No One Lives Forever
Combat Strategies
Stealth Strategies
Intelligence Items
Cheat Codes
Guide Contents
The Dive, Scene 3

Objective: Retrieve the shipping manifest. Retrieve the captain's log. The scene begins with Tom and Cate in the North Sea - Cate's in scuba gear and preparing to dive to the sunken freighter. You begin down near the sunken freighter. Turn left and locate the hole in the ship's wreckage. Swim inside and to the top of the room. Locate the door to the right and open it. Go right through the hall, then left, and head into a door on the right side. Grab the clipboard from the desk - it's the shipping manifest (which counts as an intelligence item).

Swim through the gaping hole in the ship's hull.
Shoot the window and swim into the cargo hold. Swim straight down and spot the forklift - grab the intelligence item. There are sharks swimming inside the cargo hold. You can remain here and shoot them with your spear gun or make a break for it across the cargo hold. Your goal lies on the opposite wall near the ceiling. Swim into the vent. Follow the shaft through the first left and then to the right. Emerge into the storage room.

Swim to the door. The door to the left is locked, so go right and follow the hallway until you locate a busted wall on the left. Swim up the hole in the ceiling and go left. Open the door and go left when you emerge outside in the hallway. Follow the hall until you reach an intersection to the left and right. Go right and open the door. This is the captain's room. Grab an intelligence item from the nightstand and pick up the captain's log off the bed. Completing the objective triggers a new one.

Objective: Find your way out of the freighter. You're no longer alone inside the ship. Enemy divers are swimming through the ship and block your way back to the surface. The enemy divers also use spear guns, and it's possible, although difficult, to dodge the projectile. Act quickly upon turning each corner, however; you can usually get off the first shot and thus the kill. You must return to the cargo hold, though your progress is impended by falling debris.

Sometimes you must swim upward and through the ceiling.
Swim through an open door behind one of the divers (it was previously closed) and swim through the stairwell. When you emerge, look for a vent shaft in the ceiling. Swim up and emerge inside a circular room with a large object in the center. Locate a hole in the cylindrical object and swim inside and up to complete the scene and mission.

If Our Demands Are Not Met

Briefing: Success at last, albeit overdue and underwhelming. Head to the War Room for an update on the situation. Perhaps there is a shred of hope, after all.

Objective: Report to the advanced field tactics area.

You begin in the briefing room - Tom's there, but Cate's late. UNITY receives a message from... a puppet, and it's describing its demands and explains the previous terrorist attack as well as many others to come. After the briefing, you're sent to advanced field tactics to gain two new gadgets, a new perfume that blinds and dazes the victim, and the P-421 canine persuader, a robotic poodle that distracts guard dogs.

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