[Section 3]
The Railgun Weapon History: The material, dubbed Magnomatter, is more of a kind of energy field then true elemental matter. When outside of it's magnetic containment field, the material appears to be a thick fluid and quickly decays. As it does magnetic eddies in the matter magnetically pitch pea size pieces down to 1/1000th their normal size and these chunks explode out of the mass at nearly the speed of light. The pieces move so fast, and are so small, that they pass easily through both people and objects without damaging them. But the magnetic wake of the Magnomatter mass causes a massive magnetic disturbance in any water bearing material it passes through. In the case of a human body, it causes the blood to instantly accelerate in all directions at once, resulting in massive hemorrhaging and sometimes an explosive death! Walls and most equipment though show no marks at all! The passing of the Magnomatter field leaves a disturbance visible in air as the quickly decaying pseudo-matter shakes the water molecules in the surrounding air. This also results in the strange sound the gun makes when it's been fired. The U4E Railgun is, therefore, not a true railgun but a focusing device for these magnetic eddies that lead to an explosive out burst of Magnomatter. The gun loads up a tiny slug of the material from a clip-like removable storage device under the weapon. This droplet of Magnomatter is then subject to a controlled magnetic eddy and guided out the end of the gun's barrel. Most of the Magnomatter is destroyed at the second of acceleration, but the 1/1000th of a gram that escapes is traveling at 2/3rd's the speed of light. This micro-slug evaporates within less then a 1/10,000th of a second, but by that time it'll have already have traveled well over two miles, giving this weapon excellent range. Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire utilized the latest in portable ground penetrating radar to allow the user to track targets through solid walls. The device projects a holographic tracking system into the user's eyes that displays all active heart beats it detect within the area. Once a heart beat is found, a small crosshairs is placed over the target. When the gun is aimed directly at a living body, the device projects a human icon over the victim to let the user know when the gun is on target. The technology is very new though, and it's not recommended for targets over 1/2 a mile away or targets that are rapidly on the move. A deviation in accurate targeting increases over distance due to the unstable nature of Magnomatter, so practice is necessary to hit anything over that recommended range.
The Zapper Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire overloads the charging coils and the magnetic guides. The results causes Lightning "leaders" from all organic matter in the near vaccinate. This electrical phenomenon makes the Lightning Gun's bolt "heat-sinking" in nature and it will latch on to any organic mass within it's effect range. This bolt will continue to dog it's victim far past the point of death and rip apart their bodies in an almost vindictive assault. This attack though causes leader bolts to also form in the guns' operator's body. Well somewhat protected from the bolt, if the attack is continued for over 3 seconds, the weapon will attack it operator instead! Great care should be used when using this "Heat-sinking" bolt attack.
The Four Ball Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire fires off one missile at a time. This can be used to control ammo usage or fill an area with a steady stream of missiles.
The Flamer Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire controls the pilot light on the front of the weapon. Turning the pilot light off makes the gun a freezing machine, capable of cooling anything to -200 degrees centigrade. Turning the light on will ignite the fuel and produce a 1200 centigrade mass of fire. Good for toasting weenies. (You know what I mean)
The Nuker Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt-Fire of the Nuker is one of the most powerful attacks of any of the U4E's handheld weapon's stock. The magnetic guide hooks in the front of the weapon are pulled back and the active energy core of the Nuker is compressed and emitted in one massive fireball. This nuclear fireball emits incredible amounts of short range radiation that react on human flesh just as the nuclear fire does. Flesh begins to quickly boil away in this energy field, and only the radiation dampeners of the gun protect the user from also being instantly killed by the effect. This fireball floats freely until it comes into contact with solid matter, at which time it decays instantly into a massive explosion, irradiating everything around it. The radiation of it's decay lasts for about 3 to 5 seconds after the initial explosion and has a large range. Afterwards the radiation quickly drops off and the area appears to show no signs of residual contamination. Reports of large ants have been coming in from some Nuker test fields but these reports have yet to be substantiated.
Vulcan Cannon Weapon History: Tactical Readout: Alt Fire fires Faster! |