Mission Four
Mission Objective: Weather conditions are bad, but we've detected a heavily fortified base in the area. Destroy the power relay in the center of the base as well as all Mechs defending the area.
Primary Objectives: Capture clan base at Op. Able.
Secondary Objective: Capture warehouse at Op. Baker.
Difficulty: Medium
Mech Recommendation: Durable Mech able to withstand two close-quarters fights. Heat sinks aren't a priority because of the frigid weather.
This mission begins in the snow, making your Mech cool as ice, so you won't have to worry about overheating. The MFB is off course and stationed over at Op. Charlie. When the mission begins, several Elementals, a Thor and two Madcats approach from the front. Order your lancemates to engage the Thor while you handle the two Madcats. It's wise to take an autocannon onboard your Mech to destroy the two Madcats as fast as possible - you'll be able to rearm the autocannon soon enough.
 Order your lancemates to assist in defeating the first wave of enemy Mechs, specifically the tough Thor. |
After the two Madcats are destroyed, assist your lancemates with the Thor, then clean up all remaining Elementals. There are several missile emplacements in the area, so take them out as you come across them. While you're engaged with the Thor and Madcats, your lancemates will likely capture the warehouse at Op. Baker. Now, instead of heading straight for Op. Able, turn your radar's attention to Op. Charlie so you can rendezvous with your Mobile Field Base. As you begin your trek to Charlie, look for three helicopters to impede your progress. Take them out as soon as possible.
On the way, two Orions and a Thor might appear from the left. Just ignore them for now and continue to Op. Charlie. Once there, repair and rearm your Mechs as necessary. Once finished, it's time to engage the Thor and Orions. The best point to snipe these three powerful Mechs is the area just about Op. Charlie where the MFBs are station. From this point, you'll be in range of your long-range lasers and won't have to worry about the little hills and mountains getting in your line of sight. As you fire on these three Mechs, some of them might approach to engage at close-range. Any Mech that gets within 300 meters, order your lancemates to engage.
Continue pounding until all three are defeated. Now, begin your advancement to Op. Able. Again, you'll likely come across several missile and gun emplacements. Destroy them as you go and watch for additional Mechs to power up near the Op. Able fortress. A Madcat patrols the top of the base while two Daishi Mechs remain in the interior. Use long-range weapon and missiles to snipe at the Madcat and finally destroy it.
The best way to attack the Daishi Mechs guarding the interior of the base is to climb the rocky wall on the back of the base. There's a spot where the incline is just enough so you can easily walk up. Alternatively, if you are equipped with jump jets, then you can easily fly your way up. From this point, you'll see the two Daishis down below. From here you can snipe at their cockpits without even being engaged by their weaponry.
After you've eliminated the Daishis, fall down into the interior of the base and destroy the two towers and the dome generator. Once the base is secure, the mission ends successfully.
Next: Operation Four, Mission Five