Multiplayer Missions

New Gametypes

Co-op Missions

Singleplayer Missions

In Recon, team 1 must scan four navpoints within 15 minutes and then escape to one of three randomly determined extraction points. Team 2 must prevent team 1 from achieving their objectives for as long as possible.

Scanning a navpoint takes 60 seconds. Upon arriving at the extraction point, it takes 120 seconds for team 1 to be extracted.

Team 1 scores 2500 for scanning a navpoint and scores 5000 for being successfully extracted. Team 2 scores a 1000 point defence bonus every 60 seconds. A wave ends when team 1 is extracted.

The server host can set whether turrets are active, whether there are vehicles defending the navpoints and whether mechbays are included in the mission.

Recon supports respawn and wave respawn.