A Town Guide Rampart Overview: The rampart is what remains of the old sorceress' town. However, it is one of the strongest town types in the game, and its ancestry should not fool you into underestimating this town. The troops of this town type are powerful but slow. Even the faster troops of this town type often lose initiative to the faster troops of other towns. You need to climb up the tech tree quickly to get faster troops. Unfortunately, this town only has one ranged unit (albeit a good one), but every unit except for the centaur has a special ability. The magic of this town is strong, and the special buildings are very helpful. However, the buildings are expensive to build. This town needs to find a crystal mine quickly. Pros:
Best first-level troop; dwarves and dendroids are very durable for their
level; good mix of fast attackers and slow but strong support troops;
below average resource cost for units and structures; nearly all creatures
have useful special abilities. Creatures It is important to upgrade your troops, because they are otherwise too weak or slow to stand against the ranged fire of towns (like the dungeon) or the quick-striking might of a town (like the castle). The wood elves should be a priority upgrade because of this town's shortage of ranged attackers. The dwarves and dendroids should also be upgraded as soon as possible because they are too slow to be really useful otherwise. You should rely on magic to bolster your troops' effectiveness. Silver pegasi are not only necessary for the much needed speed they give you, but are also excellent for hampering enemy magic users, especially in the early game when heroes only have 20-30 magic points. Buildings The special buildings of this town type are very useful economically. The mystic pool, which has no building prerequisites, gives you random bonus resources each week, but don't count on it always giving you the exact resource you need. The treasury is also good for adding extra gold at the beginning of each week, provided you leave enough in the "bank," so to speak, so you can gain interest. The fountain of fortune boosts your luck during town defense. The resource silo produces +1 crystal, while the blacksmith builds first aid tents. The rampart grail building is the Spring Guardian, which gives you +5000 gold each day, augments creature growth by another +50 percent, and gives all your heroes a +2 luck bonus. Magic