Episode I: Derelict (cont.) Follow the tunnel and enter a two-story room. Ride a lift up and exit through the only available corridor. You hang a left and right and finally reach a catwalk overlooking an adjacent room to the left. These are generators that power the ventilation system of the base. Stand far from the generators and destroy them with your pulse rifle. The destruction of the generators disables a fan you'll come across later in the level. Resume heading down the tunnel where you'll reach the top of a three-story room. Unlike the Alien, the Marine can't fall from great heights and survive. Don't fall down into the room below. Instead, follow the tunnel across and keep moving through your only available path (you'll pass by a huge Alien structure). You'll end at a fork in the path, leading left and right. Turn left and hit the switch on the wall. You'll be notified that you've activated the correct switch.
Return to the catwalk overlooking the large Alien structure and use the lift in the middle of the room to descend to the floor. There will probably be a few Aliens in this area; take them out and proceed right, into a small tunnel and finally into a larger room with three openings into an Alien-like structure. All of the openings lead into the same area; take any doorway and turn left, following the tunnel and finally to an elevator that will move down. After reaching the floor, pass by the dead Alien manning the turret and find the tunnel leading into a new area. By this time, you'll have exited the Alien environment; pass through a doorway to end the level. |