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Icon Name Effect
antidote Antidote Cures Poison instantly
Adds +50 to Poison Resistance and +10 to maximum Poison Resistance fro 30 seconds
choking_gas Choking Gas Causes Poison damage when thrown
Throw Damage: 72
Req Level: 10
exploding Exploding Causes an explosion when thrown
Throw Damage: 16-30
Req Level: 10
full_rejuvenation Full rejuvenation Instantly refills 100% Mana and Life
fulminating Fulminating Causes an explosion when thrown
Throw Damage: 5-15
Healing Refills your Life
Comes in five strengths:
minor, light, normal, greater, super
Mana Refills your Mana
Comes in five strengths:
minor, light, normal, greater, super
oil Oil Causes an explosion and fire when thrown
Throw Damage: 24-64
Req Level: 16
rancid_gas Rancid Gas Causes a large amount of damage when thrown
Throw Damage: 96
Req Level: 16
rejevenation Rejuvenation Instantly heals 35% of mana and life
stamina Stamina Instantly restores stamina
Adds super stamina recovery for 30 seconds
strangling Strangling Gas Causes poison damage when thrown
Throw Damage: 24
thawing Thawing Instantly removes the effect of cold spells
Adds +50 to Cold Resistance and +10 to maximum Cold Resistance for 30 seconds

Hit points recovered by character, per healing potion strength

Character Class
Potion strength Amazon, Assassin, and Paladin Barbarian Druid, Necromancer and Sorceress
minor_healminor 45 60 30
light_heallight 90 120 60
healingnormal 150 200 100
greater_healgreater 270 360 180
super_healsuper 480 640 320

Mana points recovered by character, per mana potion strength

Character Class
Potion strength Amazon, Assassin, and Paladin Barbarian Druid, Necromancer and Sorceress
minor_manaminor 30 20 40
light_manalight 60 40 80
mananormal 120 80 160
greater_managreater 225 150 300
super_manasuper 375 250 500

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Last modified: July 9, 2009

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