Episode V: Tyrargo (cont.) The next room curves to the left; at the end of this hall will be about four or five barrels (not to mention loads of Aliens coming from all sides). Blast the barrels before you attempt to get around them. Once removed, head down the hall and turn right and then right again into a reactor-like area. Grab the armor and medkit on the floor nearby. At the end of this hall, on the left, you'll find a staircase. Take it. Keep moving until you reach another fork, this time to the left and to the right. In front of you, two fans spin rapidly. Turn left and hit the switch on the wall to deactivate the fans. Now, turn around and move forward through a door that was previously on your right. You're now in an extremely dark hall; you'll likely need to use your image intensifier to get a good look at your surroundings. Loads of Aliens pop out of every available orifice in the corridor here. In fact, a new Alien form, the Praetorian, sort of a baby Queen, also attacks you. The Praetorian is tough; it'll require lots of shots to the head before it goes down. Pick up the armor on the left side of the hall for assistance. Keep moving down the hall and operate the switch to open another door. Move through and enter a room with a lift. Head down and enter a door that leads into another hangar. Here's where the tough fight begins. Inside the hangar, initially, you'll find a few Aliens and a deadly Predator. Unleash all you have at the Predator, even using the missiles and barrels nearby. Fire at the barrels or missiles when the Predator is near to cause an explosion, hurting the fast, elusive creature. Once the Predator has been killed, your human pal will come through over the intercom, telling you he's done all he can for you. Another Praetorian, or maybe even a PredAlien, will emerge from the ceiling. Kill him and the hangar doors (likely behind you) will open. Head through fast cause they won't stay open very long.
Head down the hall to another
lift. Hit the switch nearby to activate the lift and move up. You'll reach
a platform overlooking space; a lift will rest nearby. Move around the
lift, to its rear, to find the activation switch. Additional Aliens and
Praetorians will make every effort to prevent your escape. Hop on the
lift, descend, and move forward to end the level. |