Deus Ex Machina
Exit Maintenance Tunnels
Advance to Gun Control Station
As with the escape from the Coreship at the end of the Geonosis levels, you're going to be on a timer in this level, as the Federation battleship is attempting to destroy the Prosecutor by firing on it directly. Instead of a strict countdown, though, you'll get periodic notifications of hull strength; you'll have to find a way to prevent the destruction of the ship by disabling or destroying the Federation control ship before your hull strength reaches zero.
Unfortunately, there's approximately a billion droids between you and the gun control station that you're trying to get to. After you reach the end of the maintenance tunnel, save your game and head down the corridor to your right. You'll come across a long hallway that's filled with battle droids, SBD's, and hostile turrets; you'll have to fight your way through all of them in order to reach the next room. Luckily for you, there's three snipe spots in the hallway, as well as plentiful blaster ammo and two boxes of EC grenades in the small room just before the first sniper spot. Use any EC grenades you have left in your inventory to cover your approach to this room, then heal up and head back out to start making your way down.
With ten EC grenades at your disposal, you should be able to stun or kill most of the enemies in your path. The turrets are going to be extremely bothersome here; they're not difficult to kill, but they will dish out quite a bit of damage to your snipers as they move up the hall. Luckily, they'll usually take damage from the EC grenades that you'll be throwing up the hall, which should let your troopers kill them on their way to the forward snipe spots. This all makes it sound a lot easier than it is, of course. For maximum effectiveness, order your commandos to man one snipe position at a time. When the first one is manned, chuck a grenade into the hallway so that it lands just beyond the next snipe spot; this will damage the ceiling turrets there, and stun or destroy any guns in the vicinity, allowing you to command your next trooper forward to the next sniping spot. Repeat the process until the first two positions are manned, then order your third squaddie to stand his ground at the rear of the hallway, near the first snipe spot. Chuck any remaining grenades down the hall, towards wherever you suspect any turrets are remaining, then return for the last box and heal yourself. ,
With two snipers in place and a decent supply of grenades, it's time to make a charge for the end of the hallway. You'll need to keep at least two grenades for when you reach the door, but you'll have three that you can use to stun the incoming droids. There are a pair of droidekas that will come towards your position, but they shouldn't be overly difficult to take down, thanks to your snipers. After both of them are dead, you should start running towards the door; the death of the second droideka will have caused a pair of SBD's to spawn in in the far room, but the remaining grenades can be used to stun them while you form up your squad and charge through to the gun control station.
Slice All Three Consoles
In the gun control room, you'll notice a pair of bacta dispensers; get your guys healed up before charging up the ramp to the gun controls themselves. When you arrive, you'll be able to stock up on AA ammo and EC grenades, which you're going to need, because the three consoles here will have to be hacked simultaneously, for a solid minute apiece. Obviously enough, you're going to have to situate your troopers here while you use your wiles and guns to watch their backs.
Oddly enough, the real challenge here comes from the blaster droids, not the SBD's. The regular droids will be the ones to charge up the ramp and start shooting your teammates in the back, while the SBD's are content to sit down at the bottom of the ramp and fire away at you. As such, you'll want to be careful to take down the battle droids as they charge up the ramp, but be sure to keep an eye on your shields, as you won't have anyone around to draw fire; if the shields go down, you'll have to crouch behind one of the sniper positions here and give them a moment to recharge before you go back to work. Your EC grenades can be used to disable the SBD's, if you wish.
After a full minute of simultaneous slicing, your troopers will be returned to your control, allowing you to place them in the sniper and anti-armor slots near the consoles. Your only goal now is to wait; after around 30 seconds of fire from the Republic ships, the Federation control ship will be destroyed, resulting in the destruction of all the droids on the Prosecutor, and the end of the level. Watch the side ramps here to ensure that none of the battle droids make it up to the control area, and chuck down the last of your grenades to clear out any remaining droids before ducking for cover and waiting for the next mission to start.