This mission Walk-through is written for finishing the game on the expert difficulty level. On the hard or normal difficulty levels, just follow the steps that apply to those level's objectives and ignore the expert-only objectives.
Because so many elements of Thief II are open-ended, and because guard patrols will vary depending upon your timing in the mission, it is up to you to make sure that you are safe at all times. Watch for guards, shoot out torches, and stay in the shadows. This Walk-through will show you where to find loot and important objects, but it would be impossible to explain what to do in every situation. It'll get you through the game, but by experimenting, you'll find different, and sometimes even better, ways of overcoming the challenges.
Also note that this Walk-through is intended for the prepatch version of the game. The patch adds some slight variation to the mission objectives, but the basic structure of the missions remains the same.
Mission 1: Running Interference
Your primary goal in this mission is to clear a path for Basso the Boxman, a fellow thief who must rescue his imprisoned fiancée, Jenivere. On the hard difficulty level, you must also get 300 in loot. On expert, you'll need 600 in loot, including 200 in gems. You must score at least eight knockouts.
 The butler's key. |
Clearing a Path for Basso
Follow the wall to the right and go down the steps. Enter the butler's room. There's a key on the mantle that runs along the wall. It should be just near the door on your left. Unlock the left door and go through. Walk slowly down the hall, then open the second door on your left. Enter the room and turn around. Use a water arrow to extinguish the torch near the guard post.
Crouch and sneak past the guard post. Enter the doorway to the right. Use a water arrow to extinguish the torch in the room. Sneak over to the guard post and quickly use your blackjack to knock out the two guards.
 The secret passage near the guard post. |
Search the chests in the room to find some loot. Go through the closed door directly opposite the guard post. There's a flash bomb and some flares on a table. Crouch and look under the table - you'll find a button. Push it to open a niche containing some items, including a health potion.
Open the door in the room and look out. There's a guard down the hall. Sneak up and knock him out, then stash the body somewhere. Continue down the hall until you come to a large storage area.
The walk-through (cont.)