
Race Overview

    Terran Units and Structures
        Siege Tank
        Science Vessel
        Command Center
        Comsat Station (Command Center add-on)
        Nuclear Silo (Command Center add-on)
        Supply Depot
        Engineering Bay
        Missile Turret
        Machine Shop (Factory add-on)
        Control Tower (Starport add-on)
        Science Facility
        Physics Lab (Science Facility add-on)
        Covert Ops (Science Facility add-on)

    Zerg Units and Structures
        Queen and Broodling
        Infested Terran
        Spawning Pool
        Hydralisk Den
        Evolution Chamber
        Creep Colony
        Sunken Colony
        Spore Colony
        Queen's Nest
        Greater Spire
        Defiler Mound
        Ultralisk Cavern
        Nydus Canal
        Infested Command Center

    Protoss Units and Structures
        High Templar
        Carrier and Interceptor
        Cybernetics Core
        Shield Battery
        Photon Cannon
        Robotics Facility
        Robotics Support Bay
        Citadel of Adun
        Templar Archives
        Fleet Beacon
        Arbiter Tribunal

General Strategies and Tactics
      The Multiplayer vs. Single-Player Disjunction
      Knowing the Battlefield
      Knowing the Enemy
      Ideal Build Order
      War Is Not for Pacifists
      The Necessity of Expansion
      Bypassing Restrictions
      Knowing Your Upgrades
      Conserving Forces
      Resource Management
        Damage Types
        Air Power vs. Ground Power
        The Lifeline - Your Gatherer Units
        The Ultimate Power - Your Special Ability Units
        Knowing How Best to Attack
        Knowing Unit Counterbalance
        Knowing Hotkeys
        Group Tactics
        Regarding Cloaking and Cloak Detectors
        The High Ground Advantage

Missions Guide
    Episode I - Terran Campaign: Rebel Yell
      1. Wasteland
      2. Backwater Station
      3. Desperate Alliance
      4. The Jacobs Installation
      5. Revolution
      6. Norad II
      7. The Trump Card
      8. The Big Push
      9. New Gettysberg
      10. The Hammer Falls
    Episode II - Zerg Campaign: The Overmind
      1. Among the Ruins
      2. Egression
      3. The New Dominion
      4. Agent of the Swarm
      5. The Amerigo
      6. The Dark Templar
      7. The Culling
      8. Eye for an Eye
      9. The Invasion of Aiur
      10. Full Circle
    Episode III - Protoss Campaign: The Fall
      1. First Strike
      2. Into the Flames
      3. Higher Ground
      4. The Hunt for Tassadar
      5. Choosing Sides
      6. Into the Darkness
      7. Homeland
      8. The Trial of Tassadar
      9. Shadow Hunters
      10. Eye of the Storm


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