Alright, now you see what you're up against. Inside the hangar, there's a droid dispenser, a droideka dispenser, and no fewer than two SBD dispensers. It's gonna get sloppy!
Before you head in, be sure to have EC grenades primed and ready to go, with your blaster rifle as a sidearm. You should have a full loadout of EC grenades and AA ammo from the previous ammo drops, so you'll have some weapons at your disposal, but your initial goal here isn't to destroy everything that moves; it's to get to the rear of the hangar bay by taking a right turn from the door, then taking up defensive positions there. The only challenge lies in getting there alive, which is obviously difficult due to the number of SBDs in the area, and the proliferation of explosive barrels, which, when detonated accidentally near your squad, will usually be the cause for a quickload. Your real objective here is to just run forward along the wall to the right of the doorway, shooting barrels that you see before you get into their area of effect and stunning any SBDs or droidekas with EC grenades. Your teammates, as usual, will be more resilient in the face of damage than you are, so you may want to just point them towards the rear of the room and follow in their wake; they'll draw fire from the droids in the way, but this will prevent you from using grenades, lest you want to blow your own team to shreds. Be prepared to try this run a few times; it's pretty easy to get blown up during it.
Video Walk-through
You'l l have to advance under fire and get into positions if you want to get these damn droids off your ship!
When you do reach the rear of the hangar, though, you'll be instructed to slice a terminal so that Advisor can deliver some "ordinance." The terminal is, of course, completely exposed to fire, so you're going to have to protect the slicer from the numerous droids in the area. You'll notice a turret in the corner across from the terminal, as well as a sniper spot and a grenadier spot. Place one soldier in the turret, one in the grenade spot, and get the last working on hacking the terminal. The turret should be able to deal with most of the regular battle droids as they pop out of the dispenser, while the grenadier will mostly disable the foremost SBD's with EC grenades. The prime sticking point for the hacker, then, will be a droideka that will take up position in the far corner of the hangar, near the field coil. You're going to have disable this guy if you want your slicer to live through the agonizing 30 seconds it'll take him to slice the console. If you have any EC grenades left, it's perhaps easiest to just chuck one in the rear corner every time you hear the distinctive droideka firing sound and notice the stream of lasers impacting your slicer. You can also use AA rounds, as well, but getting the correct angle of fire can be difficult at long distance. Luckily, you should have a complete clip of AA rounds from the hallway before this hangar, and there are more waiting for you behind the sniper position nearby.
Beyond the droideka, you'll want to periodically check the SBD dispenser near the slicer to ensure that none of the baddies issued forth from there are pounding him in the back. If the slicer does go down, it'll probably be easier to disengage the turret gunner and retask him than reviving the downed friend. If there are only a couple of seconds left on the slicing timer when the commando goes down, you can even try to complete the slice yourself.
After the terminal has been sliced, you'll have to wait for around 20 seconds for the ordinance to arrive, so keep your troopers in place, and retask the slicer to the snipe spot, if he's still alive. When it does come, though, your prayers will finally have been answered; a full Republic walker will have come in on the lift, which you can use to destroy pretty much everything in the hangar. You won't be able to see any access points, but if you get up next to the ladder underneath the walker, you'll be able to climb aboard. Do so, then use the turrets to shoot out the field coil. You can also destroy all of the dispensers, if you wish. After everything's kablooie, exit the walker, and Advisor will drop the lift and let you into the exit from the level.