1. Door to Leave the City
2. Mess Hall
3. Barracks
4. Zhentrim Ambush
5. Pit
6. Dead Cleric
7. Pit to the Temple of Moander
8. Entrance
9. Alias and Dragonbait
10. Mogion
11. Treasure
12. Stairs to Leave the Temple
As soon as you enter you’ll be intercepted by guards so ask for permission and follow them to their
commander. When you wait for him some men burst out from a room and someone asks you to stop
them; do so and eliminate the spies to obtain the respect of the commander who’ll let you move
freely in the city now even if it’s under siege. There is nothing relevant in the city except that is full
of enemies, it’s a good place to increase your experience but save often and use the barracks in the
red plume quarter to rest freely.
Anyway, before
entering the temple itself, pay a
visit to the remains of a
cleric at 6. Some
shambling mounds are trying to get the body away so intercept and destroy them. On the dead cleric
you’ll find the
Wand of Defoliation that is very
useful against the mounds and seems
to have
unlimited charges. Now rest and enter the temple at 7.
The passage will be blocked behind you at 8 but don’t worry. Go to 9 and meet two fighters that can
join your party if you want then descend the stairs marked with a symbol on this map to access the
inner temple. Rest if you need then go all the way north to 10 and meet your enemy. Mogion and
the cultists are raising their god Moander and, in the process, your third bond disappears. When you
can, choose to
attack them immediately and begin
the battle. Eliminate the cultists
first with a
couple of “Fireball” spells then concentrate on the shambling mounds with “Magic Missiles” and
the Wand of
Defoliation; when the battle is
over continue it and heal your
wounded characters
because you’ll now face three bits of the Moander. They’re particularly nasty but you should have
no problem with the Wand of Defoliation in your possession. When the battle is concluded use the
“Search” command to find some other treasure at 11 then rest and heal before heading to the exit.
At 12 in fact the cultists make a last attempt to stop you but they’re no serious threat. Leave the
temple and you’ll find yourself in the wilderness; Yulash is now under attack and you can’t enter it
anymore so journey to Teshwave to make your preparations for the next stage then, when ready,
travel to Zhentil Keep and enter the city.