Mission 8: Tracing the Courier
This mission is a quick one, but it can be tough. Especially on expert difficulty, which requires you to pick six pockets. One important thing to remember is that you can take anything off someone to pickpocket them - so take arrows, potions, or anything you see on the guards or passersby.
Buy some water arrows and an invisibility potion. It may come in handy.
The First Courier
You'll end up following two people during this mission. The first is Lt. Mosely. She's followed by a guard at first. Run up and take the potion off the guard's belt.
Mosley will turn away from the guard. Follow her down the road. It's pretty straightforward. She's a bit paranoid, naturally, and she'll often turn and look to see if she's being followed. Take cover any time you can. Behind corners, in shadows, anywhere that will keep you out of her line of sight is ideal.
She'll turn past a guard post. Hide and wait for a guard to pass by. Now, run and catch up with her. On the next street, a pedestrian will stroll by - take the purse from her belt. Continue following Mosley to the marketplace.
 Mosley is understandably paranoid. Make sure she doesn't see you. |
Crouch and stay hidden near the stands. Mosley will walk up to Whipple Street. Stay hidden. A guard with a purse on his belt will walk nearby. Grab it, then follow Mosley onto Whipple Street.
Continue following Mosley, shooting out torches and hiding as necessary. You'll come to bridge. A guard with a bow will pass by on the other side. Run over and grab the arrows from his quiver. Continue following Mosley.
Mosley will cross a bridge near two guards. Hide in the alcove and wait for one of the guards to pass. Grab the purse on her belt. Getting across the bridge will be tricky. It's well lit, and Mosley will stop at the corner and look around. This is an ideal time to use your invisibility potion, but you can make it to the darkened doorway just across the bridge if you time your movement with the guards' patrols.
Keep following Mosley. She'll drop the letter near a dark alley, just beneath a lone lamppost. Pick up the letter and read it. Drop the letter under the lamppost. Hide in the darkened doorway and wait.
The walk-through (cont.)