Mechwarrior 3 Game Guide Mechwarrior 3 Game Guide
Mechwarrior 3 Game Guide

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Mission Four
Mission Objective: Two warship-class lasers are mounted on tower platforms north of your position. These lasers are responsible for the destruction of the dropship. Approach and destroy the towers, eliminating structures at Op. Able and Baker in the process.

Primary Objectives: Destroy enemy structures at Op. Able. Destroy power station at Op. Baker. Destroy laser tower at Op. Charlie. Destroy Battlemech factory at Op. Charlie.

Secondary Objectives: Destroy Smoke Jaguar Forces. Destroy fixed emplacements.

Difficulty: Easy

Mech Recommendation: Standard

Soon after the mission begins, two Mechs - a Firefly and a Blackhawk - power up near Op. Able. Destroy the two Mechs, then enter the base at Op. Able. Around this time, Dominic Paine, a lancemate, joins the cause.

Target the greenhouses, which hold the enemy's food supplies, and destroy them with laser weaponry. Once the greenhouses are destroyed, target the power station near Op. Baker. Once both ops are cleared, head toward the red, hostile blips on your radar.

Use your long-range weapons against the many Mechs on this mission to eliminate them from a safe distance.
In the distance you'll see the large base and the two warship class lasers. Protecting the base are four missile emplacements. Destroy each missile emplacement from a safe distance. Around this time, two more Mechs power up, a Strider and an Owens. You should be near the river. Use the water to counteract the heat generated by your weaponry and eliminate the two Mechs. The Strider is likely the tougher foe, so either eliminate it first yourself or ask Dominic Paine to assist.

By now you should have eliminated all exterior forces as well as the four missile emplacements surrounding the base itself. One more foe awaits, however; a powerful Orion Mech patrols the inner portion of the base. He's a tough foe and you'll likely need to repair and refit your Mech before venturing inside. Call your MFB to rendezvous nearby and get ready for your toughest battle yet.

As you cross the bridge that approaches the base, you'll be particularly vulnerable, especially if the Orion fires off some missiles. Ask Paine to join the fight and use all available cover (the base should have plenty of structures and walls to hide behind) as you approach the Orion. Fighting the Orion from close range is nearly as deadly because of its powerful autocannon. Go for the legs - if you can salvage this powerful Mech, it'll be worth the effort.

Try to stay away from face-to-face encounters and instead keep circling around, using laser and other powerful weaponry to take out the Orion's legs. Target the two laser platforms and destroy them. Once they are destroyed, a new objective appears on your list: destroy the Battlemech factory.

On the other side of the base, you'll find the large factory. Target the two towers on each side of the base and take them out with close-range weaponry. Once the two factory towers are destroyed, the mission ends successfully.

Next: Operation Two, Mission OneNEXT