The Globe and Lotus
Go in the house. Search the first floor to find a purse. Now, go upstairs to the second floor. Knock out all the guards up here. There's a hole in the hallway ceiling. Shoot a vine arrow at the roof and climb up. Knock out the guard. Move the boxes in the next room to find a switch. Flip it. Now, climb back down and go into the room at the opposite end of the hall. Grab the water arrows and enter the secret compartment. Get the navigation globe, coins, and health potion. Go back downstairs.
Go into the lighthouse proper. Watch out for the guard. Go up the stairs and climb the ladder. Quietly, jump behind the guard on the top floor. Knock him out and take the cold storage shed key.
 Lotus will give you the key to the underground area where the Cetus project is underway. |
Go back downstairs and return to the well. Take the south passage and unlock the cold storage shed. Flip the switch to open the door. Talk to Lotus. When he asks you to, kill him. Take the wheel peg. Exit the shed.
Before returning to the lighthouse, climb up onto the roof of the shed. Walk over to the guard post and shoot a gas arrow at the guard. Grab the stuff nearby, then head back to the lighthouse.
Going Underground and Underwater
Go to the display room on the bottom floor of the lighthouse. Put the wheel peg in the wheel, then turn it. The floor will descend. When you reach the bottom, knock out the guard in the observation room. Flip the switch, and you'll be given some new objectives.
 Use the wheel peg to access the elevator. |
Run past the watcher into the passage leading down. Knock out the guard and take out the security robot at the bottom with water arrows. Search the crates to the east to find some items, then walk up the metal ramp and jump into the water near the submarine.
Swim under the sub and open the hatch. Climb in. Go to the second level and find the captain's log in his office. Read it. Go back down and exit the sub through the hatch. Then, swim back to the area you came from.
The walk-through (cont.)