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Chapter 5 - Predator Walk-through

Episode III: Vaults (cont.)

Take the first right you come to after passing the 2 sign and enter the Alien holding area. Move to the end of the room and ride the lift to the second level and continue through the passageway. Go through several airlocks and then downstairs, fighting a few Aliens along the way with your pistol. Follow the passageway as it bends to the left. You're now in a large passageway with numbered signs above your head. Keep following the main passageway until you're in the 3 area, finally making the final right turn, slipping through a door, and finding yourself in a security office. Grab the security key off the table and return to the main passageway.

  Be sure to grab the security key off the table before continuing on.

Head down the main passageway and take the next left you come to. The signs above your head should read: 4. Keep heading through the passageway until you enter a large chamber. Take the path at your left through a series of several doors until you find yourself in a large room with a strange mechanism in the middle of the room. Go to the opposite side of the room and to the left and you'll see a switch. Pull the switch and get ready to fight an Alien/Predator mutant, the PredAlien! Be quick in this fight - time is limited.



Your best bet is to use three shots from your pistol to fell the PredAlien monstrosity and quickly retrace your steps back into the large chamber.


At the other end of the room, off to the left, is a small door. Quickly head through this door until you come to a switch on the wall. Pull the switch and retrace your steps back into the last large chamber. Turn right and approach the left down a right side passageway. Take the lift up and quickly head through the first door you come to until you finally see the Predator ship. Make all haste up the ramp of your ship and you'll have successfully completed this level!

Next: Episode IV