
Admin Menu

If a Client is logged on as a UT2004 Game Administrator then they have access to the MapMixer Admin Menu.  This menu contains settings relevant to the current game and server.

This Menu is accessed via a console command.  This is best assigned to a key for easy access.

The console command is simply admin. To enter it into the console you would type mapmixer admin.  To assign this to a key you could type set input z mapmixer admin (where "z" is the name of the key you wish to assign it to.)  You can also open up your user.ini file in the UT2004 system folder and you'll see all the possible keys listed there.

The maximum number of Admin Menus that can be open at once can be set in the Map Mixer Settings (see below).

The following Tabs appear in the Admin Menu:

Game Rules

Some basic match rules are listed here.  Simply select the item in the list you wish to alter and a control will appear at the bottom of the list enabling you to alter the setting.  When you close the Admin Menu via the Close button, these settings will be updated on the server.

Some of the options listed will only appear in either Single Player or Multiplayer.

Most of the options are self explanatory but some explanation is required for a couple of them.

Freeze Bots (Single Player Only)
This works the same way as the PlayersOnly console command for UT.

Number of Bots (Single Player Only)
Allows you to set the number of bots you are playing against.  If you enter more bots than are currently in play then more bots are added, whereas if you select less bots then bots will be removed from the match automatically.

Minimum Players & Maximum Players (Multiplayer Only)
These two settings are exactly the same as set in the Server Settings Tab when starting a Multiplayer game.  The difference here is that MapMixer adjusts the number of bots in play depending on the Minimum Players setting.

Remember settings for game type
This options stored the current settings for the current game type, so next time a map loads of this game type, these settings are chosen automatically.  Note that not all settings are saved! For example, the NumBots, MinPlayers and MaxPlayers settings are not saved.  The saved settings do not affect a game until it starts.  Use the console command resetrules to clear these overrides.

Map List

The current map list is retrieved from the server and displayed here.  You may select a new map to switch to after the current match completes.

If the map list is active (click on it) then you may use any letter of the keyboard to select the next map beginning with the letter (disregarding map prefix).  For example, if you pressed the letter "T" then the list might jump to DM-TokaraForest.

Bot Skill
This drop-down list adjusts the bot skill level of the next match that you play, after that the bot skill reverts to the default value.  Use the Save check box on the right to set the default Bot Skill level.

Switch map now
Selecting this option will tell the server to automatically travel to the new map when you click on the Admin Menu Close button instead of waiting for the current match to finish.

Game Type
A drop-down list of game types will appear if manual game type switching is being used.  If you wish to change game types then select one and a button labelled Switch will appear.  When you click on this button, it instructs mapmixer to change to the selected game type's map list.  The map list shown is then updated to show these maps.

Map Info

Shows the map info on the current map or any map selected in the map list.  You may double click on a map in the map list to select it and jump to this page.

Note that the Recommended min and max player counts are sourced from the server, so they contain any adjustments made due to Player Count Maps. Under the Map Title you will see the game type displayed.

Map Mixer Settings

This is a list of the MapMixer settings which you can change in game.  It works just like the Game Rules Settings, ie select an item from the list and change it.

There are some options listed here which are not accessible anywhere else.

Net Safe Map Switch
When an Admin decides to skip a map while a Client is connecting, the client can become disconnected from the server because the client could be still loading the map on their machine while the admin is travelling to a new map.  This option stops admins from being allowed to switch maps until all the required human players have connected (set via MinNetPlayers).

Admin Menu Pauses Game
Puts the game in pause mode when an admin opens the MapMixer Admin Menu.

Ignore First Map Mutators
If you don't use the Reload First Map in Map List option then MapMixer will attempt to apply global mutator selections, such as Mutator Maps.  However, if you specify the Ignore First Map Mutators option as false then the first match will consist only of the mutators specified in the UT2004 menu when the game is started.  This option is enabled by default.