Mission 12: Kidnap
You still must kidnap Cavador. This mission is very open-ended, and finding Cavador will depend on how long it takes you to accomplish the other necessary tasks - he moves around quite a bit. You can explore all the various sites in the lost city, where you'll find loot and equipment. This Walk-through will show you how to kidnap and escape with Cavador in the easiest way possible.
Your items and loot from the last mission will carry over into this one. If you have any gas arrows, try to save them for the kidnapping - two or three will make it a much easier task.
Getting into the KD Site
Walk up the path and go through the first archway. At this point, Garrett will recognize that he's back in the lost city, and a rough map will be made available. Run up the mound of earth near the building and go through the archway near the barrels. Listen to the guards' conversation for a clue about finding Cavador. Knock out the guard as she passes, then enter the building.
Use water arrows to disable the security robot, then search all the rooms on the bottom floor - you'll find some equipment and loot. Go upstairs, knock out the guard, and take the key from her belt. Search all the rooms and unlock the closed door on the east side with the guard's key. Search the room. In this building, you'll find a gas arrow. Save it. You'll need it later. Really. Now, go back down and open the double doors.
Open the chest here, then go into the room to the west. You'll find a more detailed map on the ground. Go into Cavador's room and take the papyrus on his desk. Read it - it will tell you Cavador's schedule. Flip the switch labeled "KD Site" on the wall, then go back to the entrance of the building.
Turn right and go through the opening near the crates. Run forward and enter the KD site.
The walk-through (cont.)