a different map list and you can select a new position in the list to paste to.
- Press any letter to jump to a map name beginning with that letter (excludes map prefix). Eg: Pressing "T" would jump to DM-TokaraForest. You may keep pressing that letter to continue searching.
You can create Custom Map List Filters for use with the Available Maps List (or with Game Types in Game Lists). Above the Available Maps List is the Map Filter drop-down-list allowing you to select a Map Filter (or select (none) for no filter). Next to it is the Edit button, which opens the Map Filter Edit Menu, allowing you to create, edit and re-order the list.
The following describes the options in the Map Filter Edit Menu.
Only Official Maps
This check box will cause only official maps created by Epic or Digital
Extremes to be displayed.
Map Name
Enter any text, so that only maps with names containing this string will
be displayed. The text is not case sensitive.
Map Author
Enter any text, so that only maps with map authors containing this string
will be displayed. The text is not case sensitive.
Player Counts
Enter a number in either of these two boxes so that only maps with
recommended player counts between these two values will be displayed.
Map Comment
Enter any text, so that only maps with user map comments containing this
string will be displayed.
Map Ratings
This check box allows you to include Map Ratings in your Filter.
Only maps with Map Ratings between these values will be displayed. You
could set the ratings to "0" to show maps that have not been rated.
Matches Played
This check box allows you to include the recorded number of completed
matches played for a map. Only maps with Matches Played counts between
these two values will be displayed. You could set the number to "0" to
show maps that have not been completed at least once.
Note: Saved Filters can be re-ordered in the list by dragging them to another location in the list.
You can alter the way that map names are displayed in the Available Maps List (right). Click on the button labelled "F", below the right list to select the options. See Map Name Formatter for more details.
To save the currently displayed list on the left you must enter a name for the list in the box up the top and then select save. If the list name was already present then it will be saved over.
To delete a list, simply select it from the drop-down list and click on delete.
This allows you to combine a previously saved list with the present one. Firstly select the entry in the current list where you want to insert the other saved list and then click on the Merge button. Now all other non-relevant buttons will disappear and you can select the other map list by selecting it from the List Name drop-down list.
From the MapMixer Config you can start a game session using the "Listen", "Dedicated" and "Play" buttons. You may manually cue up the first map to play in that session, regardless of how the map list is sourced. To do this, simply right-click on a map in either list and select "Cue as First Map". Alternatively you can press F8 while a list is active. If you choose this map from the left list (ie Custom Map List) then you may first edit this map and then when you click on "Cue as First Map", it's settings are applied as well.
Using the Context Menus (ie right mouse click) of either the left or right lists will show an option called Test Play Map. This option will allow you to quickly launch into a map for testing purposes. In the dialog window that opens is shown the map name, game type, number of bots, bot skill and game rules. This settings are stored specifically for the Test Play Map feature for each game type, so when you return, you will have the same options selected.
When you use this feature for the first time, a dialog will open reminding you that before you use this feature you should make sure you have saved any NEW unsaved lists first. What this means is that if you have recently created a new Map, Game, Rule or Mutator List then you should make sure you have saved them before you test play a map. All other settings are automatically saved before you Test Play a Map.