The Bridge At Kachirho
Advance To The Center Span
Now that the Separatists have arrived in full force, it's Delta Squad's duty to prevent them from crossing one of the massive bridges near a Wookiee citadel. This all kind of begs the question of why, if the other side of the bridge is so important, didn't the Seperatists just land there when shuttling down from space? Dubious plans aside, your task will involve making your way to the center of the bridge, where there's a convenient weak spot, and blow it up.
The first obstacle you'll come up against are a set of scav droids. Rather than get killed, tell your troopers to Search and Destroy in front of you and let them walk ahead until the scavs come through the windows, then shoot the droids while they're firing on your teammates. Heck, it's their job to place themselves at risk, not yours. They like it.
Next up, you'll have to find a path around a bulkhead that the Wookiees have sealed. You don't have much choice in the matter, since it's one long straight hallway. At the end, though, you'll be ambushed by Trando mercs that break through a previously sealed bulkhead; you'll need to through three thermal detonators into the breach in order to seal it. After that, you can make a break for the end of the level, nearby.
Advance To The Center Span
No one said getting to the middle of the bridge would be easy; the advance scouting parties of the Trandos and Separatists will be dogging you every step of the way. For example, they've set up grenadier positions in the trade concourse. Luckily for you, you've got a multitude of sniping and anti-armor spots to choose from. Your team should be able to make short work of the grenadiers when they're in position. The rest of the enemies here are triggered by movement, so if you wish to heal your squad up, now would be a good time.
When you're ready to trigger the next wave of enemies, get your guys into position. One should be on the snipe spot atop the crates, near the bacta dispensers; one should be in an anti-armor position along the groove at the bottom of the concourse; and one should be in one of the foremost sniping spots, preferably the one on the right when you look at them from the bacta dispensers. With all of these guys in place, walk forward until the bulkhead across the way is breached. In order to close it, you'll have to shoot down the targeted tree branch above the gap. Anything will do, even blaster fire, so wail on it until it comes down and seales the breach. Shortly afterwards, the left corridor will bust open, revealing a Trando HAM, but with two snipers and an anti-armor position, you should be able to deal with him easily.
After that threat is taken out, breach the door near the bulkhead, kill the Trandos inside, then heal everyone up before moving to the exit.
The Gauntlet
Advance To The Center Span
There's a whole lot of center span advancement going on here, but there's a bit of a roadblock in your way at the beginning of this level, in the form of darkened hallways with mines. Your nightvision visor can obviously deal with the darkness, while Scorch would love the opportunity to pull up some mines; just ask him! After you get past the second one, take out the Trando waiting by the window. You can grab a concussion rifle nearby, if you'd like one.
When you reach the exterior of the bridge again, you'll have to deal with a rather well-coordinated Trando ambush. The critical thing here is to take out the gunners of the turret off to the left. Begin by placing a sniper in position near the doorway to cover the oncoming troops, then head right underneath the liddle archway formed by crates to find an anti-armor position. If you set one of your troopers there, he'll be able to shellack the turret with AA rounds, letting you keep it unmanned. (You can also snipe the turreteer, of course, as well as the replacement mercs that will come running towards it when it's unmanned.) After the turret is unmanned, get someone in there, move your AA gunner over to the second snipe spot, then run to the barricade and plant a charge on it.
The second half of the bridge is much the same as the first; anti-armor position, meet turret. After killing everything that moves, head into the next small set of rooms. There'll be a Trando HAM waiting for you, and the only position here (an anti-armor) isn't in place to actually hit him, so you'll need to stun him with the thoughtfully-supplied flashbang grenades before shooting him in the head with your sniper rifle.