Episode V: Tyrargo Mission Objective: You're on board a new ship now, but the situation remains the same. All personnel have already evacuated when you arrive; the vessel has been overrun by Aliens (including a never-before-seen breed) as well as a pesky Predator who will make your life tough at the end of the mission. Proceed down the hallway and operate the lever on your left to open the airlock doors. Move through the door into a large hangar. Look to your right to see a familiar construction robot spotted in one of the movies. On the floor of the hangar, you can pick up some armor and a pulse rifle. On the other side of the hangar, to the left, you'll spot a staircase leading up to two switches. Climb the stairs and operate both switches. One moves a crane and the other opens a door on the left wall of the hangar. Move through this door. You've now entered several crew quarters. Keep moving through, following the linear path through a locker room area and into a second set of crew quarters. You'll likely face some Aliens and Alien Facehuggers. Use your image intensifier if you need a better visual. In the second crew quarters, pick up the two pulse rifles resting against the left wall. There's also a medkit further down.
Head into another set of crew quarters, grabbing another pulse rifle along the way. You'll eventually reach a fork leading both left and forward. Turn left and then a short left again leading into a set of showers. Pick up the smartgun in the center of the shower stall. Exit the shower and head into the adjacent locker room. At the back of the locker room you'll locate a vent on the right wall. Break the vent with your pulse rifle and enter. Turn left, go down a set of stairs and turn right and walk to another vent on your right. Break it. Kill any Aliens inside this shaft. Now you'll find yourself in the mess hall of the Tyrargo. On the left side of the room, stuffed in a corner and concealed by shadows, you'll find a flame thrower. Move through the only available exit and into a dimly lit room. A wall switch sits on the right side of the room. Flip the switch to activate a nearby lift. Hop on the lift and ride it upward.
Move forward and you'll spot a red light on your left. Soon, you'll receive a message over the intercom system. Your human friend will tell you that to enter the reactor area, you must reactivate the cooling system. Move forward, past the red light and the locked door, and you'll find a switch at the end of a dark hall. Activate the switch; the cooling system restarts. Return to the red light (that is now blue) and proceed through the door, now on your right. Head straight, down a staircase and through a large door. |