Mission 10: Life of the Party
This is a lengthy mission, but much of what is detailed in the following Walk-through is unnecessary. This Walk-through will take you across most of the city, zigzagging back and forth to get most of the loot. There are a number of interesting conversations and locations that can easily be overlooked, though, so it's a good idea to try and see it all. Further, loot is going to become more important because you must buy more expensive equipment before each mission.
Before the mission starts, stock up on water arrows and, especially, flash bombs. You will see dozens of guards, and it can be difficult to sneak around undetected through the first part of this mission.
The Thieves' Highway, South
You start off in the bell tower. Walk forward and turn left before you reach the steam pipes. Drop down, open the wooden shutters, and climb into the house to find some gold coins. Go back to the bell tower. Turn right from the steam pipes to find an open window. Go through and knock out the occupant. Grab the vase and the purse off the occupant's belt. Now, climb up on the steam pipe and climb across to the next roof.
 These arguing guards will take care of themselves. Wait out the fight, then proceed. |
Turn left again and climb down the ladder. Crouch beneath the open window and wait for the guard to pass by. Climb up, knock out the guard, and open the chest. Go through the window and climb up the ladder. Drop down to the next roof and walk toward the open window to the left.
Wait near the window for the guard to pass. Climb in and knock him out. Grab the vase off the table, then go through the door to the stairway. Climb half-way up the stairs, then jump up and out the window.
You'll emerge near Castle Van Vernon. Ahead, two pairs of guards are arguing. Wait and listen. After their exchange of insults, they'll begin exchanging arrows. Wait until only one guard remains, then knock him out. Climb the ladder to the tower where Master Willey's guards were. Jump to the wood outcropping. Open the window and go through. Grab the purse from the table. Now, turn around and go back. Jump to the roof on the Castle Van Vernon side of the street. Climb down the ladder and walk up the stairs. Grab the goblet, then continue west, staying in the shadows.
The walk-through (cont.)