No One Lives Forever
Combat Strategies
Stealth Strategies
Intelligence Items
Cheat Codes
Guide Contents
Appendix A - Intelligence Items

This appendix includes the complete list of intelligence items found in No One Lives Forever. The intelligence items are divided by mission and scene and also include any possible alternate locations. Collect intelligence items to receive bonuses, such as bonuses to health, damage, and accuracy, after each mission.

The Assignment: 16 Intelligence Items

Scene 2 - 2 Items

  1. Both items are acquired by choosing the non-aggressive responses to Mr. Smith's questions.
Scene 3 - 14 Items

  1. 8 items on the tables in Intelligence training room
  2. Blueprint on table after leaving bomb deactivation training
  3. Letter on table after stealth training
  4. Note on wall in 2nd firing range area - dum dum rounds training
  5. Note on wall in 2nd firing range area - shoot through walls training
  6. Dossier on table after lockpick training
  7. Note on wall after picking locks and before poison dagger training
Misfortune in Morocco: 41 Intelligence Items

Scene 1 - 7 Items

  1. Envelope in the table in starting room
  2. Envelope on the railing above courtyard with soda machines
  3. Roll of film between soda machines
  4. Folder under dresser in Room 12
  5. 2 Envelopes in mailboxes. Mailboxes only open if you do not have Bruno call out the marks in the beginning. Choosing "I can handle this on my own" opens one mailbox. Choosing "I just hope there are enough to keep me busy" opens both.
  6. Envelope in locked room. Must take the zipcord to access room from the courtyard.
Scene 2 - 14 Items

  1. Note on the wall near monkey merchant
  2. Folder in locked room near arguing couple
  3. Envelope under bed in Room 101 (room with maid)
  4. Briefcase in Room 201 (you get into it by jumping over balcony railing)
  5. Envelope by TV in Room 204 (large 2nd floor room)
  6. Envelope on bar by man who asks if you'd like a frosty beverage.
  7. Folder on Travel Agent's desk
  8. Dossier on window sill in courtyard to the right of hall just past Travel Agent's desk
  9. Briefcase on ice machine in hall with guard who has to pee
  10. Folder on table in elevator courtyard
  11. Briefcase near the luggage dolly in elevator courtyard
  12. Envelope on table in outdoor courtyard near conference room
  13. Note on wall in room where Bruno is killed
  14. Book on shelf next to note in room where Bruno is killed. Requires sunglasses

Scene 3 - 11 Items

  1. Dossier near bench where thugs shoot from in beginning
  2. Envelope in planter in 2nd story area (need to take ramp up)
  3. Envelope near phone in 2nd story area
  4. Envelope on the floor in room past phone in 2nd story area
  5. Dossier under table past fruit stand in 2nd story area
  6. Letter under table on balcony where thugs were shooting from in 2nd story area
  7. Briefcase at top of ramp that leads into the courtyard with 3 thugs (and one on balcony)
  8. Envelope on crates in room with 2 thugs leaning on wall.
  9. Dossier next to table in room with 2 thugs leaning on the wall
  10. Blueprint in last area after swimming to the end of the canal
  11. Last item is acquired by interrogating the thug rather than heading directly to the coast.
Scene 4 - 9 Items

  1. Envelope in tent in 2nd ruins (to the right of the 2nd car)
  2. Note on sign leading into mine field
  3. Briefcase near van in mine field
  4. Envelope near vase after coming out of water (in the well) - Alternate location: Letter in the water (near landing with 2 guards)
  5. Briefcase behind chair in room with 2 guards ("Just making sure you were awake")
  6. Envelope on wall near 2 guards talking about the ship - Alternate location: On wall just past 2 guards talking about the ship
  7. Film canister under fountain past generator room - Alternate location: Envelope on ground past guard who shoots other guard
  8. Letter on crates in hallway before the generator room - Alternate Location: Briefcase behind generator
  9. Dossier in room with guard off main courtyard - Alternate location: Dossier on crates in room between main courtyard and hallway to the water area.

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