Mission 4: Ambush!

You're thrown into this mission with no chance to buy new equipment, so you must make due with what you start with. This Walk-through will show you some places to find some items and loot, though you can just make a beeline for your house if you so choose.

Be warned, though, that the objectives in this mission are a bit more complicated than they appear. And they will change once it seems like you're near the end. Get used to it - this will happen a number of times throughout the rest of the game.

The Long Way Home
You start out near a short set of steps, just below street level. Quickly run up and head to the street to the west. Two guards will be there shortly, and they'll head straight for your location.

Around the corner, you'll see a small box near a wall. Jump on the box and onto the wall. There's a metal door here; go through it. Climb out the window and crouch on the ledge. Wait for the guards below to pass by. Then, drop down and run down the alleyway to the marketplace.

Wait for the guards to pass, then drop down to the street below.
Run through the marketplace. The guard on the bridge won't see you as long as you keep to the shadows. Go down the street to the left, which will take you south on Whipple Street. Going north will get you home quicker, but you must contend with more guards.

Around the next corner, you'll see a brick house with a torch burning near the door. Run to the house and up the stairs. You'll find a small amount of loot in the form of some coins and a golden goblet. Go back down to the street.

Next: The walk-through (cont.)

THIEF II: The Metal Age

A complete guide to every mission on expert difficulty

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