Oasis is a great map for trickjumpers - particularly in the old city where there are lots of high ledges and things like that. Thanks to {Just-Me} for helping with the descriptions...
Part 1: Original Allied Spawn to Old City
Part 2: Axis HQ with Anti Tank guns
For people with slower connections I made two parts extra: Part 1 and Part 2.
Sogoob made a nice trickjump video showing many jumps in the Old city: Oasis Trickjump video by sogoob
Jumping on the pillars in oasis ruins
Difficulty: Easy++
Here are 3 demos by garraz
for jumping around on the pillars in oasis. You need some good strafe jumps only. Enjoy!
Download oasis_pillarjump.dm_84
Download oasis_pillarjump2.dm_84
Download oasis_pillarjump3.dm_84
Climbing up the pillars in oasis ruins
Difficulty: Easy++
This is a nice bug in ET which lets you move up by pushing your legs only against a very steep wall.
Thanks to Sun for the demo:
Download oasis_tj_sun_pillarbug.dm_84
Camping at the Allied spawn
Difficulty: Easy++
These demos by {Just-Me}, inV.Stablo and Obito^ show you a nice camping spot for annoying the Allies at their original spawn. Again, some good strafe jumps will do this thing.
Download Demo_Oasis_16.dm_84
Download oasis_camp_allies.dm_84
Download Obito_haha_oasis.dm_84
Getting above the first oasis water pump
Difficulty: Easy
This is an interesting jump which lets you perch way up high in the original
Allied spawn area, above the water pump. You can get there walking up, but still it's a nice spot. Thanks to DX_SteelPhoenix for the demo:
Download oasis_water_pump.dm_84
From outside through the hole near Allied command post
Difficulty: Easy
This trickjump is very handy if you want to avoid mines that are often planted in the small tunnel from the Allied command post. One good strafe jump is needed to get into the hole.
Thanks to garraz and {Just-Me} for these demos.
Download oasis_fastermoving3.dm_84
Download alliedcp2.dm_84
Download throughthecity7.dm_84
Download Demo_Oasis_00.dm_84
Entering the Old City (A)
Difficulty: Easy
This shows one way to enter the old city. It's nothing special but by making
big leaps as shown in this demo, you can avoid mining spots.
garraz and Obito^ have also sent variations of this jump, so here we go:
Download oasis_entercity_a.dm_84
Download oasis_differentwayover.dm_84
Download alliedcp3.dm_84
Download Obito's8-oasis.dm_84
Entering the Old City (B)
Difficulty: Easy
This shows another way to enter the old city. Here, we jump down from the
high ledge on to the doorway of the small entrance leading to the old city. The
nice thing about jumping on the doorway like this is that it lets us jump over
all the dirt area which might possibly be full of landmines. May not be
practical if you aren't comfortable with doing this jump, but in any case it's
an interesting jump to try... Thanks again to garraz for making another demo of this :)
Download oasis_entercity_b.dm_84
Download alliedcp1.dm_84
Jumping up the Allied balcony at their command post
Difficulty: Easy++
Floveless sent in two demos of jumping up the Allied balcony at their command post. It's the opposite direction of Entering the Old City (A).
Very useful jump if you want to take a shortcut to the CP and you can do it easily.
Download oasis_tj_flove_alliesbalcony.dm_84
Download oasis_tj_flove_alliesbalcony2.dm_84
Jumping on top of the doorway
Difficulty: Easy
In this demo by Obito^ you can see how to jump on top of the doorway starting from the ground. This is an easy jump, but still funny to do it. One strafe jump will do it, again.
Download Obito's7-oasis.dm_84
Jumping thru the hole (A)
Difficulty: Easy
Thanks to Pzych0, garraz and Obito^ for these nice demos of jumping thru this hole on the path the Allies enter the old city from.
Download Oasis-JumpingThruHole.dm_84
Download oasis_fastermoving4.dm_84
Download throughthecity5.dm_84
Download throughthecity9.dm_84
Download Obito^011-oasis.dm_84
Jumping thru the hole (B)
Difficulty: Medium
These two demos by {Just-Me} and Obito^ show a different technique of getting thru the hole, they use the ledge near the Allied command post as intermediate target. This is a nice jump to get into the hole quickly from the other side. It's not that hard, but you have to know where to jump:
Download Demo_Oasis_20.dm_84
Download Obito's5-oasis.dm_84.
Jumping from the broken roof to the other side
Difficulty: Medium
Thanks to garraz and Obito^ you can watch how to jump to the other side in the Old City starting at the broken roof. Starting and landing place are similar to the second tree hopping demos, of course here without using the palm tree. This is a pretty nice jump, but you need a good strafe and precise aiming to make it.
Download throughthecity11.dm_84
Download Obito^012-oasis.dm_84.
Camping spot on route to Old City (A)
Difficulty: Medium
Nice camping spot sent in by K_O_G_Fleshy and {Just-Me}... It's not as easy as it looks like to get onto that ledge without falling down... It's not about the jump, this is about not falling down. ;)
Download oasis_ledge_fleshy.dm_84
Download Demo_Oasis_11.dm_84
Camping spot on route to Old City (B)
Difficulty: Easy++
Very interesting jump, lets you set up an MG on a tiny ledge overlooking the
dual tunnel exit. Thanks to DX_SteelPhoenix for the demo:
Download oasis_camping_spot.dm_84
Camping spot on route to Old City (C)
Difficulty: Medium
Here is a neat camping spot in the Old City. This is a tricky jump, because it's hard to jump on the right spot to get enough speed to make it. You can get there also by treehopping (see there) or by jumping up the wall in some jumps from the low side. From there you can get to the highest point in Oasis, too (see next demo). Thanks to {Just-Me} and Obito^ for the demos. They jump with one big leap from near the broken roof to that point.
Download Demo_Oasis_22.dm_84
Download Obito's4-oasis.dm_84
Getting to the highest point in Oasis
Difficulty: Easy++
Here's another great demo by =000=Village Idiot , to get to the highest spot in Oasis. Also from this spot you can get to a cool panzer-camping location, which is shown in this demo. The beginning is easy, but getting on the wooden part might be tricky for some. If you practice this jump enough, it isn't that tough anymore.
Download Oasis-VeryHighGround(WithPanzerCamp).dm_84
Getting on high ground (A)
Difficulty: Easy
This jump puts you at pretty much the highest point in the old city. The
only downside to this position is that enemies can easily panzer the ledge where you're standing.
Download oasis_highground_b.dm_84
Getting on high ground (B)
Difficulty: Easy
This is probably the most practical way to get on to high ground if you are
defending the old city as Axis.
Download oasis_highground_c.dm_84
Jumping up to the MG (A)
Difficulty: Easy
This is a quick little jump that lets you quickly get up to the area with the MG above the old city spawn. This is easy. Nevertheless, it's very useful! I don't know what to do if this jump didn't excist. :P
Download oasis_plankjump.dm_84
Jumping up to the MG (B)
Difficulty: Medium
For {Just-Me} the plankjump is too easy ;). If you manage it you are really fast... The tricky part of this jump is to land on the right spot while you're gaining enough speed to get that high
Download Demo_Oasis_10.dm_84
Getting into a palm tree (A)
Difficulty: Easy++
There are several different palm trees on Oasis that you can actually stand on top of, this is one example of two trees you can hide in in the Old City. Nice spots these are, but staying on the tree is harder than jumping on it; you have to know how the tree is clipped. Here are the demos, courtesy of *PzZy, DX_SteelPhoenix and Obito^ which show you the trees between the Allied tunnel exits and the Axis spawn in old city you can stand on:
Download tree_spot2.dm_84
Download PzZy5.dm_84
Download Obito^002-oasis.dm_84
Tree Hopping (A)
Difficulty: Easy++/Medium
Here is a collection of interesting jumps by
=000=Village Idiot, garraz, {Just-Me} and Obito^.
These jumps involve hopping onto a Palm tree, then bunny hopping to get somewhere else. All jumps are made with the same palm tree in the area between Allied tunnel exits and Axis spawn in the old city.
You start at the broken roof and jump over a palm tree diagonally to the other side:
Download throughthecity.dm_84
Download Obito^-oasis.dm_84 and
These demos are similar to the above, but the trickjumper lands on a fine camping spot, useful for Axis to defend the Old City. From there you also could get to the highest point in the Old city:
Download Demo_Oasis_14.dm_84
Download throughthecity10.dm_84
In these demos you also start at the broken roof, jump over a palm tree and land on the other side like you can see in the screenshot.
Download Oasis-TreeHop1.dm_84
Download Oasis-TreeHop2.dm_84
Download throughthecity4.dm_84
Downlod Obito's6-oasis.dm_84
Here you start at the camping spot from the first demos and jump over to the ledge near the MG:
Download Oasis-TreeHop3.dm_84
Download throughthecity8.dm_84
Download Obito^haha3-oasis.dm_84
Getting up from the ledge
Difficulty: Easy
Sometimes while defending the old city, you might fall down on to this small ledge by mistake. Here is a jump, submitted by =000=Village Idiot, which shows you how to get back up. A normal (strafe) jump will do it, but still it is a very useful jump.
Download Oasis-GetUpFromLedgeBelow.dm_84
Interesting bug: Stuck in a wall
Difficulty: Easy/not possible
{Just-Me} made a demo of an intersting bug: You can get stuck in this wall in the Old City near the path where the Allies enter from. This is an easy trick, but it seems it's not possible in ETpro. Pity..
Download oasis_jm_oc_bug.dm_84
Jumping around the old city (A)
Difficulty: Easy - Medium
This is a series of demos garraz and {Just-Me} made
to show you a bunch of jumps around the old city, which make it a lot easier to move around faster. Note, some of the jumps they recorded might be duplicates of ones which are already posted, but it's still worth a look...
Part A includes the area between the Axis spawn and the Allied tunnel exits.
Download throughthecity2.dm_84
Download throughthecity6.dm_84
Download throughthecity13.dm_84: Jumping down safely
Download Demo_Oasis_12.dm_84
Download Demo_Oasis_13.dm_84
Jumping around the old city (B)
Difficulty: Easy - Medium
Thanks to garraz, {Just-Me} and Obito^ for these demos! Like part A they show you how to move around faster inside the old city.
Part B includes the area between the Axis spawn and the Old City wall.
Download oasis_fastermoving.dm_84
Download Obito^'----3-oasis.dm_84
Download oasis_fastermoving2.dm_84
Download throughthecity3.dm_84: Quick route to the Old city wall
Download Demo_Oasis_01.dm_84
Camping above old city spawn
Difficulty: Easy++
You can actually stand on those wooden pegs in the wall above the old city flag. Thanks to DX_SteelPhoenix for the demo:
Download oasis_above_spawn.dm_84
Interesting bug at the Old City spawn
Difficulty: Easy++/not possible
A very interesting bug on Oasis lets you do this... This sure is funny, but this bug is not in ETpro anymore (correct me if I'm wrong). Too bad... Thanks to inV.Stablo for sending in these two demos:
Download oasis_nice_bug_stablo.dm_84
Download oasisbug.dm_84.
Another high ground spot above spawn (A)
Difficulty: Easy
Here is another place you can camp the old city with an MG from. Thanks to DX_SteelPhoenix for the demo, where you jump onto the blind:
Download oasis_above_spawn2.dm_84
High ground above spawn (B)
Difficulty: Easy++
{Just-Me} made a demo where you jump on the second blind above the Axis spawn in old city. This is the same as the jump before, but now you need a good strafe to get on the second canvas. It's a bit harder than it looks.
Download Demo_Oasis_19.dm_84
Camping Spot in old city
Difficulty: Medium
Great camping spot by {Just-Me} for camping inside the old city facing the original Axis spawn point. This jump needs a good strafe and the trick is to jump on the right spot so you don't fall down when you reach it.
Download Demo_Oasis_17.dm_84
Getting into a palm tree (B)
Difficulty: Medium++
Again a demo by {Just-Me}, the second demo was made by Obito^. In part B you can see some palm trees you can stand on in front of the original Axis spawn in the old city and near the water pump (second demo). The jumps are pretty tough, and doing them all in a row doesn't make them easier! The first part needs a gammajump starting with a speedgaining strafe and the second part is a gammajump with a bounce. It's not easy to get in that "window", because you have to aim very well and hold crouch (or press prone) in the air to get in it.
Download Demo_Oasis_18.dm_84
Download Obito^003-oasis.dm_84
Tree Hopping (B)
Difficulty: Easy++
Berkowitz shows you a jump with treehopping in the Old City. Another way of faster moving in oasis.
Download oasis_tj_Ber_oc_treehop.dm_84
Getting on high ground (C)
Difficulty: Easy/Medium
This jump lets you get on a rooftop above the old city. From here you could
panzer or something, to catch anyone trying to sneak in to the old city.
Probably more work than it's worth but in any case it's another interesting
jump. If you can walk and if you can find spacebar, then you will be able to do this jump easily. Garraz and Obito^ performed the jump in another way which makes it harder. Thanks to these two for sending in the demos.
Download oasis_highground_a.dm_84
Download throughthecity12.dm_84
Download Obito^'----2-oasis.dm_84
Moving fast from near the Allied tunnel exit to the water pump
Difficulty: Medium
Here's a nice way of faster moving from near the Allied tunnel exit to the water pump. A nice jump, but it looks a bit useless to me unless you are an engineer which is able to construct very fast. :0)
Demo by Berkowitz.
Download oasis_tj_Ber_oc_bounce.dm_84
Big jump over the water pump (unbuilt)
Difficulty: Easy++
Cool demos sent by Pzych0, =[CoI]=Shodan and Obito^, which involve bunny hopping over the unbuilt oasis water pump. Its a bit tricky to land on that tiny platform on the waterpump.
Download Oasis-2ndWaterPumpJump.dm_84
Download Oasis_WaterPump_Unbuilt_Shodan.dm_84
Download oasis_tj_ob_pump1.dm_84 and oasis_tj_ob_pump2.dm_84
Big jump over the water pump (built)
Difficulty: Medium
This demo by {Just-Me} is similar to the jump above, but he jumps over the built Oasis Water pump from the other direction (towards the wall). It's harder than the previous jump because you need to start from a greater distance, get enough speed and bunnyhop at a slippy(!) part.
Download Demo_Oasis_02.dm_84
Camping spot in the tunnel at the Old city water pump
Difficulty: Easy
Sun sent in a demo how you can stand in the tunnel wall at the Old city water pump. This is a small spot to stand on. May become useful if there are some axis players camping for incoming allies.
Download oasis_tj_sun_pitbug.dm_84
The Oasis Walljump (bunnyhop)
Difficulty: Easy
This is one of those great jumps that totally freaks out the other team, and can change the course of an entire game. It takes some practice to get right if you are new to trickjumping so you may want to attempt this only after you've practiced on other jumps.
The easiest way to do this jump is as a 2-part bunny hop. In this case, the important thing is to make sure that you time your first jump perfectly so that you land at the very edge of the ledge closest to the wall. Note that the first jump can just be a sprint jump, doesn't have to be a CSJ. When you land, then you need to do a CSJ to make the huge leap to the top of the wall. Try to aim to land on the lowest part of the wall. This jump might be hard for starting trickjumpers, but since this jump is in every TJ map these days it isn't hard at all.
Download oasis_wall.dm_84
There are also a couple of variations of the
oasis wall bunnyhop jump, sent by Pzych0:
Download Oasis-OldCityWall-Harder.dm_84
Download Oasis-OldCityWall-RunOffEdgeJump.dm_84
=[CoI]=Shodan also sent in a demo which is similar to the last download. Here is the description for that walljump variation he included (followed by his demo):
"Here's another handy little walljump that starts with a circle jump followed
by a strafe jump over the wall :) You don't need stamina and you can do it while running so
there's no stopping and jumpin up on other ledge. Quite effective for me anyways :)"
Download walljump2.dm_84
The Oasis Walljump (bunnyhop) backwards
Difficulty: Easy++
Obito^ and dupa also made a demo of jumping over the Old City wall backwards: Jumping this backwards is cool, but I think it doesn't make the jump much harder.
Download Obito^haha2-oasis.dm_84
Download oasis_tj_walljumpbackwards.dm_84
The Oasis Walljump (single jump)
Difficulty: Easy++
It's possible to do the Oasis walljump without a bunny hop, just a single
jump. This is much harder, because now you start with no momentum, so to do it
properly you have to have a very good CSJ form and good timing. But if you can do a great strafe jump, then you can do this easily. Nexu (a.k.a.
Venom) has kindly contributed a video (AVI) of himself doing this jump. It's
done with timescale=0.5, so you can see what's going on more clearly.
Download oasis_wall++.avi
Download Obito^005-oasis.dm_84 (Demo by Obito^)
Venom also sent me a demo of him teaching some guys on a pub how to walljump. It is a very nice demo, which features him doing the walljump in 3 different ways: forwards bunny hop, backwards bunny hop, and single jump. He also does a lot of other cool oasis trickjumps in this demo, some of which are covered below and a couple which aren't. This demo is pretty long (maybe 15-20 minutes I think) so you'll have to use the demo controls to fast forward through a lot of it since there's lots of goofing around and random silliness :)
Download walljump-fest.rar
Alternate Oasis Walljump
Difficulty: Medium++
Here's a crazy jump cooked up by
This jump is great (if you can pull it off) because with the usual oasis
walljump, you often get shot down before you even get to the point where the
jump begins. This is a nice trick, really. This is a gammajump which needs good aiming and speedcontrol; however it's not the hardest jump I can imagine. With this jump, you bunny hop across the entire length of
the old city, so you have a much better chance of getting to the wall unharmed.
Here is the official description from the Rasta man himself:
"it's a newer and more sneaky way to cross the oasis wall, you don't expose yourself too much by starting from where I start, once you really get going your UPS is 850+ and no noob is gonna be able to take a potshot at you:LOL: This jump I would certainly rate as hard since first of all, your starting speed must be a certain minimum speed else the jump will fail. When you start this jump you have to make a proper left CSJ and aim to land about exactly where I land in the demo. On your first CSJ you should have atleast 470UPS, by the time you land that first jump your UPS will have increased to 820 or so (cuz it also adds fallingspeed ofcourse), from there its just a matter of holding your left strafe and forward and jump all the way to steer you towards the wall, by the time you end up at the wall its basically the inertia thats pulling you over;) So to recapitulate, only the startjump is done with left CSJ, all the other jumps are normal left strafe jumps, all you have to do is keep steering your mouse in the correct path so you keep hitting the platforms instead of sliding off to the right (remember to keep track of your mousemovements)."
Good luck! :)
Download wjfromdistance4.dm_84 (Demo by garraz).
[LHM]NewComer17 also recorded a very nice demo of the alternate walljump including jumping back to capture the Old City flag:
Download alternate_walljump_Newcomer17.dm_84
Similar are the long-version walljumps, demos made by garraz, Obito^ and Venom. They start at/near the Allied MG:
Download wjfromdistance1.dm_84
Download wjfromdistance2.dm_84
Download wjfromdistance3.dm_84
Download Obito^-SuperWalljump-oasis.dm_84
Download Obito's1-oasis.dm_84
Download alternate_oasis_walljump_venom.dm_84
|Neophyte.j4l sent in a demo where he combines the long-version walljump with getting back to capture the flag:
Download Neophyte_combojump.dm_84
Sneaking over the Oasis wall
Difficulty: Medium++
Ah, this is the famous walljump over the balconies. It's a pretty hard jump, but if you practice it alot, then you will have a bigger chance for success. This jump by {Just-Me} and Obito^ let you sneak over the Old City wall from the other side.
Very cool and hard indeed!
Download Demo_Oasis_09.dm_84
Download Obito^004-oasis.dm_84
Inverse Oasis walljump
Difficulty: Medium
Obito^ shows you a crazy jump, where you jump over the Old City wall from the other side - really weird! This jump is pretty neat. The wallslide makes you gain enough speed.
Download Obito^Crazyjump-oasis.dm_84
Getting back over the Old City Wall (A)
Difficulty: Easy
This jump is useful for getting back into the old city and recapturing the
flag for example, if you're Axis. A strafe jump is enough. Thanks to
Ragnar-X- for this screenshot, and to DX_SteelPhoenix for the demo. This jump looks pretty
big, but it's actually pretty easy... This one is so much fun to do- go behind
Allies and shoot them down with their own MG, or go behind the old city and
perch somewhere so you can keep calling airstrikes on their spawn while they are
wondering where you are hiding ;)
Download old_city_flag.dm_84
Getting back over the Old City Wall (B)
Difficulty: Easy++
Berkowitz and Obito^ do a similar jump, but they land further near the Old city spawn. The same jump as before, but now you need a better strafe.
Download oasis_tj_Ber_oc_nearwall.dm_84
Download Obito^'----1-oasis.dm_84
Sliding down the wall
Difficulty: Easy
The following two demos show you how to jump down the destroyed Old City Wall without getting hurt. Thanks to garraz for these ones.
Download wallslide.dm_84
Download wallslide2.dm_84.
Getting on to ledge outside old city wall
Difficulty: Easy
This jump lets you camp the ledge right outside the old city wall. This is a
good, sneaky place to hide and camp enemies trying to come outside the old city.
Thanks to *PzZy for this demo:
Download PzZy3.dm_84
Getting into a palm tree (C)
Difficulty: Easy
Here's a palm tree between tunnels and old city wall where you can hide in to camp. Thanks to DX_SteelPhoenix for this demo:
Download tree_spot.dm_84
Tree Hopping (C)
Difficulty: Medium/Medium++
{Just-Me} shows you how you can trickjump in this region including the palm trees. A good strafe and a nice gamma is all you need.
Download Demo_Oasis_03.dm_84
Obito^ made a demo where he uses a palm tree to jump back from near the tunnels over the blown wall into the Old city. His jump is harder. You will have to gain more speed and land on the right spots.
Download Obito^Crazyjump2-oasis.dm_84
Avoiding doorway mine
Difficulty: Easy
=000=Village Idiot shows you how to go through this door without tripping mines.
Download Oasis-AvoidDoorwayMine.dm_84