The Hall of Records
The vault is on the third floor. Unfortunately, you'll need an access code to get in. For that, you must get into the secure records room. Head back down to the first floor.
Turn right at the bottom of the stairs. Make your way down the hallway to the mess hall. There's a dumbwaiter here you can ride up to the dining area, which has two gold candlesticks. When you've taken them, head back down in the dumbwaiter. Hide in the mess hall until the guard has made his rounds. Go through the door and into the next hallway.
Go through the first door on the left to the target practice room. Shoot the last target on the right to open a secret room with a nice stash of items. Push the button to open the door, then wait for the guard to pass. Continue down the hall and make a right to the entrance to the records room.
 Shoot this target to open a secret room. |
Shoot out the torch near the guard at the records room. Sneak around through the shadows, then steal the key off the belt of the guard. Shoot a noisemaker arrow into the hallway to distract the guard, then unlock the door and go up the stairs.
The first door on the right is the secure records room. Use the key from Mosley's office to open it. Read the book to get the vault security code, then read the scrolls. Go down the hall to the records room. Find the loose book and pull it to open a secret passage. Follow the passage and open the second door. Drop down into the main office. Search the cubes for information and a statue.
Go to the alcove and wait in the shadows until the guard has passed. You can either go right and back through the mess hall or to the left. The latter route is more difficult, but gives you a chance to explore the barracks and the locker room, both of which have a number of supplies, including a couple health potions, some water and moss arrows, and a couple of flash bombs.
The walk-through (cont.)