Mission 5: Eavesdropping
You must break into the mechanist compound and listen to Karras' meeting with Truart. Stock up on water arrows, flash bombs, and moss arrows. The floors in the compound are mostly metal, so the latter will be especially handy.
Getting to the Meeting
You can't go through the front doors. They're locked, and there's a guard just on the other side. To make things more difficult, the walkways of the mechanist compound are all metal. Use moss arrows liberally here.
Walk toward the compound, then turn right and hide in the shadows. A security robot will pass by. Wait for it to pass, then fire two water arrows into the open area in its back. This will disable it. These things are tough, but they have a very visible Achilles' heel.
 The incinerator is the mechanical guard's Achilles' heel. |
Look up, then shoot a rope arrow to the beam near the balcony of the tower. Shoot the arrow just slightly to the side of the balcony, otherwise it will hit the floor and stop descending. Climb up, then extinguish the torch.
Hide in the shadows and wait for the guard patrol. Knock the guards out as they pass through. Climb up the ladder, get the loot from the table, and climb down.
Go through the hallway to the east tower. Knock out the guard on the balcony and shoot out the torch. Climb up the ladder and get the loot. Climb down both ladders to the first floor. Get the loot from this room, then climb back up to the second floor.
 Lean into the door to hear every word Karras says. |
Go through the door. Walk down the hall to the bookshelf. Grab the statue, then go into the office through the door to your right. Get everything from the desk. Leave the office and go out through the door to the roof. Knock out the patrolling guard. Open the chest near the storage room, then search the storage room. When you're done, go around the storage room and drop off the roof to the smaller roof below. Wait for the guard to pass. Drop down onto the grass to avoid making noise. Follow the walkway around to the staircase and walk up. Once you get near the door, the bells will chime midnight. Lean forward against the door to hear Karras' conversation with Truart (you can also eavesdrop on the conversation from the door near the acolytes' quarters).
Once the conversation ends, you'll have some new mission objectives.
The walk-through (cont.)