Castle units, continued Cavaliers/Champions The cavaliers and champions are among the best sixth-level troops, with an excellent combination of statistics. Their jousting bonus should be used to maximum effect. Basically, for every hex you travel before hitting your target, you do +5 percent more damage, to a maximum of +50 percent damage. So always attack from the far side of your opponent, running up to them and circling around them before striking. The computer uses this to great effect and you should copy this tactic. The cavalier is itself a strong unit, so the champion upgrade isn't a priority for this town. When you can afford to upgrade, however, this unit becomes a very powerful unit for a very reasonable price. The build order for the cavalier dwelling allows you to build cavaliers before monks, so you might want to consider that. However, if you do so, then you might want to upgrade the cavaliers to champions so you can engage your opponents quicker, reducing the damage you receive from enemy ranged attacks. Angel/Archangel The angel is the best unupgraded seventh-level unit, and the archangel is the best upgraded seventh-level unit. They both have the best speed, attack, and damage for their respective levels, and are simply the most powerful units in the game. If you have the angel, no lower level creature will beat you in speed except for the efreet sultan and dragon fly. The archangel is so fast it can go anywhere on the tactical map, effectively negating any enemy ranged unit. It can also resurrect a stack of dead units, permanently raising a number of creatures depending on how many archangels are in the stack casting the resurrection. Not only are the angel and archangel incredibly powerful, but they can also benefit from spells (unlike dragons), making them even deadlier. Angels and archangels do 150 percent damage to devils and arch devils. A full complement of castle units, with the angel and archangel in ranks, is arguably the most powerful army in the game. However, the portal of glory and its upgrade are extremely expensive to build, and you need to have a lot of gold mines and town halls to support an army of angels or archangels.