General Strategies and Tactics

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Knowing the Battlefield
Always assume your opponent knows the particular battlefield perfectly. You, in turn, must strive to do so yourself. In the case of the computer, not only does it know the terrain from the beginning, it also knows what you are building at all times. For example, it will not invest in anti-air defense unless you begin constructing flying units.

Intimate knowledge of map geography may preclude such devastating and devious attacks as setting up Photon Cannons out of sight behind the enemy supply line.
You cannot be omniscient like the computer, but you can enter a battle with considerable knowledge of the terrain, thus lending you a very real advantage. Knowing the potential starting positions of all involved combatants, key geographical features of the map, ideal ambush points, potential sites for expansion bases, and other such information is all very important. Is the map expansive and flat, thus facilitating sneak attacks against the enemy position? Is the map naturally protected, with just a scarce few means of reaching your enemy? Is the map a series of islands, accessible only to flying forces? Consider and strive to answer each question before the fight even begins.

Take the opportunity to examine the various maps within the Campaign Editor where you can take all the time you need to assess their various features. Once you know your maps, scouting and base expansion will be much more precise and efficient.

Knowing the Enemy
Gathering reconnaissance early and often is imperative, particularly against a human opponent. Once your economy is underway, send a quick and inexpensive gatherer unit to observe the details of the map. Locate the enemy and figure out what he is doing. If he is producing weak units in great quantities, quickly bolster your defenses in preparation for an early attack against your position. If he is producing advanced structures before you are, chances are, he is rushing up the technology tree in an effort to produce powerful units early in the battle. Quickly order your forces to attack him, thereby punishing his unscrupulous spending habits. Likewise try and locate vulnerable enemy expansion bases and destroy them before the opponent can properly fortify them. Station gatherer units at the enemy's potential expansion sites so you know when he intends to set up new bases. Try and scout the enemy base later in the match and have a look at the type of units he is producing; then modify your own production queues to best counteract his own.

A Zerg Drone succeeds, albeit fatally, in discovering that the Terran enemy is well underway training Marines.
You may also use your gatherer unit early on to distract the enemy within his own base. Assign sporadic waypoints to your gatherer and see if you can force the opponent into wasting his valuable time trying to catch it. If your opponent is not prone to scouting like you are, consider sealing him into his base by means of defenses such as Vulture Spider Mines or Protoss Photon Cannons positioned in great numbers just past choke points leading to his headquarters.

Next: Ideal Build Order, and War Is Not for Pacifists